Leaked UFO blueprint debunks NASA?

Does leaked UFO blueprint debunk NASA?

For many years, NASA has been associated with the bastion of technological progress and light for all the greatest minds on the planet. Under the flag of this organization, a huge number of unique objects are being produced, many discoveries are being made, technological breakthroughs are being made. But, as skeptics suggest, the agency owes such success not to scientists, but to ordinary aliens.

A wave of distrust towards NASA has flared up again due to the publication of a certain snapshot of a secret drawing of aliens. The picture shows a canvas dated 1939, which depicts spare parts of a certain flying device. According to an officially unconfirmed version, the drawing could have been posted to the public by someone from NASA to demonstrate the agency's involvement in alien's topic. According to experts, this UFO drawing merged into the network exposed the "scientists" of the department.

UFO scheme

It is assumed that the old document could have got to NASA scientists around the 1960s, but it turned out to be much earlier in the States themselves. Judging by the written description of the details of the ship, the aliens could have transmitted this information back in the 19th century, but then people did not have enough technological power to bring ideas to life.

A couple of centuries later, as we suggest, scientists began to design their aircraft based on alien drawings. This is what many explain the incredibly sharp breakthrough of the US aircraft industry in the middle of the last century. The most striking example of a "breakthrough" is the famous F-117 stealth aircraft. Another unique development that raises questions is an aircraft codenamed "Flying Wing", which has unique characteristics in structure and maneuverability. According to ufologists, the springboard of such ideas is Area-51, where all such "innovations" are stored.


The affiliation of the drawing to NASA has not yet been confirmed. According to our information, the documents themselves appeared on Reddit, and according to the user, he found a box with various drawings, including strange creatures drawn there.

If it turns out that these documents are at the disposal of one of the leading space agencies on the planet, it turns out that the agency has been hiding the true essence of their technological breakthrough from the world for 50 years. But, it is worth noting that this image can be used by competitors to arouse suspicion on the market leader, or it's just someone's ridiculous joke. Be vigilant. We publish this information so that you are aware of the existence of such a document. But according to our research team, all this does not look convincing.

UFO scheme

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO drawing  UFO scheme  NASA  blueprint  leaked

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