Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

This section is devoted to collecting and systematizing various conspiracy theories and also mysterious stories. The fact that we post conspiracy articles on this website does not mean that the editors of the site believe in all these theories. Our goal is systematization, not propaganda, as well as an objective approach. If there are any articles that refute the conspiracy theories of a particular theory, we will post them on the site.

Vrillon - an alien voice or a hoax that has become a legend

Vrillon - Ashtar Galactic Command

The evening news of Southern England television on November 26, 1977, was interrupted by a strange message from a representative of the so-called Ashtar Galactic Command. For almost 6 minutes, a distorted voice called on humanity...

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The Mystery of the Phaistos Disk

The Mystery of the Phaistos Disk

There are many mysteries and mysteries associated with world archaeology. And not always these mysteries lie on the surface and are as huge as the Egyptian pyramids. Sometimes they can easily fit in; I am in the hands of man, but many centuries and millennia are hidden in the ground. Until the archaeologists bring them to light.

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Solar Warden - The Secret US Space Program - Radiant Guardian

Solar Warden - The Secret US Space Program - Radiant Guardian

Ufologists have hypothesized the existence of spacecraft that monitor the movements of aliens and protect our solar system from attack.

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Tunguska meteorite - the main mystery of the twentieth century

The Tunguska Event: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Meteorite Mystery

In 1908, a mysterious object, later called the Tunguska meteorite, exploded and fell into the Earth's atmosphere. It happened on the territory of Eastern Siberia in the interfluve of the Lena and Podkamennaya Tunguska.

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The Betz family sphere. A mysterious sphere

The Betz family sphere. A mysterious sphere

One of the most mysterious objects of the twentieth century is the so-called Betz sphere, which received its name from the name of the American family that discovered the mysterious ball.

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Were there three Moons above the Earth in ancient times, and where did they go?

Were there three Moons above the Earth in ancient times, and where did they go?

The gravediggers were lucky this time. After digging a small hole in the rocky ground, they came across several very ancient objects: a pair of swords, five bracelets that dated back to the Bronze Age, and a round plate. The find was not just ancient, but also amazing. It happened on the banks of the Unstrut River, a little northwest of Naumburg, near the town of Nebra, in Germany, in the late 1990s.

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Atlantis: The Story of a Lost Civilization

 Atlantis: Unveiling the Secrets of a Fabled Civilization

Perhaps one of the most famous myths is the myth of Atlantis-an island that was buried under the depths of the sea thousands of years ago. Did it really exist? Today we will find out what hypotheses exist, when this myth appeared, and much more about the legendary island.

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The Truth about the Bermuda Triangle: Mysterious disappearances debunked

The Truth about the Bermuda Triangle: Mysterious disappearances debunked

The weirdness of the Bermuda Triangle is described by various theories, and among them, there are quite scientific hypotheses. They prove that nothing abnormal happens in the Bermuda Triangle, everything is understandable. An interesting fact, which is kept silent, creating an aura of romanticism around the Bermuda Triangle-ships and planes disappear not in the triangle itself, but next to it.

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What the DNA analysis of abnormal skulls found in Peru showed

What the DNA analysis of abnormal skulls found in Peru showed

Paracas is a desert peninsula that is located on the southern coast of Peru. In 1928, the archaeologist Julio Tello, 1928, found there the burial of people with abnormal skulls. They were displayed in the local historical museum and were given the name "skulls of Paracas". They are elongated in shape and their age is estimated at about 3 thousand years.

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There are no pyramids of Giza or the Sphinx on ancient maps of Africa.

There are no pyramids of Giza or the Sphinx on ancient maps of Africa.

Starting with the maps of Africa of the 13th century and ending with the Mercator map of the 16th century, it turned out that none of them marked the pyramids of Giza and the famous Great Sphinx, which in our time are the main attraction of Egypt and the whole world as a whole. A strange paradox, I thought and decided to deal with this question. Because it is not clear how it happened? After all, the age of the pyramids is about 4500 years according to official data, and according to some unofficial data more than 200 thousand years.

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Vehicles larger than the Earth fly around Saturn - says a former NASA scientist

UFO larger than the Earth fly around Saturn - says a former NASA scientistDr. Norman Bergrun reports unusual and exciting information that will not leave you indifferent

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