Declassified documents and reports - ufo disclosures

Declassified UFO documents - ufo disclosures

This page contains declassified documents from major security agencies around the world. We study hundreds of disclosed documents (including CIA UFO files) a day and post only the most interesting ones specifically for you.

The study of such documents allows you to more thoroughly analyze the UFO phenomenon, and indirectly confirms the facts that you are interested in. All documents have a description, some of them have a full description, some of them have full content, not in PDF.

Everything is typed manually, so here is only meaningful material, and not the work of OCR programs in automatic mode. Declassified documents are often of poor quality, so only manually and by man can you give a correct assessment, and not by machine.

You can easily search for these reports on our website.

UFO disclosure. Aliens against nuclear weapons

Aliens opposed to nuclear weapons: The truth about UFOs

The title of the article is not a joke, there is a real reason for studying this phenomenon, which is what the United States is doing, regardless of whether they officially recognize these facts or not.

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Disclosure of the information report of aerial reconnaissance about the collision with UFOs

Aerial Reconnaissance Information Report

How the man was injured by an unknown phenomenon is described in the official document.

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Incident 40 - UFO

Incident 40 - UFO

Incident 40 includes photos of a suspected UFO and possibly one of the first appearances of Men in Black

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UFO sightings - wednesday 31 March 1993

UFO sightings by RAF

The reports from the British Police and RAF regarding unusual lights that behaved atypically are intriguing to study.

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Flying saucers and national security implications. CIA document

The document from the CIA regarding unidentified flying objects and their potential impact on national security.

After conducting an investigation, OSI has determined that the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base is the primary group actively researching flying saucers.

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NASA has been hiding the presence of UFOs on Earth. But why?

NASA hid the presence of UFOs in Earth orbit. But why? Report №С05137093

In 2012, this document was first published in the USA. However, a lot of things were covered up with a black marker. What did NASA want to hide? We figure it out together

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The Pentagon has confirmed work on materials of alleged alien origin

Pentagon confirms work on materials of alleged extraterrestrial origin

The alien samples themselves are described as small layered products based on bismuth, magnesium, and zinc and a round plate made of black and silver metals. Experts who have examined these samples before believe that they do not belong to any technology known to man.

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UK Ministry of Defense Report: Exceptional UFOs with incredible aerodynamic characteristics

UK Ministry of Defense Report:

The report was commissioned by the MoD to determine definitively whether decades of secret UAP investigations had produced any information of value to British defense leaders.

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Chadwell Memorandum

Chadwell Memorandum

1952 was an important year in the history of UFOs. In the United States, the number of sightings grew rapidly, and some cases involving military personnel were well documented. Some of the messages remained unexplained...

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The US Coast Guards encounter with UFOs in 1988

In 1988, the US Coast Guard had an encounter with UFOs.

In the evening of 1988, Sheila Baker and her children were driving along the shore of Lake Erie. At 6:30 p.m., all their attention was absorbed by a large bright object hovering over the lake. Bright lights shone at each end of it...

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Close encounter with an alien in Italy

Franco Premi's Close encounterAn interesting case of meeting with UFOs and aliens in Italy

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