Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

This section is devoted to collecting and systematizing various conspiracy theories and also mysterious stories. The fact that we post conspiracy articles on this website does not mean that the editors of the site believe in all these theories. Our goal is systematization, not propaganda, as well as an objective approach. If there are any articles that refute the conspiracy theories of a particular theory, we will post them on the site.

The use of a horn antenna in architecture

The classic case of using a HORN ANTENNA in a RECTANGULAR WAVEGUIDE

Many buildings that still remain from the 19th century should be looked at more closely. Our past contains answers to many questions, including solutions to alternative energy and data transmission.

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Finds that could belong to extraterrestrial beings

Discoveries that Could Indicate Alien Life

People need proof to believe in the existence of an alien intelligence. There is such evidence, and some of them can drive the most avid skeptics to a dead end, because even scientists cannot find an explanation for some of the findings.

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Ancient gods and aliens - another proof from the excavations. Is their invasion waiting for us?

These pagan goddesses rode on lizards and spiders

Will they come back? Is humanity waiting for annihilation? Let's figure it out.

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March of the ghost armies. Weird phenomena in the sky

March of the ghost armies

Menacing visions on earth and in the sky – an unknown facet of the UFO phenomenon or the failure of the Earth's dome?

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Two space wars of the past between aliens

Two space wars between aliens have occurred in the past according to an Oxford scientist

Oxford scientist believes that in our Solar system there were two space wars between advanced aliens

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UFOs from heaven in historical retrospect

Magonia is a kingdom Hidden in the clouds from which

Mysterious airships and ships have been seen in the sky since time immemorial. Let's try to find out what our ancestors saw.

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UFOs are already real, but what about alien implants?

UFOs are already a fact, but what about alien implants?

The case of alien abductions and alien implants has been a fascinating topic for many years, and if proven true, it could be considered one of the best pieces of evidence pointing to the existence of extraterrestrial beings.

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The story of the most famous alien from the past

The mysterious story of the most famous alien from the past

In mid-June 1951, a strange incident occurred in Times Square. A little before noon local time, a very unusual-looking man appeared on the square. No one saw where he came from, he appeared as if out of thin air.

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The US Congress on UFOs and its results

The US Congress and UFOs

Recently, a meeting was organized in the USA to study evidence of encounters with unidentified objects. Video footage was presented by military pilots.

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Two more statues of big-eyed giant aliens found in Sardinia

Two more statues of Big-eyed Giant aliens have been found in Sardinia

Their purpose is currently unknown, but two more disc-eyed giants have been discovered in Sardinia. The Iron Age burial necropolis on the Italian island of Sardinia has been a source of great archaeological mystery for the past 50 years.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Green ray over Mauna Kea. A UFO sightings?

Green ray over Mauna KeaIn rare cases, photographing a sunset over an open area, you can witness an unusual phenomenon — a green ray that appears in the sky for just a few seconds.

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