10 UFO researchers who died a suspicious death

10 UFO researchers who died a suspicious death

There are many UFO-related conspiracies, but some of the most intriguing are related to the ufologists themselves, namely their deaths.

10. Ron Rummel

Ron Rummel worked as an Air Force intelligence agent. In the years leading up to his death, he was the publisher of the ufo magazine Alien Digest. Some of the topics discussed in this magazine revolved around the idea that aliens have indeed been present on Earth for a long time.

Rummel got information from somewhere that these aliens had long-term plans to use humans as a food source. Many in the UFO community rejected such ideas as too fantastic, but shortly after that - in August 1993, Rummel died. His death looked like an apparent suicide in which he shot himself in the mouth.

However, doubts soon appeared. Evidence included the absence of blood on the barrel of the gun and Rummel's fingerprints on the handle. It also turned out that the suicide note was written by a left-handed person, whereas Rummel was right-handed. It looked like Rummel was silenced because he "got too close to the truth."

9. Ron Johnson

Ron Johnson was one of the ufologists who worked in the organization MUFON - the main ufo community in the United States. In June 1994, he was at a MUFON meeting in Texas when he suddenly collapsed to the floor. Officially, he was diagnosed with a stroke, but Johnson was only 43 years old, and shortly before that he underwent a full medical examination, which did not reveal any problems with his blood vessels.

For eyewitnesses, his death looked especially terrible, because before he fell, Johnson screamed in pain, and then his face turned red and blood gushed from his nose. And some of these people later claimed that it did not look like a stroke at all, but rather was a consequence of poisoning. Moreover, there were eyewitnesses who saw that right before he screamed and fell, Johnson took a sip from a can of soda, which was then never found. These people wondered if there was something smeared on the jar or added to the drink itself that could cause such a reaction.

8. John Murphy

John Murphy was not a direct UFO researcher but was a radio journalist who just happened to be in Kecksburg at the right time in December 1965, when there was a well-known incident with a probable UFO crash in these places.

John Murphy

Murphy was lucky in hot pursuit to interview a lot of local residents and take photos of the alleged UFO crash site. Alas, this evidence was eventually confiscated from him by high-ranking government officials. A few years later in California, in February 1969, Murphy died as a result of a tragic accident and soon there were rumors that the accident was deliberately arranged.

7. Tony Dodd

In the 1990s and early 2000s, Tony Dodd was one of the leading British ufologists. The fact that he had a long career as a police detective behind him only made him much more reliable in relation to the incidents he investigated. He regularly spoke at various UFO events and investigated some of the most intriguing UFO sightings and apparent alien abductions in the UK from the late 1980s to the early 2000s.


Dodd died in 2009 from a brain tumor. Considering that, according to his own records, he repeatedly received warnings to avoid certain countries due to possible attempts on his life, as well as direct warnings from a mysterious agent in the United States, many wondered if the tumor was somehow "provoked". agents of a dark agency with advanced technology. By the way, Dodd himself also repeatedly made such assumptions until his death.

6. John Mack

John Mack was hit to death by a drunk driver in London in 2004 and his death is still considered very suspicious. Mack was a professor at Harvard University who once became interested in UFOs and began to study cases of alien abduction. In the UK, many consider him one of the first "academics". who took ufology seriously.

UFO sightings

According to friends of Mac and his associates, the very idea that such an outstanding person suddenly became a victim of a completely random and sudden hit-and-run by drunk drivers, who not only knocked him down but took his life, looks unlikely and they are sure that all this was not just a tragic accident.

5. Ann Livingston

UFO researcher and MUFON member Ann Livingston died in 1994 from a fast-acting and very aggressive form of ovarian cancer. However, many of her MUFON colleagues and close friends began to wonder if her repeated UFO sightings and subsequent encounters with "Men in Black" could be related to her tragic death.

Men in Black

In December 1992, her apartment near O'Hare Airport in Chicago was suddenly illuminated by a silver-white flash. Then, just a few hours later, several faceless entities arrived at her apartment, very similar to the Men in Black. A few moments after she saw them, Ann fainted and she doesn't know what happened next. When she woke up, there were no People in black nearby and she looked unharmed. However, soon she began to have health problems and was diagnosed with cancer.

4. Jim Keith

The death of researcher and writer Jim Keith could well have been the result of just a series of coincidences, but they looked rather strange. The first thing Keith did was to study the work of Danny Casolaro (an investigative journalist whose death was also suspicious). In his book "The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro, with Kenn Thomas (1996)", he claimed that Casolaro's statements about the existence of the Octopus group are real. This shadowy group allegedly controls many world events.

Keith, based on Casolaro's notes, said that some government forces were conducting tests on Americans, dragging them to the underground Dulce base in New Mexico under the guise of alien abduction and pumping them with new drugs there. In 2004, Keith came to the festival and fell off the stage there, broke his tibia, and needed emergency surgery. He survived the operation safely but died shortly after it, never regaining consciousness. His official cause of death is a blood clot in his lung.

3. James Forrestal

On the night of May 22, 1949, James Forrestal, the very first Secretary of Defense of the United States, who resigned a few months before that date, jumped from the 13th floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital in Maryland. At the time of his death, he was being treated for depression in this facility, but for some, including members of his own family, his death was far from an obvious suicide.

According to the official version of events, Forrestal was last seen being checked by a security guard at 1:45 a.m. He was reading in his room. Then they say that Forrestal immediately left the room and went to the kitchen, where he tied the rope of the robe to the nearest battery and the other end around his neck. Then he jumped out of the window. The rope broke and he fell to his death. However, something caught the eye of those who got acquainted with this official version. Firstly, the rope around his neck was not long enough for him to reach the window from the battery. Moreover, there was no evidence that the rope had ever come into contact with the radiator battery.

James Forrestal

Even more suspicious was the guard on duty that evening. He had not been to the facility before and was brought in as a last-minute replacement. He testified — as the last person to see Forrestal alive and then disappeared somewhere unknown. However, the most disturbing evidence was scratches found on the windowsill from which Forrestal allegedly jumped voluntarily. This suggested that Forrestal was forcibly thrown out of the window and then desperately tried to cling to the ledge with his fingers before finally falling.

As for the UFO connection, some claimed that as the US Secretary of Defense, Forrestal knew a lot about UFO incidents and may have been unhappy with the fact of their concealment, or maybe even wanted to make them public. By the way, in the USSR it was believed that Forrestal had gone mad, unable to withstand the political hysteria due to the alleged threat of the invasion of the "Soviets" in the United States and therefore jumped out of the window.

2. Morris K. Jessup


One of the first American UFO researchers was Morris K. Jessup, author of the 1955 book "THE CASE FOR THE UFO." Jessup did not know that the release of this book would trigger a series of events that would lead to his tragic death. At first, Jessup began receiving letters from a mysterious gentleman named Carl Allen, who, among other things, claimed to have been involved in the legendary Philadelphia experiment.

This correspondence attracted the attention of the US Navy, who questioned Jessup in detail about this and his UFO research in general. After this meeting, Jessup began receiving strange phone calls. This caused him to be much more careful in his research. Then, on April 19, he made an appointment with a certain Dr. J. Manson Valentine about the meeting the next day about his "breakthrough in the investigation". But Jessup never came to this meeting. The next day, he was found dead in his car, with a hose leading to the exhaust pipe coming out of the window.

Some believe that suicide was actually murder. Perhaps one of the reasons for suspicion was the wet towels wrapped around the hose. Not only did they not belong to Jessup, but there was no nearby water source in which he could wet them.

1. Phil Schneider

In the early 1990s, Phil Schneider began a series of public lectures in which he claimed to have worked for the US government at various underground facilities. And it was during this work that he witnessed a real battle between underground aliens and employees of a military underground base near Dulce in New Mexico.

Phil Schneider

He also claimed to have been injured during this battle by alien weapons, scars he has publicly displayed several times. As you can imagine, many ridiculed Schneider's claims, including even some representatives of the UFO community. Others, however, fully believed what he was saying. Videos of his performances still attract a lot of attention on the Internet.

Officially, Schneider committed suicide on January 17, 1996. His body was found with a piece of flexible wire wrapped around his neck several times, which clearly indicated suicide. But many people, including some members of his family, rejected the suicide claims.

Thus, we can conclude that studying the questions of BUT is far from the safest occupation. so think twice. Are you willing to take the risk?

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO  researches  deaths  UFO crashes  investigators  abduction  aliens

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