Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

This section is devoted to collecting and systematizing various conspiracy theories and also mysterious stories. The fact that we post conspiracy articles on this website does not mean that the editors of the site believe in all these theories. Our goal is systematization, not propaganda, as well as an objective approach. If there are any articles that refute the conspiracy theories of a particular theory, we will post them on the site.

Skinwalker Ranch Utah

Hell's skinwalker ranch

The history of the anomalous zone, located in the vicinity Of the skinwalker ranch, became known largely thanks to the hotel and aerospace entrepreneur Robert T. Bigelow, who owns the Budget Suites of America hotel chain and the founder of Bigelow Aerospace, a space tourism company.

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Bob Lazar documentary - Legendary Bob Lazar gave a new interview

Bob Lazar documentary - After 30 years, they are still watching me

After 30 years, they're still watching me...Interesting stuff about Bob Lazar and anyone interested in area 51. Lazar worked at the Los Alamos research facility and later at a base near Area 51, and according to him personally participated in the development of gravity engines based on technologies derived from alien ships.

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The Lemurian civilization was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean 800,000 years ago. Is this possible?

The Lemurian civilization was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean 800,000 years ago.

For many historians, the lost ancient civilizations on Earth have always been an unsolved mystery. Among these ancient civilizations, there is a legend about the continent of Lemuria, about which there is even more curiosity. Of course, this continent of ancient civilization, which originated hundreds of thousands of years ago, is rarely known to anyone.

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Unusual footprints on ancient objects that are difficult to find a simple explanation

Unusual footprints on ancient objects that are difficult to find a simple explanation for

On the surface of some megaliths or mysterious objects located all over the earth, you can find very interesting traces. But the most striking thing is that many tracks are very similar to each other despite the difference in distance of thousands of kilometers.

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Did Hyperborea exist - is it a mysterious continent in the Arctic? Hidden continent

Did Hyperborea exist - is it a mysterious continent in the Arctic?

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus described Hyperborea as a mysterious land inhabited by highly advanced beings. In the 7th century BC, Aristaeus attempted to reach it and left behind a detailed description of the route, which ended on the shore of the Extreme (Kara) Sea. Despite the fairly accurate coordinates, no one else has managed to reach Hyperborea.

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Impossible image of pyramids found on artifact over 7000 years old

Impossible image of pyramids found on artifact over 7000 years old

The Nubian Archaeological Museum has one very strange artifact dating between 4000 and 3500 BC. BC. The ostrich egg is supposed to depict three mountains ... But ... look carefully

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Joh. Casp. Funccii Liber de coloribus coeli: not a UFO on the cover! Debunked

Joh. Casp. Funccii Liber de coloribus coeli: Flying Craft on Cover Art

Not so long ago, an interesting book appeared on the web, on the cover of which flaunted a flying object resembling a UFO. Given the fact that the book was dated to the 18th century, there was a decent response in the UFO community

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Why are the aliens in no hurry to "establish" communication with earthlings

The aliens are not in a rush to establish communication with Earthlings.

Planetary development in the universe follows a pattern similar to that on Earth, with a correlation to the standard of living in countries. Countries that lack significant mineral resources for export and are situated far from major trade routes are often referred to as 'third world'.

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The Dogon people and Sirius: so was there a paleocontact? Conversations with elder Ogotemmeli

The Dogon and Sirius: so was there a paleocontact?

1931. Africa. The plateau of Bandiagara in the South of Mali. The ethnographic expedition of Marcel Griol unexpectedly comes across a small Dogon people in the impenetrable jungle. Researchers were so interested in these Africans that they studied them for more than a decade. And there was something to study and wonder about: for thousands of years, the Dogon passed on to subsequent generations the astronomical knowledge that science at that time only received

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

The Great Panic of 1896-1897. Examination of UFO sightings

The Great Panic of 1896-1897. Examination of UFO sightingsFew people know that sightings of unidentified lights in the sky have been recorded for more than a hundred years.

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