Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

Paleo-UFOlogy: exploring ancient encounters with extraterrestrial civilizations

PaleoUFOlogy: Exploration of ancient encounters with alien civilizations

This document explores the possibility of past contact between extraterrestrial civilizations (ECs) and Earthlings through the lens of paleoufology.

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How to get in touch with aliens?

What do I need to do to get in touch with aliens?

Practical recommendations that will help you create your own roadmap for contact with aliens.

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Example of an early alien abduction

Here is an example of one of the earliest alien abduction cases

Who put a witch's mark on the shoulder of a child kidnapped in Denmark in 1878?

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Alien base found on Earth

Alien base found on Earth: Scientists have been following UFOs flying over Antarctica for five years

Two objects are visible in the ocean in the satellite image

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The case of UFO abduction to a deep-sea alien base

The UFO abduction case - abduction to a deep-sea alien base

UFO sightings underwater are not uncommon. We have repeatedly raised this issue on our website. Underwater UFOs exist, and there is a huge amount of evidence for that. In the piggy bank of cases of abduction to an underwater base, we will add one more.

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UFO abduction in Australia in 2001

2001 Australian UFO Abduction

October 4, 2001, ,Gundia Quold 23.00, abduction of a woman Amy Rylance

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The 2005 case of the yellow flying alien from Thailand

The 2005 case of the yellow flying alien from Thailand

One of the subspecies of humanoid creatures is those that float in the air or hover, defying the laws of gravity and even physics. One such case came to us from Thailand, where in 2005 the villagers came across a floating mysterious creature.

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Is man a hybrid created by aliens?

The study of extraterrestrial origin: can humans be the result of alien hybridization

According to one of the popular versions, it was aliens who created man. And indeed, man is a very strange creature, very different from other mammals and living beings in general, following instincts, not intelligence.

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An Englishwoman from the age of 5 was repeatedly abducted by aliens

An Englishwoman from the age of 5 was repeatedly abducted by aliens

Hilary Porter was only 5 years old when the aliens abducted her for the first time. It happened when she was playing in a field near her home in Wales.

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Alien abduction of four men in Allagash

Alien abduction of four men in Allagash

This is a story about one of the most unusual cases of alien abduction. At the same time, four people were abducted - four men. In the USA, this case is one of the most famous ufo phenomena.

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In 1986, a UFO burned a hill in Argentina

In 1986, a UFO burned a hill in Argentina

This very strange case occurred in Argentina in 1986 and is almost unknown in the world of ufology, but Spanish-speaking researchers have documented quite a lot of materials on this case.

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Sculpture of an alien

The mystery of the

Experts were amazed not only by the good degree of preservation of the artifact. The very style of making this sculpture surprised them.

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Contact in Kofu or how two Japanese boys met long-eared aliens

Contact in Kofu or how two Japanese boys met long-eared aliens

In 1975, two Japanese boys claimed that they first saw a UFO, and then two aliens. When other people came to the scene of the incident, they began to find evidence there that something strange really happened here.

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Close encounter with an alien in Italy

Franco Premi's Close encounter

An interesting case of meeting with UFOs and aliens in Italy

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The abduction of Carlos Mercado and the alien base in Puerto Rico

The abduction of Carlos Mercado and the alien base in Puerto Rico

Conspiracy theorists have been discussing the possibility that a secret underground alien base is most likely located on the island of Puerto Rico, which carries out their activities there by agreement with the Earth authorities for many decades.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

What secrets does Easter Island hide?

What are the mysteries of Easter Island?The uniqueness of Easter Island is manifested in an ambiguous opinion about it. That is, on the one hand, people know everything about this place, on the other, nothing at the same time. Its mysterious statues, formed of stone, are still silent witnesses of an ancient and unknown culture. But who and how could create these monumental sculptures from the rocks?

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