The aliens are not in a rush to establish communication with Earthlings.

Why are the aliens in no hurry to "establish" communication with earthlings: versions of the Enrico Fermi paradox

Italian physicist Enrico Fermi created the world's first nuclear reactor, but it was not this achievement that allowed him to leave his mark on history.

During a conversation with colleagues in 1950, Fermi confidently initiated a discussion about the Fermi paradox. During a conversation with colleagues in 1950, Fermi confidently initiated a discussion about the Fermi paradox. This paradox questions why humanity has not yet encountered extraterrestrial life despite its existence in the universe. During a conversation with colleagues in 1950, Fermi confidently initiated a discussion about the Fermi paradox. Fermi boldly inquired why there is no conclusive evidence of the presence of aliens on Earth.

 Aliens and fermi

Earth is an observable object.

According to one theory, our planet has been observed by more advanced beings. These observers, however, have not shown any interest in making contact with us, as they view us as mere animals in a zoo. Due to our primitive intelligence level, communication with them is considered difficult. It is widely believed that the aliens are waiting for us to evolve and develop further.

Earth - object for observation

According to one theory, our planet has been observed by more advanced beings. These observers, however, have not shown any interest in making contact with us, as they view us as mere animals in a zoo. Due to our primitive intelligence level, communication with them is considered difficult. It is widely believed that the aliens are waiting for us to evolve and develop further.

Earth's unique conditions have developed optimally, with us being at an optimal distance from the central star of our system and located at a sufficient distance from other stars and black holes. It is hard to believe that there are no other habitable celestial bodies in the infinite universe.

Earth is a planet with a unique and distinct character.

Planetary development in the universe follows a pattern similar to that on Earth, with a correlation to the standard of living in countries. The Earth is situated on the periphery of the Universe, far from the main trade routes and lacking in valuable mineral resources for export. The Earth is situated on the periphery of the Universe, far from the main trade routes and lacking in valuable mineral resources for export. It is therefore unlikely that intergalactic spaceships would have any interest in our planet and would likely pass by it at a distance.

The "Great Filter" theory

According to this passage, space civilizations undergo various stages of development, akin to Darwin's theory of natural selection. It is important to note that not all extraterrestrial races engage in space exploration, and some planetary civilizations have been decimated by global catastrophes or internal conflict. They are focused on their internal issues and are determined to master distant celestial bodies.

Living in the matrix.

This theory refers us to the cult trilogy of films "The Matrix" by the brothers (now sisters) Wachowski. It turns out that we are living in an artificial simulation of reality, which means that other civilizations simply cannot exist because they are not part of the program of our virtual reality.

Russian mathematician's opinion

The discussion about extraterrestrials, launched by the Italian Fermi in the 50s of the last century, managed to participate and Russian theorist Alexander Berezin.

He made a number of suggestions:

  • aliens are physiologically very different from us, so we may not realize that we are dealing with aliens;
  • aliens may have the ability to fly, but they don't have the intelligence to be able to have communication with us;
  • the scientist is certain that every advanced civilization will be the destroyer of its rivals;
  • it is the earthlings who can be the highest form of life in the Universe, and it is up to us to communicate with the aliens.

So we need to take further steps to develop Mars and the Moon, and maybe there we will meet intelligent aliens. But we have to think again: maybe it's a good thing that we haven't had contact with aliens? Who knows, maybe this encounter will be fatal for humanity.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

conspiracy  weirds  aliens  fermi  earth

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