Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

This section is devoted to collecting and systematizing various conspiracy theories and also mysterious stories. The fact that we post conspiracy articles on this website does not mean that the editors of the site believe in all these theories. Our goal is systematization, not propaganda, as well as an objective approach. If there are any articles that refute the conspiracy theories of a particular theory, we will post them on the site.

What do shamans and UFOs have in common?

What do shamans and UFOs have in common?

The reader is offered a summary of the book by Graham Hancock Fingerprints of the God. The author of the book - a world-famous historian and archaeologist-draws clear parallels between various types of altered states of consciousness, shamanic traditions of peoples around the world from many eras from rock art to today's fairy tales and legends, as well as stories told by people in regressive hypnosis about alien abductions. Some assumptions about the history of the human race may sound infantile, given the available esoteric knowledge and channeling, but the work itself is huge and deserves the greatest respect.

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What were the pyramids of Teotihuacan built for? We compare it with modern defense systems

What were the pyramids of Teotihuacan built for? We compare it with modern defense systems

Stalkers and fans of photographing abandoned bases and landfills put all this on the Internet. One day, looking through several such databases, I saw something familiar. And when I remembered that, there was no limit to my surprise.

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The copy of the pyramid of Cheops revealed gaps in the version of the official history about construction technology.

The copy of the pyramid of Cheops revealed gaps in the version of the official history about construction technology.

How long scientists from the official history community have been struggling with the mysteries of the pyramid of Cheops, you can no longer remember. Apparently from the moment, she was found. Then they were joined by alternative researchers. Things haven't budged an inch. However, for some reason, both of them completely forgot about the experience of Japanese engineers who tried in 1978 to build a replica of the pyramid of Cheops, reduced by 15 times. Why? After all, it was a real construction with the use of technologies and tools from the time of Ancient Egypt.

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The Table of Solomon-the device of an ancient civilization

The Table of Solomon-the device of an ancient civilization

The treasures of King Solomon are an enduring legend in human memory. After so many centuries, there are still disputes about their real existence, because they were lost during the looting of Solomon's Temple and have not yet been found. But they are expensive not because they are covered with gold, but because they performed magical functions. Magical for that time. In the present, however, they are quite working devices that we are beginning to use successfully.

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The fall of the giants and their fate according to ancient texts

The fall of the giants and their fate according to ancient texts

That an ancient race or race of giants once existed all over the world, from China to North America, is confirmed not only by the written records of various civilizations but also by archaeological evidence. Why don't they exist now? What happened to them? What factors led to their disappearance?

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Conspiracy theory - an operation to hide the truth

Conspiracy theory - a cover-up operation

Conspiracy theory and conspiracy theory were invented by the CIA to conduct psychological warfare.

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India has a secret door that cannot be opened

There is a secret door in India that cannot be opened

The incredible sensation of recent years has been the value of the Padmanabhaswami temple in the city of Trivandrum, Travancore province in India. But it is impossible to get into the last vault of the temple. The mysterious door leading into it does not want to open. What is hidden behind the secret doors of Padmanabhaswami?

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The mysterious Anunnaki bag on the objects of other ancient civilizations! Where did this symbol come from?

The mysterious Anunnaki bag on the objects of other ancient civilizations! Where did this symbol come from?

The symbol of the mysterious Anunnaki bag found on countless stone sculptures and statues dating back to 10,000 BC is so important that it finds its place in the works of art of cultures that should have nothing to do with each other.

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Military technology of the gods

History of the invasion? Military technology from the alien gods? Or were our ancestors more advanced?

The gods created the conditions for life on the planet, and then intelligent life itself. And then came the heyday of the so-called high-tech civilization of the gods. Now we find traces of this civilization everywhere on our planet.

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The most interesting coins with the image of a UFO

The most interesting coins with the image of a UFO

An outstanding series of coins is dedicated to UFOs, attested cases of the appearance of such objects in different years. Numerous testimonies of people are documented, the protocols are delivered at least to the regional authorities. In some circumstances, there was physical contact between the witness and the UFO.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Mysterious faces in Antarctica and on Mars.

Mysterious faces in Antarctica and on Mars.What researchers find on NASA maps and photos

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