The Dogon and Sirius: so was there a paleocontact?

The Dogon people and Sirius: so was there a paleocontact? Conversations with elder Ogotemmeli

1931. Africa. The plateau of Bandiagara in the South of Mali. The ethnographic expedition of Marcel Griaule unexpectedly comes across a small Dogon people in the impenetrable jungle. Researchers were so interested in these Africans that they studied them for more than a decade. And there was something to study and wonder about: for thousands of years, the Dogon passed on to subsequent generations the astronomical knowledge that science at that time only received. Moreover, they claimed that their progenitors came to Earth from distant Sirius.

Dogon people

Conversations with elder Ogotemmeli resulted in fundamental work on the beliefs of the African people and became a cause for controversy about the recorded paleocontact. Dogon friends with Griaule told him that their ancestors used to live on the planet orbiting Sirius, and then on the "ark" came to Earth to settle it.

In his works, the French scientist does not try to interpret the myths, but simply conveys what the elder told him. Moreover, he does not wonder how the tribe, which did not have the necessary tools, got information about invisible to the naked eye celestial objects.

However, this greatly interested Eric Guerrier, and he interpreted the Dogon myths like the fact of an alien visit to our planet. This idea was supported by Robert Temple and in the book, " The Sirius Mystery" has already proved the presence of paleocontact.

The Sirius Mistery

Today, the Dogon people still live on the Bandiagara plateau, a beautiful, though inaccessible place. Their villages huddled on the slopes, are called the Dogon Country. According to the official version, they came here in the tenth and twelfth centuries from the upper Niger, but the Africans themselves continue to claim that they come from the constellation of the Big Dog.

But the Guerrier did not ask this question, professing a principle "to describe and only to describe." At first, they tried to reproach him with the fact that he might have misunderstood the Dogon elder because he talked to him through an interpreter. However, the information received by the Frenchman was systematic, so it was impossible to write off these myths for misunderstanding.

Many scientists refused to believe in paleocontact, so there was a crazy version of the telescope from improvised materials. Allegedly, the Dogon could have a round pool, the water in which was evenly rotated with the help of some device. This rotation gave the water the shape of a concave mirror that could serve as a reflector: so the ancient Africans were able to see Sirius B and the moons of Jupiter.

Dogon paleocontact

But more corrosive and rational scientists have suggested a different version. Also, contact, but not with aliens, but with missionaries. To begin with, we paid attention to the fact that the Dogon knowledge is, of course, amazing, but incomplete. Well, for example, why did the mysterious aliens call the second race of Sirius "the smallest" and "the heaviest"? They must have known that there were smaller and denser stars. Why does Jupiter have only four moons, when 79 are already known today?

In General, the researchers concluded, the Dogon knowledge is very similar to the knowledge available to science at the beginning of the twentieth century. And it was at this time that the African tribes were visited by European missionaries. Perhaps one of them, interested in the achievements of modern astronomy, noticed how much attention is paid to Sirius in Dogon mythology, and to establish contact, told about this star everything that he knew.

The fact is that in the 20s of the last century, it was found that Sirius B has a huge density, that is, very "heavy", at the same time it was defined in the category of "white dwarfs".

The aliens could not call Sirius B the smallest and heaviest star, because they would certainly have known about the existence of smaller and much denser and heavier stars. The Dogon astronomy is closer to the level of earth astronomy, which they could learn, for example, from the Catholic missionaries "White fathers

— claims Alexey Skudnev, editor-in-chief of the MSU Astronomical Bulletin.

So, the Dogon knowledge turned out to be fake? It's probably too early to say this because the Africans say that Sirius is not a double star, but a triple star! And today, no one confirms the presence of Sirius C, although there is talk about it...

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Griaule  aliens  dogon  conspiracy  Sirius  paleocontact  Big Dog  Jupiter  history  mythology

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