High jump - Operation of the US Navy-we analyze the essence

HighJump - Operation of the US Navy-we analyze the essence

In 1946-47, the United States conducted the Antarctic expedition "HighJump" under the leadership of the famous polar explorer and retired Rear Admiral Richard Byrd (Richard Evelyn Byrd). In connection with this expedition, conspiracy theories were carried out to eliminate Nazi bases, fight against extraterrestrials-occult allies of the Nazis, etc. In particular, it is worth mentioning the words of the participants of the expedition, who said that they were attacked by disc-shaped objects that emitted certain rays, which caused the ships and planes of the Americans to simply catch fire.

Operation "HighJump" was disguised as an ordinary research expedition and not everyone guessed that a powerful naval squadron was heading to the shores of Antarctica. An aircraft carrier, 13 ships of various types, 25 planes and helicopters, more than four thousand people, a six-month supply of food-these data speak for themselves.

Richard Evelyn Byrd, It would seem that everything went according to plan: 49 thousand photos were taken in a month. And suddenly something happened that the official US authorities are still silent about. On March 3, 1947, the expedition that had just begun was urgently curtailed, and the ships hurriedly headed home. In May 1948, some details surfaced on the pages of the European magazine "Brizant". It was reported that the expedition met with stiff resistance from the enemy. Were lost: at least one ship, dozens of people, four combat aircraft, and nine more aircraft had to be left as unusable. We can only guess what exactly happened. According to the press, the crew members who dared to remember spoke about "flying disks" that "emerged from under the water" and attacked them, about strange atmospheric phenomena that caused mental disorders.

Soviet whalers and pilots smashed the Americans

Another version of what happened is that the Americans were attacked by aggressive and bloodthirsty Russian whalers under the leadership of Papanin for some reason and the merciless pilot Chilingarov, who died in the battles for Antarctica and is buried there.

The head of the expedition A. N. Chilingarov in Chile during the IL-76 flight to Antarctica, 1986.

The head of the expedition A. N. Chilingarov in Chile during the IL-76 flight to Antarctica, 1986.

And this is the whaling base “Slava " returned to the port with the fat of the Americans and with the over-fulfillment of the plan. The poster says so, instead of 10,000 tons, 12,500 tons were extracted. The Americans helped the Soviet workers of Antarctica to fulfill and exceed the plan for fish oils.


On January 28, 1947, the Slava flotilla (the Slava-4 whaler-hunter, the Olsen harpooner — Norwegian) produced the first fin whale with a length of 20 m. On October 4, 1947, A. N. Solyanik was appointed captain-director of the Slava whaling flotilla, despite the protests of the Norwegian side, and remained it until 1959.

They're probably lying. It was an American destroyer.

So where does all this come from? Red rays, red Russians, and flying saucers in underdeveloped areas of Antarctica. Where did it all come from?

Is the” official " version telling the truth?

Operation Highjump (The United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, 1946-1947 — The US Navy Program for the Development of Antarctica, 1946-1947) was an American Antarctic expedition organized by the US Navy in 1946, for the purpose of exploring Antarctica. The head of the expedition was retired Rear Admiral Richard Bird, the command of Task Force 68 was carried out by Rear Admiral Richard Krusen.

The operation began on August 26, 1946, and ended at the end of February 1947, six months ahead of schedule, due to the early arrival of the Antarctic winter (according to the official version). Task Force 68 consisted of 4,700 people, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. The main scientific goal of the expedition was the foundation of the Antarctic research station "Little America IV".

It is difficult to say exactly where all these fictions that the “naval officer " is spreading on the central channel came from.

The year is 1947. The next expedition of the legendary American polar explorer Richard Byrd came to the shores of Antarctica. Unlike the first three, it is fully funded by the US Navy and has a military name-Operation Highjump. Everything is going according to plan: tens of thousands of aerial photographs were taken in the first weeks. And suddenly something mysterious happens: the expedition, designed for six months, is hastily curtailed after two months and leaves the shores of Antarctica. It was a real escape. The destroyer “Murdock”, almost half of the carrier-based aircraft, dozens of sailors, and officers were lost.

Dmitry Filipov, Doctor of Historical Sciences.

Dmitry Filipov, Doctor of Historical Sciences.

Timeline of the US Navy operation

Here's what some "researchers" tell us about this, options:

  • ... The operation began on August 26, 1946 and ended at the end of February 1947, six months ahead of schedule, due to the early arrival of the Antarctic winter (according to the official version)...
  • ... the expedition, designed for six months, is hastily curtailed after two months and leaves the shores of Antarctica. It was a real escape.

In the first case, this is information from Wikipedia, it turns out that the expedition was planned for 12 months, August-February and returned 6 months earlier, according to the “officer” – the expedition is designed for 6 months, returned in 2 months.

According to any of the versions, although they differ significantly in terms of timing, the NAVAL EXERCISES, and NOT the SCIENTIFIC expedition, ended 4-6 months ahead of schedule.

And for what period did the US Navy go to Antarctica?

Here it is! We are reading the original source!

The original report of Admiral Byrd and his chief, Rear Admiral Richard Krusen

I like to read primary sources.

Report on operation " High Jump”

In the official report, we are only interested in the date of these naval maneuvers. We omit everything else, although the following is interesting and described in detail in this original – the purpose of the exercises, the forces and means involved, the tasks and route of each vessel, the work performed, and so on.

There IS EVERYTHING! Except for flying disks and Soviet whalers. Although the USSR is mentioned in one of the paragraphs of the document.

One more time. This is a former SECRET document, confidential, at least I do not know the subtleties of American secret office work. It is confidential, as any report on naval exercises of any country!

Report on operation " High Jump”

At the moment, the document is declassified-unclassified, although there are warnings about the law in it.

Report on operation " High Jump”

The date of the document is August 1947, the status “declassified” was received in 1955, printed in April 1956, as I understand it.

So, the main thing!

Timeline of the US Navy operation “High Jump”, 1946-47.

So how much? A year? Six months? Why did they come back earlier?

Report on operation " High Jump”

Larger, for smartphones.

Report on operation " High Jump”

The document number is No. 065P33, the date is August 26, 1946.

Topic: Antarctic Development Project, 1947.

1. Antarctic Development Project to be implemented during the Antarctic summer (January-March), 1947 This project will be designated by the code word "HighJump".

Is everything clear???

Historical figures, specialists in "flying disks” and "naval officers", doctors of historical sciences.

 ... during the Antarctic summer (January-March) of 1947

Summer! In Antarctica! January - March!

3 MONTHS!!! What year, six months???

In the early article, the Sand Warrior himself fell for the mistake of the "researchers", suggested that the Americans had returned because of the bad ice situation.

Report on operation " High Jump”

And they just had to return in MARCH, and not in six months!

The beginning of the US Navy operation “Highjump”

Of course, this is not the beginning itself, but the receipt by the responsible persons of the document for the beginning of its preparation-No. 065P33, date-August 26, 1946, see above.

This document contains the main goals and objectives of the operation, 11 points.

  • Training of personnel and testing of equipment in the conditions of the Antarctic cold;
  • The declaration of US sovereignty over the practically achievable territories of Antarctica (officially this goal was denied even after the end of the expedition);
  • Finding out the feasibility of establishing, maintaining, and using Antarctic stations and exploring suitable territories for this;
  • Development of technologies for the establishment, maintenance, and use of Antarctic stations on the ice sheet with special attention to the further application of these technologies in the interior of Greenland;
  • Expanding knowledge in the field of hydrography, geography, geology, meteorology, electromagnetic wave propagation in Antarctica;
  • Continuation of the research was started by the Nanook expedition in Greenland.

This is from Wikipedia, it's correct here.

The remaining items are DETAILS, technical, command, situation, and secrecy.


BUT! Not in the context of the WAR with us, but to understand the situation of the TF68 commander! Task Force 68 and it's not Admiral Bird.

Report on operation " High Jump”


Topic: Antarctic Development Project, 1947

10. The available information indicates that in the USSR with the support of the government, an expedition is being organized to work in the Subantarctic during the 1947 season and that one or more other CIVILIAN expeditions from different countries may be present there.

11. This project is generally classified as CONFIDENTIAL, but subprojects will be more strictly classified if the content requires it.

Special precautions are required to achieve the goal,the scope and purpose were limited to maritime distribution within the naval jurisdiction to those who need to know

/ e / D. Co RAMSEY Deputy Chief of Naval Operations

10 point - here are the Soviet whalers are drawn.

About naval jurisdiction

Admiral Byrd's proposal for the next planned expedition, see below.

By the way, Rear Admiral Richard Bird was already retired and in fact, he is an engaged civilian specialist, an experienced polar explorer.

The commander of this Task Force 68ю Task Force is Rear Admiral Richard Krusen. And yet Richard Bird writes the following, August 4, 1947. Rather, it recommends it.

Report on operation " High Jump”

It is believed that the next major Antarctic expedition,

it should be a joint project of the ARMY and NAVY, and it is recommended.

Why is this necessary? To fight the Nazi saucers? Nope! To work out the INTERACTION! ARMY AND NAVY!

Routes and dates of the operation

In the report on this operation, the US Navy also has maps of their movement, but they are very bad, but in the text of the document you can read in detail who, when, and where went. For example.

In reality, they went to sea on December 2, 1946, with the expectation of approaching Antarctica at the end or beginning of the year, as planned.

Report on operation " High Jump”

The ships of the Central and Eastern Groups of the 68th Fleet Task Group sailed from Norfolk, Virginia, in the afternoon of December 2, 1946. This detachment consisted of the following ships:

CENTRAL GROUPUSS MOUNT OLYMPUS (AGC-8) - The flag of the task force (Rear Admiral R. H. Krusen, USK) – The flagship of the operation and its commander.

USCGC NORTHWIND (WAG-282) is an Icebreaker of the US Coast Guard.

EASTERN GROUPUSS PINE ISLAND (AV-12) - 7.0. 68.3 Flag (Captain G. J. Dufek, US Navy)

USS BRUWNSON (DD-868) - destroyer, captain 2nd rank G. Gimber (H. M. S. Gimber)

The trip to Panama was uneventful, with the exception of an unusually high number of accidents on the route, almost all of which occurred due to the inexperience of engineering and technical personnel. After reaching Colon, the Panama Canal Zone, on December 7, 1946, the ships passed through the canal and stopped at Balboa, the Canal Zone, for two days to rest before a long hike.

The USS CANISTEO (40-99) tanker and the USS SENNET (SS-4.08) submarine joined Balboa.

All ships left Balboa on December 10, 1946, heading for Antarctica. The next day, the ships lined up, a distance of 50 miles.

Balboa Island near Los Angeles. There is a port and a base there.

They went to Antarctica from the WESTERN side of the Americas, and the Germans were on the EASTERN side. The zero meridian!!!!

in 1954. Balboa Island.

Report on operation " High Jump”

This is how the WHOLE campaign is described. First briefly, then in detail for each of the three operational and tactical groups and for EACH vessel. When, where, what and how.

The ships went as part of their own groups and each had its own goals and objectives, route, and so on. They came to Antarctica and left there in their own way, based on the situation and the plan.

According to this plan, they were supposed to come and leave Antarctica in JANUARY-MARCH 1947, which they DID, each group and ship in its own time and on its own route!

For example.

We are looking at the end of February 1947, just when the "red rays", "flying disks", mustachioed Soviet whalers and all that.

Report on operation " High Jump”

On the morning of February 22, 1947, the icebreaker BURTON ISLAND arrived in

Whale Bay and the evacuation of the base and camp personnel began. The evacuation was completed, and we went to Scott's Island

On February 23, 1947, the Ice Pack was cleared on the 25th, and

On the 26th, a meeting was held with the flagship MOUNT OLYMPUS, which has been engaged in tea drinking in the immediate vicinity since the ice pack was removed on February 13. The responsible employee of the Antarctic Development Project, the commander of the task force and most of the base camp staff moved to the flagship, after which the icebreaker BURTON ISLAND left for Wellington, via Port Chalmers, New Zealand, and the flagship MOUNT OLYMPUS went there directly.

Perhaps this picture of the icebreaker BURTON ISLAND was taken just at this time. Some "researchers“, Kadykchansky, for example, consider it”a Soviet destroyer without identification marks".



Report on the topic “Operation of the US Navy “High jump”, 1946-47. not defeated by Soviet whalers” I have finished yet, I can continue.

I didn't complicate the article. There, for each ship, its route is painted in quite a detail. I see no reason not to trust this secret report of Admiral Byrd.

Everything matches there. And the time and routes of movement, and so on. I traced them in detail to Antarctica, then I became. And so everything is clear.

There is also technical information there – proposals for the modernization of individual nodes of various equipment, etc.

Report on operation " High Jump”

Report on operation " High Jump”

Conclusion – US Navy Operation “High Jump", 1946-47 was planned for 3 months of stay in Antarctica itself, and not for a year or six months. She wasn't running from anyone, everything was going according to plan. Everything is written in detail.

There are no " flying disks” and mustachioed Soviet whalers with pilots. Do not trust anyone and always check the information. By the way, check me out too:-)

P.S. Translated from https://voin-zen.ru/operacziya-vms-ssha-vysokij-pryzhok-1946-47-gg-ne-razgromlena-sovetskimi-kitoboyami/ 

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

ufo  highjump  US navy  Antarctica  operation

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