Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

Jim Sparks and his encounter with reptilians

Jim Sparks and his encounter with reptilians

There are a lot of publications written about the fact that aliens periodically kidnap the inhabitants of the Earth. This does not surprise anyone anymore. But in the case described below, there is one small distinctive feature. Too interesting information was told to the kidnapped American Jim Sparks by an alien who was talking to him.

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Reptiloids against humanity

Reptiloids versus Humanity

Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and may not be accurate. We do not endorse any actions based on this information. If you do not agree, please leave the page.

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Three-meter humanoids of Lake Baikal

Three-meter humanoids of Lake Baikal

Baikal is full of mysteries. Buryats revere him as a deity, legends tell about the events of antiquity, as if it were yesterday, but insidious currents, night lights, frequent earthquakes can frighten anyone.

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She met with aliens with Miriam Delicado

She met with aliens with Miriam Delicado

I don't want to talk to you. Really, I would not like to. I would like to put on a mask and not be here. But I am here because I feel and know with my heart, with my mind, with my whole being that we are on a path that is truly frightening...

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Argentine children on board a UFO

Argentine children on board a UFO

In 2007, this event marks its 15th anniversary. The aliens not only took four small children from Argentina to their flying saucer but also rolled them for three days, showing various space wonders, after which they returned home.

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The Rolling Stones vocalist M. Jagger claims that aliens have uploaded something to him

The Rolling Stones vocalist M. Jagger claims that aliens have uploaded something to him

Mick periodically told the media stories from his life, in which he described his meetings with UFOs and even the crew of an extraterrestrial ship.

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Russian scientists believe that the stories of contacts with extraterrestrials are lucid dreams

Russian scientists believe that the stories of contacts with extraterrestrials are lucid dreams

Studies involving 152 volunteers who position themselves as lucid dreamers have shown that a person is able to cause dreams, including those involving UFOs and aliens.

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Unidentified underwater civilizations

Unidentified underwater civilizations

In 1927-29, the famous science fiction writer A. K. Doyle produced the novel The Maracot Deep, in which he described in detail the possibility of the existence of an underwater civilization more developed and advanced than ours. According to the author, this civilization was formed during the existence of Atlantis — a city that was never found, which sank.

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The base of an alien civilization is located on the territory of India

An alien civilization's base is located in India

One should not overlook India's knowledge and cooperation with extraterrestrial civilizations. Rumors have recently circulated worldwide that India possesses more knowledge about these civilizations than any other country and even collaborates with them. Some sources even claim that there is a UFO base located within India.

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The famous story of the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill

The famous story of the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill

On September 19, 1961, an event occurred on a country road in New Hampshire that rewrote everything that experts knew about UFOs. Up to that moment, there were only a few messages of a similar nature. In addition, it was the first well-publicized report on alien abductions that featured detailed information. What happened that evening near Lancaster made international headlines and made celebrities of Betty and Barney Hill, direct participants in the event.

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Travel to space on a flying saucer

Travel to space on a flying saucer

An unusual meeting of an Italian businessman with aliens. The story of how he visited the flying saucer and the mother ship

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British Air Vice-Marshal Peter Horsley and his encounter with the alien

British Air Vice-Marshal Peter Horsley and his encounter with the alien

Sir Beresford Peter Torrington Horsley had a brilliant career in the RAF that collapsed overnight. He was dating an alien named Janus. What was the conversation about?

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Encounter with aliens at their base in South America

Ludwig Pallmann made friends with Race Of Aliens

In the 1960s, UFO sightings and encounters with aliens, as a growing topic, were highly actual. So the famous businessman Ludwig Pallman, once said that he knew the location of the alien base in South America. In addition, he made contact with its inhabitants.

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How a Swedish beekeeper met aliens

How a Swedish beekeeper met aliens and got rich

This incredible story is for some reason almost unknown outside of Sweden, and it is one of the most amazing in ufology. The witness not only saw the aliens but with the help of their technologies created his own business.

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Flatwoods Monster

Flatwoods Monster

On September 12, 1952, in the small town of Flatwoods, West Virginia (population 300), a small group of young boys noticed a flashing reddish-colored ball that hovered around a hill, hovered briefly, and then descended over the crest of another hill. On the far side of the hill, there was a bright glow, as if from a landed object.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

I was abducted by reptilians

I was a reptilian abductee.The Briton told the story of what happened to him when he was abducted by "reptilian" aliens and taken aboard their UFO.

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