Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

This section is devoted to collecting and systematizing various conspiracy theories and also mysterious stories. The fact that we post conspiracy articles on this website does not mean that the editors of the site believe in all these theories. Our goal is systematization, not propaganda, as well as an objective approach. If there are any articles that refute the conspiracy theories of a particular theory, we will post them on the site.

Edgar Mitchell: we have seen a UFO in space during the landing on the moon

Edgar Mitchell: we have seen a UFO in space during the landing on the moon

Unidentified flying objects appear on Earth and in space more and more often, therefore they are of great interest both for researchers of the UFO phenomenon and for traditional scientists who do not like to rush to conclusions. Only a few dozen people have visited space, so people have always been interested in what astronauts could see during their flights, as well as during the American landing on the moon.

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J. F. Kennedy and the UFO problem

J. F. Kennedy and the UFO phenomenon

On November 22, 1963, then-President John F. Kennedy was scheduled to deliver a speech at the mall in Dallas. On that day, Kennedy was killed as he drove through the crowd in his car with his wife, Jacqueline, at his side. Was it just the act of a madman, or were there other terrible truths behind this unexpected murder?

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Top 10 proofs of alien existence in Area 51

Top 10 proofs of alien existence in Area 51

One of the most secret and mysterious sites in the United States of America and possibly in the world is Area 51 – an American military base located about 130 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas. There are many claims that there is an underground facility in Area 51 where the reverse engineering of spaceships that supposedly belong to extraterrestrials is carried out.

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Men in black. Secrets of a mystery organization.

The men in black. Secrets of a secret organization

Have you ever wondered if there are such organizations that hide the truth from unenlightened people? Let's try to understand this issue/

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The Americans have delivered something to Earth that NASA has kept secret for a whole generation

Americans brought something back to Earth that NASA has kept secret for a generation

Since ancient times, people have studied the Moon with the gaze of a researcher, hoping to see something unusual, unearthly. What awaited a man on the moon in the early 60s of the last century was contained in the so-called Brookings Report. In this work, in fact, the discovery of evidence of an extraterrestrial civilization on the moon was predicted. There was the prospect of mastering the scientific and technological achievements of an off-earth civilization that was on the moon.

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UFO sightings in Ancient Egypt? The Mystery of the Tully Papyrus

UFO sightings in Ancient Egypt? The Mystery of the Tully Papyrus

In various cultures and eras of history, there are many records of UFO phenomena. The first was recorded in an Egyptian document that is known to ufologists under the name Papyrus Tully which is considered a genuine treasure, as it can tell us about the observations of extraterrestrials.

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Complex aggregates are hidden inside the Moon! Facts that cast doubt on official science

The moon inside is

By 2021, many versions of the appearance of our satellite have accumulated, many of which can be called fantastic. Most modern scientists adhere to the version that the Moon occurred as a result of the collision of the Earth with an unknown body, because of which a huge piece broke off from our planet, which became our satellite.

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The spaceport of the demon Ravana: new traces of UFO in India

The spaceport of the demon Ravana: new traces of UFO in India

When we come across one remarkable object, we can write it off as an accident, a game of imagination. But if there are two such objects? There is already something to think about. Greetings to all thinking seekers of truth. Let me remind you that every opinion has the right to be. You can agree with it or not. However, it has the right to life. Today I want to share new interesting discoveries.

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Pyramids discovered in Saudi Arabia, older than the Egyptian ones!

Pyramids older than Egyptian ones have been discovered in Saudi Arabia...

It's no secret that in 2021 the Dakar Rally will cross the territory of Saudi Arabia, and there is a mountain range, but no one is paying attention to the fact that everyone is looking at a whole complex of pyramids!

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What buried cities in the United States in the 19th century?

What buried cities in the United States in the 19th century?

Many people have seen the buried old buildings, but the following questions are not quite clear — The first question is how much were the buildings filled in, to what maximum level? The second question — if the buildings in the cities were filled in, at least one and a half to two meters, then how and how they were dug up? After all, these are huge volumes of soil.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

HighJump - Operation of the US Navy-we analyze the essence

High jump - Operation of the US Navy-we analyze the essenceIn 1946-47, the United States conducted the Antarctic expedition "HighJump" under the leadership of the famous polar explorer and retired Rear Admiral Richard Byrd (Richard Evelyn Byrd). In connection with this expedition, there are conspiracy theories that it was carried out in order to eliminate Nazi bases, fight against extraterrestrials-occult allies of the Nazis, etc. In particular, it is worth mentioning the words of the participants of the expedition, who said that they were attacked by disc-shaped objects that emitted certain rays, which caused the ships and planes of the Americans to simply catch fire.

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