Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

Conspiracy theories and mysterious stories

This section is devoted to collecting and systematizing various conspiracy theories and also mysterious stories. The fact that we post conspiracy articles on this website does not mean that the editors of the site believe in all these theories. Our goal is systematization, not propaganda, as well as an objective approach. If there are any articles that refute the conspiracy theories of a particular theory, we will post them on the site.

Antarctica - restricted area

Antarctica - restricted area

It would seem that Antarctica is well studied, research is still being conducted to this day. However, is this really the case? Can you get there? Why don't they just let you in? Let's figure it out

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The groan of the Earth - the noise that keeps the inhabitants of the planet awake

The groan of the Earth - the noise that keeps the inhabitants of the planet awake

The phenomenon, which is called The Hum (groan) makes people hear a barely noticeable, barely audible noise, which at first is just a little annoying, and then it feels like your brain is being squeezed in a vice.

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UFO and mermaid — why the map of the 16th century show an alien ship?

UFO and mermaid — why the map of the 16th century show a UFO

Ancient geographical maps amaze even modern scientists with their content and design. Artists of the past willingly drew terrible monsters and different types of creatures on maps, which aroused interest and even fear among people.

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Mekong Fireballs - The Naga fireballs

Mekong Fireballs - The Naga fireballs

Did you know that in Laos, mystical events take place on the Mekong River? At night, red balls of light appear from the murky water of the Mekong River, which quickly rise into the air and disappear without noise (some who manage to be close at these moments report a quiet whistle). These mysterious phenomena are small in size, but in some cases reach the size of a basketball.

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The Dropa Stone Discs

The Dropa Stone Discs - non-human elements

The little-known mountains in China, called Bayan-Kara-Ula, could hardly have become famous if not for the expedition in 1938. Under the leadership of Dr. Chi Pu Tei, research was conducted, which resulted in the discovery of tombs of unknown creatures and disks on which ancient texts were applied as on records…

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UFOs in Renaissance paintings

UFOs in Renaissance paintings

In the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Western civilization created the most outstanding works of art. Even today's young artists take these paintings as role models. Many of these paintings are devoted to religious themes, which was typical of the art of that era. Some of these paintings depict strange objects resembling flying saucers, laser beams, and people in spacesuits against the backdrop of religious events, such as the birth or crucifixion of Jesus.

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An Extraterrestrial Civilization prevented a Nuclear War in 1967. Is it possible?

In 1967, an unidentified object disabled the possibility of launching nuclear missiles in the United States

On March 15, 1967, a resident of Soviet intelligence from the United States sent a telegram to the Kremlin with a note that the United States was preparing a nuclear bombing of Vietnam. At exactly 4 a.m. on March 16, 1967, 10 Minuteman missiles with nuclear warheads were to launch from Malmstrom Air Base at once...

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Secret Alien Bases on Earth

Secret Alien Bases on Earth

All over the world, researchers of the UFO phenomenon are particularly attracted to the facts of the basing of flying saucers and other unearthly apparatuses on our planet. Dozens of zones have already been identified where frequent UFO sightings are noted as if the aliens have their own secret bases there.

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There are millions of humanoid aliens living on the moon

There are millions of humanoid aliens living on the moon

This is exactly the meaning of the statement made by former CIA pilot John Lear in one of his interviews, thereby shocking the public with such an extraordinary statement

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1492: Christopher Columbus, UFOs, and the Bermuda Triangle

1492: Christopher Columbus, UFOs and the Bermuda Triangle

Numerous TV shows dedicated to the Bermuda Triangle or UFOs tell about how Christopher Columbus encountered strange events that are very similar to modern reports of these strange phenomena. But is it true? Let's get this straight.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

Mysterious faces in Antarctica and on Mars.

Mysterious faces in Antarctica and on Mars.What researchers find on NASA maps and photos

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