Secret documents - declassified

Secret documents inaccessible to the public!

Secret documents and other materials are not available to the public! This is a special section available only by subscription. Here you can find exclusive documents and videos that are not available in other places. Also, you can watch our video, which is only for youtube channel membership - for free, due to this website subscription. These materials are available only to us and no one else!

There are exclusive secret documents from the CIA, NSA, KGB, and other organizations. In addition, there will be posted secret photos of aliens and UFOs, as well as other documents of special services. There are photographs of rare artifacts from private collections that are inaccessible to ordinary viewers. 

Where did we get these materials? We had access to the archives, some of the materials were translated from other languages into English. It's a titanic effort, so we don't publish it for everyone. Materials are only for favorites! Just join us!

The list of unique materials is regularly updated.

What should I do if there is an alien invasion? Rescue instructions

What am I supposed to do if there is an alien invasion? The instructions

The danger is more real and close than we think. And when it arrives, it may be too late. In order to avoid panic and protect yourself and your loved ones, our research team has compiled this guide. You can download a PDF version on your smartphone or print it out.

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The Kharkiv region: a hotspot for UFO sightings and encounters

Close encounters of the Second Kind in the Kharkiv region

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Radar observations of anomalous objects in the USSR and abroad in the 1950s and 1980s

A Glimpse into the Unknown: Discover the Translated Report on Anomalous Objects

Explore the fascinating world of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) through a translated report on radar observations from the USSR and abroad between 1950-1980

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Analysis of observations 25-28.12.1984 on the territory of the USSR. Document

Study of observations 25-28 December 1984 on the territory of the USSR: what is hidden behind the documents?

In late 1984, the skies over the USSR witnessed unexplained celestial phenomena - glowing spheres, moving stars, mystical halos. The mystery of these events, unlike a rocket launch, puzzles researchers.

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Cosmo-anthropological report of the special department of the Contact Commission.

Beyond Belief: Explore Secret Files on Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Cosmo-anthropological report of the special department of the Contact Commission. Classification of extraterrestrials.

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Reporting materials according to the expedition Hissar-84. A large number of UFOs from spheres to creatures

Reporting materials according to the expedition Hissar-84

On the initiative of the Bureau of the Commission of Planetology of the Geographical Society of the USSR a special amateur public research expedition Hissar-84 was organized. The purpose of the expedition is to study anomalous phenomena in the environment of the Pamir-Alai region (the southern slopes of the Hissar mountain range, on the Siam River, in the area of the hydrometeorological station).

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The impact of UFOs on various types of equipment.

The impact of UFOs on various types of equipment. What are they hiding from us?

The most diverse types of UFO impacts on various types of equipment are recorded: from the harmless rotation of compass arrows to the death of airplanes.

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History of the study of anomalous phenomena by the Soviet Navy intelligence

History of the Soviet Naval Intelligence Investigation of Anomalous Phenomena

In the post-war years, military and civilian sailors of various countries visually, as well as with the help of technical means, increasingly recorded anomalous phenomena (AP) and mysterious objects - both in the depths of the World Ocean and at the junction of the hydro-and atmosphere.

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Amazing UFO sightings

Amazing UFO footage 2021

We stumbled upon a UFO that had landed in a field and noticed its lights shining through the trees. I highly recommend watching the video in its entirety, as it captures the object through the trees and I recorded it myself.

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Cigar-shaped UFO. UFO sightings 2021

Cigar-shaped UFO. UFO sightings 2021

This possible cigar-shaped UFO was captured by us today in our anomalous zone, which has already been discussed in previous issues.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Hunters forged knives from UFOs?

Hunters forged knives from UFOs?The appearance of UFOs has been noted in all corners of our planet throughout the history of mankind. The peoples of the Russian north also have their own legends. One of these legends dates back to the XIX century.

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