Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

Kansas State, alien encounter

Kansas State, alien encounter

Among the cases that the US Air Force attributed to unidentified, there are also those in which passengers were seen in a UFO. This is what the musician William Squirez, who was working for KOAM Radio in Pittsburgh at the time, saw on August 25, 1952.

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1948. Aliens in contact with Turkey

1948. Aliens in contact with Turkey

Turkey, like any other country, also has its own cases of meeting with aliens and UFOs, one of which we will talk about today.

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Aliens attack on August 21, 1955 in Kelly–Hopkinsville

Alien attack on August 21, 1955 in Kelly–Hopkinsville

The case in Kelly in Hopkinsville, USA — an incident when a family of Sutton farmers, along with their guests, were frightened by unknown creatures. It occurred in the village of Kelly, near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, on the night of August 21-22, 1955. There is still no explanation for what the Suttons might have observed.

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Connecticut. UFO with passengers on board. 1957. Old Saybrook,

1957. Old Saybrook, Connecticut. UFO with passengers on board

This UFO report, with passengers visible through the windows, is similar in many ways to other reports from Connecticut made five years earlier. It was studied by the former deputy director and current consultant of the NICAP, Richard Hall, and an employee of the same committee, Izabel Davis.

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The most high-profile UFO story in France, which received great publicity in the media and became a cult

The most high-profile UFO story in France, which received great publicity in the media and became a cult

in 1967, a well-known case of contact with extraterrestrial children occurred in France. Little alien men in black appeared on the field and...

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Conversation of UFO passengers with a farmer, 1964

Conversation of UFO passengers with a farmer, 1964

An interesting case of a farmer meeting with representatives of civilization from Mars

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Aliens in Alabama, USA

The Alabama Tinfoil alien

Many stories of eyewitnesses, to put it mildly, are comparable to fiction. But one of them still looks like the truth. It is in a sense unique because it partially corresponds to the typical description of the alien-a robot that runs faster than the most talented athletes on Earth.

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Ancient alien statues found in Jordan

Ancient statues of aliens found in Jordan, a feature that contradicts the official history

The mysterious statues were discovered during excavations at the Neolithic settlement Ain Ghazal, near the modern capital of Jordan, Amman in 1983.

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A bizarre mask or aliens in Ancient China?

A bizarre mask or aliens in Ancient China?

A few weeks ago, Chinese scientists reported that they had made a major archaeological discovery. Making another excavation, they found a very interesting golden mask at least 3000 years old. It was found along with a treasure trove of artifacts. The site is being excavated at Sanxingdui, a Bronze Age archaeological site located in Sichuan Province, China.

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Interesting attempts to contact the aliens

Interesting attempts to make contact with the aliens

Humans tried to contact extraterrestrial intelligence thousands of years ago. And so far, all our messages have gone unanswered. But some were so confusing that we were lucky they weren't delivered.

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The Injun talked about how he got to know the People of the Stars.

The Injun told about his meeting with the people from the stars

Clark Luther, an Indian who lived on a reservation in North Dakota, spoke about his encounter with the People of the Stars, which took place in North Dakota in 1951.

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Former President of Kalmykia Kirsan Ilyumzhinov on his meeting with aliens

Former President and aliens

It is possible to treat it with irony, but I communicated with aliens, I saw them

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Polish UFO and alien contact in 1978

UFO and alien contact in 1978, Poland

Farmer Jan Wolski came across two alien creatures in 1978 in Poland. In those days, there was no Internet in the world, and information about UFOs and aliens was not mass. Therefore, there is a high probability that what the farmer saw is not a product of his imagination.

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Do they say this photo was taken by an alien?

A real photo of an alien

An amazing photo that was allegedly taken by an alien.

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Betty Andreasson: alien abduction in Massachusetts

Betty Andreasson: alien abduction in Massachusetts

This happened in 1967, by the way, you can check the cases for this year related to UFOs or aliens using the tag system at the end of the article. it was an ordinary winter night, on the calendar of January 25. In South Ashburn, Massachusetts

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Top 10 proofs of alien existence in Area 51One of the most secret and mysterious sites in the United States of America and possibly in the world is Area 51 – an American military base located about 130 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas.

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