Reporting materials according to the expedition Hissar-84

Expedition Hissar-84 reporting material

A special amateur public research expedition "Hissar-84" was organized on the initiative of the Bureau of the Commission of Planetology of the Geographical Society of the USSR (Leningrad). The purpose of the expedition is to study anomalous phenomena in the environment in the Pamir-Alai region (the southern slopes of the Hissar range, on the Siam River, in the area of the hydrometeorological station).

The expedition received the conditional name "Hissar-84". The head of the expedition at the meeting of the bureau of the Commission of Planetology was approved by the full member of the USSR GO Yuri Raytarovsky, and at the meeting of the same bureau was elected deputy head of the expedition, the head of the first expedition group.

expedition Hissar-84

The expedition was assigned the following tasks: to conduct a series of visual and instrumental observations of anomalous phenomena (objects) in the environment in July — August 1984 in the area of the southern slope of the Hissar ridge (Siam River, near the hydrometeorological station) and to try to establish the relationship of these phenomena with the environment; to provide active recreation for the expedition participants.

The implementation of this series of observations using the simplest technical means is aimed at improving the research methodology and testing the hypothesis of the connection of atmospheric anomalies with zones of increased seismic activity. The choice of the area of the Hissar Ridge is due to the fact that the materials of previous expeditions working in this area indicate the repeated observation of anomalous phenomena with their maximum number in July-August.

Technical means

  • Angle measuring tools (standard and homemade) for determining the angular values of vertical and horizontal angles.
  • Photo and film equipment for documenting visual observations, conducting night photography, creating film and photographic materials about the life and work of the expedition.
  • Sound recording equipment for recording conversations with the local population, eyewitnesses, as well as for recording unusual sounds in the environment and sounds accompanying abnormal phenomena.
  • Meteorological equipment (barometer, psychrometer, thermometer, etc.) for the hourly recording of individual meteorological parameters of the environment in the study area (base camp area).
  • Altimeter for recording the altitude level (according to the Baltic system) for radial routes and for other experiments.
  • Broadcast radio receiver for recording radio frequency interference in connection with changing meteorological conditions and when observing various anomalous phenomena in the environment.
  • A set of necessary materials for working in places of the expected impact of anomalous phenomena (objects) on the environment (tape measure, compass, test tubes, plastic, and paper bags, etc.).
  • Receiving and transmitting equipment to ensure operational communication of the remote observation post with the base camp.

Results of visual observations

All visual observations were carried out around the clock. For this purpose, in accordance with the duty schedule, duty observers were assigned at the base camp and at the remote observation post. The results of observations were recorded in the logbook. Observations of the environment were also carried out during radial hikes in the vicinity adjacent to the base camp.
Satellites and meteorites were observed almost every night. All unusual objects that were observed by the duty observers and about which there is corresponding information in the flight log can be divided into five groups:
1) anomalous star-shaped objects in near space and the atmosphere Lands;
2) unusual light phenomena in near space and the Earth's atmosphere;
3) unusual light phenomena above the Earth's surface in the area of the base camp;
4) abnormal tactile sensations by some members of the expedition in the area of the base camp;
5) other interesting observations.

Let us consider these phenomena in chronological order and in the order of the above groups.

1. Observations of anomalous star-shaped objects in near space and the Earth's atmosphere

On 18.07.84, at 03.00 (24.00 Moscow time), G. Karpushin and G. Khristoforova observed an anomalous star-shaped object during night duty. In the constellation Cygnus, a bright star from the lower right corner of the triangle shifted and went north to the horizon. The star passed through a 15° arc and disappeared behind the top of the mountain in the north. We didn't have time to take pictures.

On 19.07.84, at 02.00 (23.00 Moscow time), V. Golts, R. Chesnokova, and N. Pashkovskaya, while on a night patrol in the vicinity of the base camp, observed an anomalous star-shaped object in the west. The angle of the place is approximately 9°. The observation was carried out upstream of the Siam River. The object suddenly appeared from behind a two-humped mountain peak located 5-6 km from the base camp to the west. By its size, the object was larger than the 0th stellar magnitude. Color — reddish-pink. Appearing from behind the two-humped mountain top, the object slowly moved to the north for 2-3 seconds. Then he stopped for a moment and went in the opposite direction, that is, to the south, until he disappeared behind the top of the mountain. After 3-5 seconds, the object reappeared and performed the same maneuver. After hiding behind the top of the mountain a second time, he did not appear again. No such star-shaped objects were observed in this direction either on this night or on subsequent nights. We didn't have time to take a picture of the object.

19.07.84 at 22.40 (19.40 Moscow time) night duty officers of the city of Khristoforov and the city of Karpushin observed a strange bright star at the zenith, which suddenly moved from its place, and began to move in a northerly direction. As it progressed, it lost its brightness. Three pictures were taken.

On 20.07.84, at 23.55 (20.55 Moscow time), I. Bogatyrev was at the remote post. a star-shaped object of reddish color was seen crossing the sky from south to north on a zigzag trajectory. The object passed the 45° arc in 12 seconds.

2. Observations of unusual light phenomena in near space and the Earth's atmosphere

On 20.07.84, from 01:27 to 01:34 (22.27–22.34 Moscow time), the night watchers of Khristoforov and Karpushin observed a luminous sphere in the north, above Igizak gorge. The sphere appeared between the northern and northeastern slopes and began to
grow rapidly. It had sharply defined edges. The color is milky-bluish. Sizes the sphere grew rapidly and increased to the zenith. Then it began to fade, became quite transparent, and the stars were visible through it. After a few minutes, the sphere completely dissipated.

unusual light phenomena

The same phenomenon was observed at the remote post by I. Bogatyrev, I. Volkova, and V. Nagid.

On 20.07.84, at 03.30 (00.30 Moscow time), at the remote post, I. Bogatyrev observed a hemisphere in the northwest. The color is light gray with a dark spot in the middle. The observation lasted 4-5 minutes. After that, the sphere quickly dissipated. I. Bogatyrev managed to take three pictures, but the shutter speed was 1/30, and the film was 130 GOST, and the pictures turned out very pale.

Reporting materials according to the expedition Hissar-84

3. Observations of unusual light phenomena above the Earth's surface in the area of the base camp

15.07.84 at 23.30 (20.30 Moscow time), an unusual light phenomenon was observed in tent No. 1. The end of the day was at 23.00. In the tent were V. I. Golts, N. N. Pashkovskaya and R. K. Chesnokova. At first, N. Pashkovskaya thought that the tent was lit up by a short-term flash, and then N. Pashkovskaya and R. Chesnokova saw two "spots" of "neon color" inside the tent at a height of 50 cm from the floor on the right side at the entrance to the tent. The distance between the "spots" was 8 cm, the diameter of each 1 cm. In this position, they resembled "eyes". At this time, V. Golts was already asleep, and R. Chesnokova woke him up with the exclamation "Look!"  When V. Golts woke up and sat down (in a sleeping bag), these luminous "spots" began to move in space from the feet to the head of R. Chesnokova and went about 1 m, then rose up a little and suddenly disappeared. The total observation lasted about 5 seconds. Nothing was found when leaving the tent.

Observations of unusual light phenomena above the Earth's surface in the area of the base camp

The guards on duty also did not observe anything. An interesting fact is that all the inhabitants of the tent perceived this light phenomenon differently. V. Golts and R. Chesnokova saw "spots" of "neon" color, and when they approached the head of R. Chesnokova, she saw them slightly curved, and V. Golts saw them round. N. Pashkovskaya observed them all the time elongated, and, of a greenish color. On the same night, M. Dengina in tent No. 3 observed "eyes" of green color and felt a touch on her hand.

On 16.07.84, at 00.46 (21.46 Moscow time), I. Bogatyrev observed a weak flash of light against the background of the forest in the northern side of the base camp.

On 21.07.84, at 23.37 (20.37 Moscow time), V. Slozin and A. Ivanov observed two consecutive flashes of light on the southeast slope with an interval of 1-2 seconds.

23.07.84 at 01.15 (22.15 Moscow time) in the tent, V. Slozin noticed a light spot the size of a two-kopeck coin of orange-reddish color. The observation lasted 2 seconds. It felt like a flash of light. This phenomenon occurred at the moment when T. Balakireva entered the tent. She did not notice this light phenomenon.

On 25.07.84, at 23.40 (20.40 Moscow time), the night duty officer of R. Chesnokov saw on the north-western slope at the foot of the mountain, an instantaneous flash in the form of a spark, on the left bank of the Siam River.

On 26.07.84, at 00.20 (21.20 Moscow time), night duty officer V. Slozin saw a flash of light in the form of a meteorite on the western slope of the mountain, in a grove on the right bank of the Siama River. The observation lasted about 1 second.

27.07.84 at 00.30 (21.30 Moscow time) I. Bogatyrev was sleeping in a tent. When he woke up suddenly, he saw that the floor of the tent was covered from head to foot, in his hands and feet. in the space between him and the sleeping I. Anpilogova, there are three light rays (stripes). When they reached the end of the tent, they merged into a single spot of light about 70 cm in size, 15-20 cm in height, then everything disappeared.

27.07.84 at 03.30 (00.30 Moscow time), the night duty officer A. Ivanov saw a flash of light between the stone and tent No. 5, which lasted for a fraction of a second.

29.07.84 at 21.30 (19.30 Moscow time), the night duty officer I. Anpilogova was taking a working picture (night photographing the area) in the direction of the Siama River, saw a bright spark striking a stone in the water. The observation lasted about 2 seconds.

4. Registration of abnormal tactile sensations by some members of the expedition

15.07.84 at night, Marina Dengina, while in tent No. 3, felt a touch on her hand.

On 17.07.84, at 1.15 (22.15 Moscow time), I. Levina felt tactile sensations in tent No. 2. At 1.15 am, she woke up to the feeling that someone had taken her hand. I looked outside the tent — no one (the Polish tent with an awning was closed from the inside).
Almost at the same time, Yu. I. Sokolov (a botanist from Leningrad) felt someone push him in the side. He thought that he was being woken up for duty, and left the tent there was no one around. Yu. K. Sokolov was sleeping in tent No. 5 alone.

19.07.84 at 00.15 (21.15 Moscow time), I. Anpilogova woke up in the tent from a sharp touch to her hand, as if an electric discharge had passed through her body and there was an instantaneous vibration caused by it. A neighbor in the tent, I. Bogatyrev, was fast asleep next to her, 50 cm away. There was no one outside, and the tent was closed. After 20 minutes, the feeling of a light touch on the leg was repeated.

20.07.84 at 03.00 (24.00 Moscow time) V. I. Golts woke up from a strong vibration of the muscles of the lower leg of the left leg. It felt as if "someone" was squeezing the muscles with his hand very often. This was still comparable to the process of physical therapy when electrodes are applied to the body and the device is turned on. Muscle contraction begins. In this case, this feeling was much stronger. V. Golts was in a closed tent and lay on his back in a closed sleeping bag. The left leg was slightly bent at the knee. In the tent at this for a while, there were two more of its inhabitants (R. Chesnokova and N. Pashkovskaya), who was asleep. Waking up from an unusual sensation, V. Golts quickly stretched out his leg and looked around. The tent was empty, and the neighbors were asleep. After the leg was extended, the vibration of the muscles stopped. After recovering from the excitement, V. Golts resumed his former position (slightly bent his left leg at the knee) and immediately began to vibrate, which lasted for about 30 seconds. Quickly leaving the tent, V. Golts found no one. The attendants also did not observe anything unusual.

Other interesting observations

On 23.07.84, at 02.00 (23.00 Moscow time), G. Karpushin, while on a snowfield in the area of the Four Pass, observed an interesting light phenomenon: an arc-shaped band of yellow color quickly passed through the night starry sky from north to south. The observation lasted 1-2 seconds.

Other interesting observations

On 29.07.84, at 23.00 (21.00 Moscow time), N. Pashkovskaya, while at the base camp, observed two yellow stripes in the sky. The observation lasted 2 seconds.

UFO sightings

30.07.84 at 23.00 (21.00 Moscow time) on duty at the base camp G. Khristoforova and G. Karpushin watched the rapid flight of a bright star in the sky, followed by a blue-white trail. The observation lasted for several seconds.

On 19.07.84, at 23.00 (20.00 Moscow time), V. Golts, N. Pashkovskaya, and R. Chesnokova observed an unusual phenomenon on the ground near the base camp. (Similar observations were made by other members of the expedition, and these observations were then conducted throughout the entire period of the expedition). V. Golts, N. Pashkovskaya, and R. Chesnokova drew attention to the fact that the area of small stones seems to slightly phosphorescent (stones). If the stone was turned upside down, this phenomenon was not observed. There was also no phosphorescence of the rock surface after the thunderstorm. Another interesting phenomenon was discovered: when V. Golts began to move small stones with his foot, a spark seemed to slip between them once. This phenomenon was observed by everyone present. Apparently, there was a piezo effect here.

UFO sightings

Results of night photography of the environment (selected case)

As already mentioned at the beginning of the report, in the section "Mode of research work", one of the directions was to conduct an experimental digital shooting at night with rigidly fixed cameras. A series of pictures were taken every hour. The method of photographing and the sites were specified separately, and the observers on duty received additional instructions. One of the objects of night photography there was a direction along the northern slope of the ridge, over the Siam River in a westerly direction. General
the view of this direction (day shot) is shown in the figure.

Results of night photography of the environment (selected case)

On July 27, 1984, at 01: 00 (local time), as usual, a night survey was conducted, visually the observers saw nothing. However, when the film was developed, two strange phenomena were detected on the 7th frame:

1) the curving trajectory of the stars;
2) a strange object on the background of a mountain slope in the center of the photo.

UFO sightings

UFO sightings

The shooting was carried out by f/a "Zenith", the lens "Industriar", film 250 GOST, the aperture is fully open, exposure: 6th frame — 5 minutes, 7th — 10 minutes. Considering the detected anomalies in the image, we can assume that in the first case, we recorded a slow rise and fall of the earth's surface in the area of the base camp with the camera. Moreover, the ascent lasted 2 min. 30 sec. and lowering the same amount. Is this possible?! The second anomaly (an object on the background of a mountain) requires additional study.

Preliminary conclusions and conclusions

When identifying various light phenomena (objects) in the study area with real physical processes occurring in the environment, it should be recalled once again that a seismically active region, such as the Pamir, creates certain conditions for such processes to occur. It is still difficult to accurately formulate the mechanism of these processes. Apparently, this is due to the appearance of piezoelectric potentials both on the surface of rocks and in deep water layers. Accumulating, this energy reaches a certain level, after which there is a discharge (breakdown). The breakdown processes cause such light phenomena as short-term flashes of light, light bands, etc. Rock movements can also cause such phenomena as prolonged flashes of lightning, the appearance of fireballs, bright flashes of light, scattered rays, etc.

Light phenomena, often described by eyewitnesses of strong earthquakes, this time were observed by scientists themselves. Previously, despite numerous testimonies, the reality of such phenomena as prolonged flashes of lightning, fireballs, flashes of light, scattered rays, light curtains, has always been questioned... During the Izu earthquake, all doubts were discarded one by one and the glow was attributed only to the earthquake itself. It remains to recognize their mechanism."

Conclusion 1. It is obvious that many unusual light phenomena in the study area can be associated with the manifestation of piezo-and static electricity on the surface and in the deep layers of rocks (short-term flashes of light, sparks, streaks of light, etc.).

Conclusion 2. Unusual tactile sensations that occurred in individual members of the expedition may also be associated with certain energy sources that arise in this area, the mechanism of formation of which is almost unknown and requires further research.

Conclusion 3. Spherical light objects (phenomena) observed in the study area are fragments of light effects accompanying the launch of the satellite from the Baikonur cosmodrome. This conclusion is reinforced by the fact that in all cases of observation, with simultaneous observations at the base, in tens of kilometers, the azimuth change practically does not change and is approximately 355°.

However, along with unusual light phenomena that can be explained by known physical processes and human technical activities in the near Space and the Earth's atmosphere, anomalous objects were also observed in the study area. They were mentioned in the report when we looked at anomalous star-shaped objects in the near Space and the Earth's atmosphere. The behavior of these objects can not be explained by known physical laws (long hovering, and then rapid movement; movement, short-term stop; change of movement by 180° with the repetition of such a maneuver; rapid movement along a polyline, etc.).

Conclusion 4. In the study area, star-shaped objects were observed, which, according to the characteristics of the motion dynamics, can be attributed to anomalous aerospace objects.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFOs  UFO sightings  1984  expedition  Hissar-84  aliens

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