There are millions of humanoid aliens living on the moon

There are millions of humanoid aliens living on the moon

Hello, dear readers. Among the many serious information, there is also a non-standard one. We are not bored by the former CIA pilot John Lear. In an interview, he once again shocked the world with a statement about passwords-appearances, names, and details of the location of about 250 million humanoid aliens living on the moon.

And that's not all. Lear also mentioned that there are underground cities under the surface of the Moon where gray aliens live, and we (i.e. Lear) have countless evidence that these creatures visited our planet and continue to do so today. In these underground settlements, according to the former CIA pilot, there are laboratories in which genetic experiments are carried out.

There are millions of humanoid aliens living on the moon

John Lear began his creative biography in the 1980s and 1990s when he began to speak publicly and disclose confidential information. And here is one of his recent statements:

In 1953, an alien ship crashed and there was an alien on it, which we called EBE 3, and who then helped the US government build a spaceship using alien technology. In 1962, we had vehicles that could not travel faster than the speed of light, like the alien vehicles, but were fast enough to reach the Moon in 60 minutes and reach Mars in a few hours. The first flight to Mars took place in 1966, "says Lear," today there are about 600 million alien creatures and several human colonies on the Red Planet.

The quote:

In the 70s, before NASA allegedly began to destroy the photos taken by Apollo 8, 10, and 11 and published in the 1971 NASA book "SB2-46", it was possible to see the city, the space base, pipes, roads, vegetation, lights, mining facilities, and a nuclear reactor.

This required extraterrestrial cooperation, as many structures on the moon, were already there before the operations began. This has been done for the last 40 years. John Lear's father was also not an ordinary American but was involved in anti-gravity technology programs in the mid-1950s, which are now completely secret technology.

moon and aliens

According to Lear, everything we know about the Moon is a lie invented by the government for the specific purpose of hiding its extraterrestrial activities and programs. It also suggests that the fact that there are many habitable planets in the universe, such as Earth, has been hidden.

I can't prove it, or I'd be dead by now. I can't show you a photo of the Enterprise right now, even though it exists. But these are exactly the technologies that emerged after the US government invested billions or trillions of dollars in all of Tesla's research

says Lear:

Most striking of all, however, is the statement made by "truth-teller" Lear that Earth is actually a planetary prison and acts as a correctional facility where prisoners must reach a higher level of consciousness.

Moon conspiracy

When we talk about extraterrestrial life, John Lear assures us, there will always be skeptics who say that all this is fiction, or a simple desire to think that we are not alone in this world.

However, every day there are more and more people who know that aliens really exist, and who may be aware of us but do not want to approach them for the safety of both races. We, humans, tend to attack what scares us, we are afraid of the unknown. But it is also true that, according to experts, there are certain very wild alien races, and it is believed that one of them destroyed life on Mars.

The red planet has been the subject of various studies over the years. The probes and satellites sent out for monitoring and sketching have produced amazing results on Mars, starting with the fact that they have incredible compatibility in their atmosphere with the human body. In fact, this is the main planet that will be taken into account in the event that humanity has to migrate to space.

moon and mars conspiracy

The red planet, Lear concludes, has been the subject of various studies over the years. The probes and satellites sent to monitor and take photos have produced amazing results on Mars, starting with the fact that it is incredibly compatible with humans. In fact, this is the main planet that will be taken into account in the event that humanity has to migrate to space.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

CIA pilot  CIA  aliens  Moon  NASA  Mars  conspiracy

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