Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

This section is devoted to collecting and systematizing various conspiracy theories and also mysterious stories. The fact that we post conspiracy articles on this website does not mean that the editors of the site believe in all these theories. Our goal is systematization, not propaganda, as well as an objective approach. If there are any articles that refute the conspiracy theories of a particular theory, we will post them on the site.

The Mystery of the San Pedro Mountains Mummy. Is it an alien?

The Mystery of the Mummy of Mount San Pedro

A strange mummy was found in the summer of 1940 in Wyoming. The mystery of its origin is what we have to solve today.

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How many civilizations have there been on Earth?

Several civilizations have existed on Earth throughout history.

The history of human civilization is often limited by modern scientists to a few thousand years. However, the discovery of ancient cities such as Chatal-Guyuk in Asia Minor or Jericho in Israel demands a reevaluation of this timeline.

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The Eltanin antenna. The unsolved mystery of Antarctica.

The Eltanin antenna. The unsolved mystery of Antarctica.

One of these artifacts is a strange structure discovered by researchers on the bottom in Antarctica. The structure is similar to a steel antenna and to this day it is not clear exactly what it is.

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How aliens almost killed a ufologist, pulling vital energy out of him

How aliens almost killed a ufologist, pulling vital energy out of him

American Albert K. Bender was one of the first professional UFO researchers and one of the three most influential ufologists in the 50s and 60s of the last century. Bender was the first to collect and try to systematize the cases of visits by Men in black.

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William Tompkins said publicly that he worked with aliens

American William Tompkins said publicly that he worked with aliens

And this statement became a sensation. Because the scientist declassified contacts with an extraterrestrial civilization.

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How aliens are described in the Bible

How aliens are described in the Bible

Among ufologists, they are sure that the Bible in many places, directly or indirectly tells about the meeting of humanity with guests from other worlds. The interpretation of some canonical texts can be twofold, which is what pseudoscientists use. However, there are also direct instructions that simply cannot be perceived otherwise

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Does leaked UFO blueprint debunk NASA?

Leaked UFO blueprint debunks NASA?

That's what's probably in Area 51. A real UFO or active development of scientists?

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In quest of Hyperborea — why the data of Alexander Barchenko's expedition were classified

In search of Hyperborea — why the data of Alexander Barchenko's expedition were classified

At the beginning of the last century, many famous researchers were interested in solving the great mysteries of the past, one of which is the location of Hyperborea.

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10 UFO researchers who died a suspicious death

10 UFO researchers who died a suspicious death

There are many UFO-related conspiracies, but some of the most intriguing are related to the ufologists themselves, namely their deaths.

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The ancient Earthlings fought with the space aliens?!

The ancient Earthlings fought with the space aliens?!

Scientists are increasingly coming to the conclusion that many thousands of years ago there was a nuclear war between the ancient inhabitants of the Earth Asuras and space aliens, which led to an ecological catastrophe and a change in living conditions on our planet.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Miraculously, the surviving pilot told what he saw in the Bermuda Triangle

Miraculously, the surviving pilot told what he saw in the Bermuda TriangleThe theme of the Bermuda Triangle is shrouded in speculation around mysterious facts. The first information about the anomalous zone in the Atlantic between Puerto Rico, the state of Florida, and Bermuda dates back to the 15th century. The diaries of Christopher Columbus contain strange information about the suspicious glow of the sea, the atypical behavior of the compass, and the sudden flames.

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