Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

A highly developed race of waterfowl humanoids builds their cities on the bottom of the seas and oceans

A highly developed underwater civilization builds their cities on the bottom of the seas and oceans

In the autumn of 1902, the British ship Fort Salisbury collided with an unidentified underwater object, the supernatural appearance of which left an indelible impression in the minds of eyewitnesses of this unexpected meeting.

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We visited the ship of an Alien Civilization...

A visit to the ship of an alien civilization...

Their appearance is almost ordinary, like that of Earthlings. Medium height, strong build, friendly… They were given out by slightly slow speech, telepathic communication among themselves, the ability to read our thoughts, ahead of the formulation of questions and answers.

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Secret army vs aliens

Whitehall insists that DI 55 unit is not solely dedicated to UFO surveillance

Whitehall denies that the DI55 unit exists only to observe UFOs. So what did the secret services study and did they study?

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A hybrid alien? The story of Eddie Page

Hybrid Alien: The Story of Eddie Page

A man from Florida said he was a hybrid alien. Eddie Page's story evokes the strangest claims in the world about UFOs and aliens. He claimed to be an alien, a hybrid alien whose father was from the Pleiadean star system.

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A unique case when a UFO crashed with a abducted person on board

A unique case when a UFO crashed with a abducted  person on board

Aliens abducted a resident of Los Angeles from her home and took her to a huge mothership, where they changed clothes and did some experiments with her. Then they decided to take her back home, but something happened and the ship crashed on a field near a military base...

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Matilda McElroy - the nurse who communicated with the alien from Roswell

Matilda McElroy - the nurse who communicated with the alien from Roswell

This weird story was published back in 2008 but is still little known even among ufologists. She was told by a woman who allegedly personally saw the bodies of aliens in Roswell, and even communicated with one of them telepathically.

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The abduction of Orlando Jorge Ferraudi by aliens

The abduction of Orlando Jorge Ferraudi by aliens

Argentinian Orlando Jorge Ferrari was abducted in 1956

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Abductions of people. The Scottish Trail

Otherworldly encounters: the Scottish Trail of abductions

There are numerous stories about abductions, specifically the abduction of earthlings by extraterrestrial beings. Some of these stories may seem like fairy tales for adults, while others are supported by convincing arguments and irrefutable facts. It is up to the reader to determine which category this case falls into.

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Buck Nelson abduction

The farmer said that he had visited Mars, the Moon and Venus

In the 1950s, a farmer named Buck Nelson claimed to have visited Mars, the Moon, and Venus. On a spaceship with two aliens.

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The story of the Australian Kelly Cahill abducted by aliens

Kelly Cahill. Aliens abduction

It was something rounded with glass and windows, illuminated from below. We drove closer and closer to it, but the object did not make any noise.

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Stan Romanek - abducted by aliens, father of hybrid children

Stan Romanek - abducted by aliens, dad of hybrid children

An interesting case of prolonged alien contact throughout the contactee's life

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The woman said that the aliens took her eggs

Her eggs were taken by aliens, the woman confidently reported!

The users were divided into two groups. However, it is important to note that her experience is consistent with symptoms of sleep paralysis. During sleep paralysis, individuals often experience frightening hallucinations, including dark figures.

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How did the investigation of the mysterious death of a miner who was abducted by aliens 40 years ago end?

What was the outcome of the investigation into the mysterious death of a miner who was abducted by aliens 40 years ago?

In 1980, an English farmer just left home to go shopping. His mysterious death is still being discussed.

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I was abducted by reptilians

I was a reptilian abductee.

The Briton recounted what happened to him when he was abducted by "reptilian" aliens and taken aboard their UFO.

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Interview with an alien. Part 3. Final

Interview with an alien. Part 3

And we continue the story of a visitor to our site about a conversation with aliens.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

The Pentagon is advised to prepare for a war on the moon

The Pentagon is advised to prepare for a war on the moonThe US Space Force can expand its presence beyond the planet.

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