Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

The Manhattan alien abduction story

The Manhattan alien abduction story

One of the most significant cases of UFO abduction occurred on November 30, 1989, in Manhattan, New York. The case centers around one Linda Napolitano, who claims that the greys abducted a waiting UFO from the window of their closed apartment and subjected her to medical procedures. The case became known through the efforts of researcher Budd Hopkins.

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Aliens in the Vatican archives or the of secret Heinrich Ludwig

Aliens in the Vatican archives or the mistery of Heinrich Ludwig

In the 1920s, a well-known architect, a lover of occultism and ancient languages, allegedly gained access to the secret archives of the Vatican and found there incredible information about ancient aliens on Earth...

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Abduction of airborne Sergeant Charles L. Moody

Abduction of airborne Sergeant Charles L. Moody

In 1975, an airborne sergeant was abducted by aliens who gave him a small tour of their aircraft. This case is well documented and studied. Do you want to know when the next contact will be?

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Astronauts can't talk about aliens because of threats

Astronauts can't talk about aliens because of threats

Former employees of NASA and NATO spoke about the methods used by the agency to hide the existence of extraterrestrials. Is there really something being hidden from us? Is there a danger to conspiracy theorists? Find out in the article

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Where are the underground alien bases on Earth?

Where are the underground alien bases on Earth?

There is a lot of evidence of underground bases in different parts of the planet, most of which are believed to serve the aliens as experimental or military training grounds. Here is a list of 10 such major supposed underground alien bases on Earth.

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The story of Zanfretta or kidnapped by reptiloids in Italy

The story of Zanfretta or kidnapped by reptiloids in Italy. Zanfretta Alien Abduction

Over the course of four years, scaly three-meter reptilians kidnapped an Italian named Pierre Zanfretta at least 6 times, conducting incomprehensible conversations with him and showing strange creatures from other galaxies.

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3 facts about the mysterious Anunnaki

Three facts about the mysterious Anunnaki

What do we know about the Anunnaki? Yes, almost nothing. In addition to what is written in ancient Sumerian texts. Yes, they give a lot of mysterious details. However, they usually do not answer any questions. And they create even more of them. In this article, we will look at three of the most mysterious facts about the mysterious Anunnaki.

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Alien battle in the sky over Nuremberg in 1561: eyewitness accounts and opinions of scientists

Alien battle in the sky over Nuremberg in 1561: eyewitness accounts and opinions of scientists

Throughout our history, many people have claimed to have seen strange things in the sky. Much of what was described as nothing more than natural phenomena or astronomical events, such as meteor showers or comets, clouds of unusual shapes that were mistaken for flying saucers. But what happened in the dawn sky over Nuremberg in medieval Germany still baffles scientists, even four hundred years later.

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Paul Hellyer, UFOs and aliens have been here for a long time.

Paul Hellyer, UFOs and aliens have been here for a long time.

Former Canadian Minister of Defense, Paul Theodore Hellyer. Speaker at the Toronto symposium on UFO secrecy. Which about 150 people gathered in the auditorium of the University of Toronto. For a fascinating overview of the old politician about what worries the country, the world economy, and our entire planet. Hellyer explained to those present that the secret Kabbalistic group of people. It is currently strangling the international banking system. And it doesn't give humanity the technology available from alien visitors.

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Alyoshenka alien from Kyshtym - a real alien on Earth

Alyoshenka from Kyshtym - a real alien on Earth

In 1996, in the village of Kaolinovy in the cemetery, a pensioner found a strange creature, to which she gave the name Alyoshenka. After the death of a humanoid, ufologists announced the alien origin of the dwarf. His mummy was sent to Kamensk-Uralsky for research and mysteriously disappeared.

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The former head of the Israeli space program said about living among people aliens - israel aliens

The former head of the Israeli space program said about living among people aliens - israel aliens

The aliens have made a deal with the US government and are living among humans. They will announce themselves when humanity is ready, said the former head of the Israeli space program, Chaim Eshed. His words are reported by the Jewish press.

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Russian secret alien races book

Russian Secret alien races book

This is quite an interesting material containing information about the races of aliens and UFOs. How authentic is this book? I can't judge

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The Anunnaki of the planet Nibiru created humans on Earth

The Anunaki of the planet Nibiru created humans on Earth

A number of secret societies profess myths about the origin of the earth and humanity, talking about the Anunnaki-creatures that the Sumerians considered travelers who descended from heaven.

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What planets do aliens live on?

What planets do aliens live on?

Relatively close to our planet (let's not forget that the count goes to tens or even hundreds of light-years), astronomers have identified planets that are quite suitable in their physical parameters and composition (data are sketchy) for the life of other stellar races. Perhaps in the distant future, to some of the planets listed below, the first stellar expeditions will be sent to establish the fact of the presence of intelligent life and, accordingly, contacts.

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The Voronezh UFO incident. What happened in September 1989?

The Voronezh UFO incident. What happened in September 1989?

This incident occurred in 1989 and was well documented, including on video. It is rare to find real evidence of UFOs, which has been confirmed by numerous witnesses.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

New UFO sightings 2021. January 21, 2021

UFO sightings 2021. January 21, 2021This video was posted by Katya Lel, a famous Russian singer who made a sensational statement about her UFO contact a few years ago.

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