Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

Pascagoula Abduction

The alien abduction of Charles Hickson

The foreman of the shipyard late in the evening of October 11, 1973, went fishing with a workmate, 19-year-old Calvin Parker. Hickson himself was 42 years old at the time.

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A coded alien message. Contact 1993

A coded alien message. Contact 1993

It happened in the summer of 1993. This year, Sergei Murokh, an old friend of Leonid Bartlov, flew to Minsk by plane from the United States. They went to see Leonid's wife, who worked as a teacher at the art faculty and took the students to practice in the Ushachsky district of the Minsk region.

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Disappearance of Frederick Valentich

The mysterious disappearance of Frederick Valentich

The disappearance of a 19-year-old Australian pilot and his plane in 1978 is one of the most mysterious phenomena in the history of air travel. Some believe that the plane was stolen by a UFO, some put forward more prosaic options. Today we will restore the chronology of those distant events and try to give answers

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The Chilean alien - who is he really? Atacama humanoid?

The Chilean alien - who is he really?

In 2003, in the territory of an abandoned city in the Atacama desert, a strange humanoid mummy was found, the appearance of which resembled aliens from science fiction films. After 15 years, scientists finally found out that their find is not a creature from another planet, but an ordinary person, subject to an abnormal number of mutations. In 2003, a strange skeleton was discovered in a deserted city loc

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The Buff Ledge Abduction

The Buff Ledge Abduction - Buff Ledge UFO Alien Abductions and Encounters

Years after the sensational kidnapping of Betty and Barney Hill, a new case occurred, this time in New England.

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Jesse Long alien abduction

Jesse Long alien abduction - Stolen UFO to create hybrid children

When many people deny the existence of extraterrestrials, despite the presence of such diverse evidence as photos, videos, government reports, thousands and thousands of other people in the United States and around the world talk about their horrific encounters with extraterrestrials.

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Orfeo Angelucci and his close encounter with the aliens

Orfeo Angelucci and his close encounter with the aliens

He worked in Burbank as an employee of Lockheed and had UFO experiences at the same time. One of the foundations of spiritual UFO research.

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The 1965 Valensole UFO Encounter

The 1965 Valensole UFO Encounter

This incident occurred on July 1, 1965, when Maurice Mass, the owner of a farm in southern Provence, saw something strange in a lavender field.

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Have the reptoids enslaved humanity?

Classification of reptilians and ways to detect them

The Reptilians are a humanoid reptilian civilization that rules our world from behind the scenes. According to the assurances of conspiracy theorists, they represent the world government and manage through third parties.

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Elizabeth Klarer fell in love with an alien from Venus and gave birth to a hybrid child

Elizabeth Klarer fell in love with an alien from Venus and gave birth to a hybrid child

The story of Elizabeth Klarer is one of the most bizarre and unusual in ufology. So much so that many suspected Elizabeth of inventing for the sake of self-interest or simply of having an overly rich imagination.

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Travis Walton UFO incident - The abduction of Travis Walton

Travis Walton UFO incident - The abduction of Travis Walton

A man who claimed to have survived a kidnapping followed by a UFO sighting in 1975. This case was widely covered in the local press, and a lot of people were involved in its study. A film was made based on this case.

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Marius Dewilde - the alien incident

Marius Dewilde - the alien incident

This case is well described in the French press. Meeting with aliens or their robots? The case is interesting, find out more

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An X-ray image of a strange creature with wings has been published

An X-ray image of a strange creature with wings has been published

Numerous legends and stories tell about the amazing creatures that inhabited our planet long before the appearance of man, and could even share the Earth with our species. Dragons, elves, dwarves, fairies, aliens. Could these creatures really exist, or are these legends just a fantasy?

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Valiant Thor – a real alien from Venus on Earth or an invention of ufologists?

Valiant Thor – a real alien from Venus on Earth or an invention of ufologists?

23 years ago, one of the American engineers found a photo of a man he saw on a secret operation of base construction and on Area-51. This man introduced himself as Valiant Thor and claimed to be an alien from the planet Venus. He also said that he is cooperating with the Americans.

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The abduction of Antonio Villas Boas - alien abduction

The abduction of Antonio Villas Boas - alien abduction

A fantastic story told by Brazilian Antonio Villas Boas about his incredible encounter with aliens in a conversation with doctor Olavo Fontes and journalist Joao Martins. The conversation took place in Rio de Janeiro on February 22, 1958, six months after the incident.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Nibiru - debunking myths

Nibiru - dispelling the mythsPerhaps no hypothetical celestial body has been overgrown with such a layer of the most unthinkable fables. Pseudo-scientific speculation, hereditary psychics, and scary voices on TV, who just does not broadcast about her catastrophic appearance. This is a black hole, a brown dwarf, and a planet. The Sumerians placed it between Mars and Jupiter.

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