Mysterious faces in Antarctica and on Mars.

Mysterious faces in Antarctica and on Mars.

I have long collected an interesting collection of photographs in which various researchers or, as they say, sofa experts, find mysterious faces or other strange structures in places where I have not set foot (on Mars) or almost no human foot has set foot (in Antarctica). But there are plenty of Google Maps, Google Earth, and NASA reports published on their website, where all this mysterious can be found if you look closely.

Finally, I decided to post what I have collected for your discussion. Because sometimes I think there's something in it. And I wanted to know your opinion.

A huge face in Antarctica

A face in Antarctica.

A face in Antarctica. Source:

A structure similar to a giant face was discovered in Antarctica with the help of Google Earth, the software with which such oddities are detected from time to time in our world, on the Moon or on Mars. "It looks like it's some kind of megastructure, similar to the famous face of Mars (Kidonia)," says the video (links are under the pictures) about it, posted on the channel Thirdfaceofmoon. "It has amazing symmetry."

A face in Antarctica

A face in Antarctica. Source:

A mysterious face, which, according to some users, has an alien appearance, looks out from under the melting snow of the mountains in West Antarctica and can be visualized by entering the following coordinates: 72 ° 00'36.00 "s, 168 ° 34. '40. 00 "E. It looks quite interesting. With a wide forehead, slanted eyes, nose, and mouth, it has a width of about 600 m and a length of almost 1 km, hence its nickname "Gigantic" (an abbreviation between Giant and Antarctica). Maybe it's something that's left of an ancient Antarctic civilization? And not a face at all, but a pyramid is hidden under the ice?

A new face on Mars

A new face on Mars


Mars never ceases to amaze us, as well as what can be found using Google Earth. Recently, Italian Matteo Yanao, using this software that includes maps of Mars, discovered a strange formation that could look like a human face in profile. In his statement, the researcher states that he is passionate about the mysteries of the planet Mars and, studying the photos sent to Earth by the ESA probe orbiting the red planet, Yanneo found this unique image. Despite the fact that he is not sure whether it is a simple optical illusion or an artificial structure, he spread his find online.

Anyone can check the displayed image by downloading the software containing maps of Mars and selecting the following coordinates: latitude 33 ° 12'29.82" north latitude, longitude 12 ° 55'51.21" east longitude.

Another face on Mars

Another face on Mars


The image shown below was discovered when viewing a huge archive of "raw" photos of the surface of Mars. On the NASA website, many curious people are tasked to look for, among other things, traces or evidence of anomalous structures.

In this particular case, a user of The Black Vault website posted a photo of what at first glance appears to be the face of a statue half-buried in Martian soil. Although the most likely explanation is that we are faced with a play of light and shadow, and what we see is nothing more than a special rock. Here is such a find by which you can judge for yourself what it is.

For me, it's the play of light and shadow. However, it is difficult to judge from the picture, because the line between pareidolia and the destroyed anthropogenic structure is very thin.

Link to the photo on the NASA website: .

Hangar on Mars

This time it's an "anomaly" near the south pole of Mars: a giant rectangular entrance carved into the rock.

Hangar on Mars

 Hangar on Mars. source

"This thing looks artificial and huge, its length exceeds 7 km!", - says the video of the SecureTeam10 channel. "This may be the entrance to a hangar or an underground building, where literally hundreds of ships can enter," the researcher adds, referring to the version that the giants who survived from a hypothetical Martian civilization took refuge under the surface of the planet. To justify the theory about the artificiality of this aperture, the video shows other anomalies that repeat the same rectangular patterns, and not only on Mars but also in Antarctica.

Hangar on Mars


This "hangar entrance" can be displayed in Google Earth by selecting Mars and entering the following coordinates: 79 ° 26'47.94" s.w. 135 ° 26'51.84" east longitude.

Question: Do all these buildings belong to a lost ancient civilization or is it just pareidolia? It's hard to say, so think for yourself.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Mars  Antarctica  Mysterious faces  huge face  space  Moon  Hangar

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