Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

This section is devoted to collecting and systematizing various conspiracy theories and also mysterious stories. The fact that we post conspiracy articles on this website does not mean that the editors of the site believe in all these theories. Our goal is systematization, not propaganda, as well as an objective approach. If there are any articles that refute the conspiracy theories of a particular theory, we will post them on the site.

The Phaeton Death Mystery

Solving the Mystery of How Phaeton Died

Even in ancient times, astronomers were surprised by the unnaturally huge distance between Mars and Jupiter. Many scientists agreed that there should be another planet in this place. But they could not find it in any way.

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The golden country is El Dorado. Where can the country from the myths of the Indians of South America be located?

The golden country is El Dorado. Where can the country from the myths of the Indians of South America be located?

El Dorado is a country of the Ancient World. According to legends, many buildings of its settlements are made of gold and decorated with precious stones. The wealth of the cities of El Dorado is incalculable, and the population lives without knowing diseases and wars.

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The Vatican about aliens and UFOs

The Vatican about aliens and UFOs

Various senior Vatican officials have hinted that the Roman Catholic Church is preparing to disclose information about aliens and UFOs to the public for several months.

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Top 10 Mysterious Artifacts that are associated with aliens

Top 10 Mysterious Artifacts that are associated with aliens

There is an opinion that alien life forms have visited the Earth throughout history. However, such statements are difficult to prove. Most cases of UFO sightings and abductions can easily be dismissed as a hoax or a simple misunderstanding.

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HighJump - Operation of the US Navy-we analyze the essence

High jump - Operation of the US Navy-we analyze the essence

In 1946-47, the United States conducted the Antarctic expedition HighJump under the leadership of the famous polar explorer and retired Rear Admiral Richard Byrd (Richard Evelyn Byrd). In connection with this expedition, there are conspiracy theories that it was carried out in order to eliminate Nazi bases, fight against extraterrestrials-occult allies of the Nazis, etc. In particular, it is worth mentioning the words of the participants of the expedition, who said that they were attacked by disc-shaped objects that emitted certain rays, which caused the ships and planes of the Americans to simply catch fire.

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The history of robots. The Guardians of the Buddha

The history of robots. The Guardians of the Buddha

The Oxford Dictionary gives a very concise definition of the word ROBOT - an automaton that gives the impression of human work by its actions. Of course, the very concept of an artificial device that simulates the actions and, possibly, a person's appearance is quite old. It has been actively developed in many cultures and countries of the world, preserved to this day mainly in legends and legends. Ancient robots also appear in works of Eastern literature, for example, in Buddhist legends, which are set in India during the time of the real historical kings Ajatashatru and Ashoka.

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Hunters forged knives from UFOs?

Hunters forged knives from UFOs?

The appearance of UFOs has been noted in all corners of our planet throughout the history of mankind. The peoples of the Russian north also have their own legends. One of these legends dates back to the XIX century.

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The mysterious image of Godself is found all over the world

The mysterious image of Godself is found all over the world

Currently, there is considerable evidence that ancient civilizations around the world were connected by a powerful religious symbol, which I call the Image of God Himself, and which is especially noticeable in the architecture of the pyramids.

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Miraculously, the surviving pilot told what he saw in the Bermuda Triangle

Miraculously, the surviving pilot told what he saw in the Bermuda Triangle

The theme of the Bermuda Triangle is shrouded in speculation around mysterious facts. The first information about the anomalous zone in the Atlantic between Puerto Rico, the state of Florida, and Bermuda dates back to the 15th century. The diaries of Christopher Columbus contain strange information about the suspicious glow of the sea, the atypical behavior of the compass, and the sudden flames.

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A non-obvious lie. What the strange fires of the 19th century hide.

A non-obvious lie. What the strange fires of the 19th century hide.

In the second half of the 19th century, there were a number of fires in large cities on several continents of the planet at once. Very similar to each other. To be precise, there are also a lot of earthquakes with tsunamis and a hundred comets with meteorites... For some reason, North America was most unlucky. So what was it?

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Russian scientists believe that the stories of contacts with extraterrestrials are lucid dreams

Russian scientists believe that the stories of contacts with extraterrestrials are lucid dreamsStudies involving 152 volunteers who position themselves as lucid dreamers have shown that a person is able to cause dreams, including those involving UFOs and aliens.

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