UFO sightings in Ancient Egypt? The Mystery of the Tully Papyrus

UFO sightings in Ancient Egypt? The Mystery of the Tully Papyrus

In various cultures and eras of history, there are many records of UFO phenomena. The first was recorded in an Egyptian document that is known to ufologists under the name "Papyrus Tully" which is considered a genuine treasure, as it can tell us about the observations of extraterrestrials.

Alberto Tully

This mysterious story began in 1931, when Alberto Tully, the head of the Egyptian branch of the Vatican Museum, walked through the local market in Cairo. He found an unusual papyrus with hieroglyphs in one of the antique shops. Tully realized that he had caught an ancient relic. However, the store owner demanded too high a price, so Tully was unable to purchase the papyrus. Ho, he was allowed to make a copy.

ancient papyrus Tully

He also replaced the hieratic writing in it with hieroglyphic writing, which was later translated and widely distributed. Tully turned to Boris Rachewiltz for help in translation, wrote books about the life and art of the Egyptians. It turned out that this is a truly valuable relic, as it was created during the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III. The document dates from around 1480 BC. An alternative historian, Dr. R. Cedric Leonard, proposed a more understandable translation that would allow some to better understand the text:

Example of hieratic writing. This is an excerpt from the "Instructions of Amenemhat", Dynasty XVIII, reign of Amenhotep I (1514-149Z BC)

Example of hieratic writing. This is an excerpt from the "Instructions of Amenemhat", Dynasty XVIII, reign of Amenhotep I (1514-149Z BC)

In the 22nd year of the third month of winter, the sixth hour of the day [... among the scribes of the House of Life, it was discovered that a strange Disc of Fire was appearing in the sky. He had no head. The breath of his mouth gave off an unpleasant smell.

"His body was one rod (172 feet or approximately 50 meters) long and one rod wide. He had no voice. He came to His Majesty's house. Their hearts got tangled up in it and they fell on their bellies. They went to the king to report it. His Majesty [ordered that] the scrolls [located] in the House of Life be held. His Majesty has been reflecting on all these events that are now taking place."

After a few days, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shone in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and spread to the limits of the four pillars of heaven [ ... ] Powerful was the position of the Fiery disks.

"The king's kingdom looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after dinner when the Disks rose even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and other volatile substances flowed down from the sky, a miracle that has never been known since the founding of the country. "

And His Majesty summoned incense to soothe the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the two lands. And it was [ordered] that this event should be recorded for His Majesty in the Annals of the House of Life [to be remembered] for ever

The Tully papyrus reads (our interpretation)

A copy of the tulli papyrus, using hieroglyphs

A copy of the tulli papyrus, using hieroglyphs

In the 22nd year of the third month of winter, the sixth hour of the day [... among the scribes of the House of Life, it was discovered that a strange Disc of Fire was appearing in the sky. He had no head. The breath of his mouth gave off an unpleasant smell.

The Tully papyrus info 

At the time this story became known, most believed that the papyrus only described a meteorological phenomenon. The bottom line is that the ancient Egyptians recorded lunar phases, the movement of stars, the passage of comets and meteorites. Ufologists believe that they could distinguish a cosmic phenomenon from an alien invasion.

Astronomical images on the tomb of the architect Senmut

Astronomical images on the tomb of the architect Senmut

The Tully papyrus is also considered one of the earliest recorded sightings of a flying saucer. Author Erich van Daniken included the Tully Papyrus in his discussion of visits by extraterrestrial beings in ancient times.

However, there is one unique fact in the Tully Papyrus. In this transcription, although it is claimed to have come from the reign of Thutmose III, the pharaoh's name is never actually mentioned. This fact makes the Tully Papyrus suspicious.

About the mention of "fire circles" or " fire disks ", which allegedly refer to UFOs, there is a controversy. Some UFO observers, such as Jacques Vali and Chris Aubeck, have called the Tully Papyrus a hoax.

According to them, the Prince de Rachevilz himself has never even seen the original transcription and is unlikely to be confirmed.

Example of hieratic writing

Example of hieratic writing

Tully papyrus researcher Samuel Rosenberg has questioned the authenticity of the papyrus. He wrote a letter to the Egyptian department of the Vatican Museum to get more information about the papyrus.

Another of his investigations was sent to Dr. Walter Ramberg, a researcher at the Vatican Museum. According to him, Alberto Tully left all his property to his brother, who was a priest in the Lateran Palace. It is very likely that the Papyrus also passed to the priest. Unfortunately, the priest also died shortly afterward, and his belongings were passed on to his family, who may not have considered the Tully papyrus valuable.

In 1968, Samuel Rosenberg reported that the Tully papyrus might be a forgery. Rosenberg even mentions that the Tully Papyrus is an example where UFO authors took a second source and did not try to find the original source.

This view is confirmed by Franco Brussino, who recently conducted a study of this papyrus. He also said that it was highly likely that these papyri were forged.

It turns out that at the moment there is no copy or original. There are only assumptions, rumors, and guesses. In that case, if such a document really existed, then it describes one of the first observations of UFOs or any unusual cosmic phenomenon, which may also be of interest to scientists and you and me.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO phenomena  ufo sightings  ancient egypt  Tully Papyrus  Vaican Museum  Egyptian  ancient relic  Pharaoh Thutmose III  alien invasion  disks  Samuel Rosenberg  Walter Ramberg  UFOs

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