Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

In 2011, three men and a child from New Zealand encountered an alien

In 2011, three men and a child from New Zealand encountered an alien

This incident occurred in 2011, but only recently hit the net. It happened on December 12 in the area of the Kaimani Ranges near the Bay of Plenty on the North Island in New Zealand.

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An alien in Finland. Dyatlov Pass in Finnish

Eyewitnesses of the inexplicable: the media recalled the Finnish

Fifty-two years ago, two men met an unexplained phenomenon in the forest, which they described as a UFO and an alien.

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Robert Taylor incident

Livingston Incident. Dechmont Woods Encounter

42 years ago, Scotsman Robert Taylor said that he was abducted by aliens while walking through the woods, which caused a real police investigation. Many people in the UK still consider this case to be one of the most plausible claims about UFOs.

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Briton Paula Smith claims she was abducted by aliens

Briton Paula Smith claims she was abducted by aliens

British citizen Paula Smith claims that she has been abducted more than 50 times in her life. What did she see onboard the UFO? What can surprise the public?

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Alec Newald shares the story of alien abduction

Alec Newald shares the story of alien abduction

In 2017, New Zealand resident Alec Newald made a sensational statement on an American radio show about UFOs and paranormal phenomena that 30 years ago he was abducted by a UFO for ten days. How did this happen?

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Artifacts of the Yana people confirmation of paleocontact

Artifacts of the Yana people confirmation of paleocontact

Lost in the jungle, the expedition found strange mechanisms and burials that indicate contact with aliens

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Hopi flying shield. Aliens on Kachin Flying Saucers

Hopi flying shield. Aliens on Kachin Flying Saucers

The legends of the Hopi Indians contain unique data about aliens traveling on aircraft. And the aliens appeared after the great flood...

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In the 1970s, a tall, overgrown creature was seen in Louisiana. How did the alien hunt end?

In the 1970s, a tall, overgrown creature was seen in Louisiana. How did the alien hunt end?

In the 70s of the last century in Louisiana, dozens of people witnessed a chain of mysterious events. It all started in 1971. Two local girls decided to have a picnic on the riverbank. They spread out the blanket and took out the food, but they felt it...

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A woman named Gail was abducted by aliens in the USA

A woman named Gail was abducted by aliens in the USA

The story of an officially registered alien attack on an American woman named Gail.

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The case of the abduction of Peter Khoury

Peter Khoury abduction

A well-known case of a contactee from Australia. Have traces of alien DNA been found? What experiments did the aliens try to conduct?

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Former US military refuted the idea of aliens

Former US military refuted the idea of aliens

Former U.S. Army officer Philip J. Corso in collaboration with writer William J. Burns revealed what the aliens really are.

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Albert Coe and his encounters with a descendant of ancient aliens in 1920

Albert Coe and his encounters with a descendant of ancient aliens in 1920

Although the story of Albert Coe appeared in the late 1960s, his meeting dates back to the mid-1920. At the age of sixteen, Coe had a strange encounter with a stranger who later turned out to be a guest from another planet.

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Aliens are among us! Ufologist's report

Aliens are indeed among us, as confirmed by the ufologist's report.

Aliens have been living among humans for a long time because some alien races or representatives of parallel worlds do not differ much from humans in appearance. This text introduces the reader to fascinating facts.

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Close encounter with dark aliens!

Come face to face with dark aliens!

The witness tells about the close encounter with the aliens and about the ship he visited. In addition, in the interview the author talks about the technologies used by the aliens, which did not exist at the time of the recording of the interview, but appeared only in our time. A very interesting case.

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Was the Maya King Pakal an alien from the planet Nibiru?

Was the Maya King Pakal an alien from the planet Nibiru?

One of the most important discoveries related to the ancient Maya civilization is the mysterious Maya astronaut engraved on the lid of a sarcophagus found in the tomb of Pakal the Great

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Flatwoods Monster

Flatwoods MonsterOn September 12, 1952, in the small town of Flatwoods, West Virginia (population 300), a small group of young boys noticed a flashing reddish-colored ball that hovered around a hill, hovered briefly, and then descended over the crest of another hill.

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