These pagan goddesses rode on lizards and spiders

Ancient gods and aliens - another proof from the excavations. Is their invasion waiting for us?

Getting acquainted with the harsh female characters of the Perm animal style, we discovered familiar silhouettes and creatures. All this suggests certain thoughts about the direct contact of our ancestors with various hybrid creatures, possibly aliens. We have specially found for you an ancient culture that is not the most popular on the Internet, and to our horror we discovered that their Gods are similar. And much suggests that a highly developed civilization, perhaps aliens ruled everything here. And as you know, some of them were far from kind. Will they come back? Is humanity waiting for annihilation? Let's figure it out.

Among the heroes of this distinctive style, you will meet anyone, but a special place in it is occupied by female deities with elements of birds of prey and animals in their appearance – formidable beaks, powerful wings and sharp claws on their feet or hands. On top of everything else, they also stand on lizards, moose and spiders.

We want to remind you that people reproduce only what they have already seen, especially if the plots are repeated.

These characters are associated with Permian mythology. The ancient tribes of the Kama region believed in the existence of three worlds: the Upper Heavenly, the Middle Earthly and the Lower Underground. And harsh goddesses ruled in these worlds (they are also a highly developed civilization or aliens), they also ruled the lives of ordinary mortals. Compositions on bronze plates with images of female deities always consist of three parts (according to the number of worlds), so it is more convenient to "read" them from top to bottom.

The many-faced goddess on a lizard (or beaver)

The plate with the goddess on the lizard. VIII–IX centuries A.D. Collection of the Cherdyn Museum of Local Lore

The plate with the goddess on the lizard. VIII–IX centuries A.D. Collection of the Cherdyn Museum of Local Lore

In this three-headed female deity, some researchers see the features of Taran, the goddess of war, devastating fires and madness among the Hunts and Voguls:

The virgin Taran has three Faces, because fire burns in all three worlds: in the palaces of the heavenly gods, in the dwellings of people and in the dungeons of the Lower World.


Above the heads of the formidable goddess are birds of prey. There are sharp claws on her hands and feet, and she stands either on a lizard, or on a beaver, which guard the border of the lower, chthonic world. Joking with this Permian goddess is definitely not worth it.

But somewhere we have already seen such a god. Remind me or will you remember yourself? This is trimurti!

According to Indian religious philosophy, the image of trimurti combines three main supreme principles observed in the visible world — the creative (Brahma), destructive (Shiva) and protective (Vishnu) principles. All three exist in one deity and one in all three, just as the Vedas are divided into three main parts and still remain a single book. They all contain one being, which is Parama (supreme), Guhya (secret) and Sarvatma (soul of the whole world).


 Sculpture of the three-faced Shiva from the island of Elephant, taken by Europeans for Trimurti

Sculpture of the three-faced Shiva from the island of Elephant, taken by Europeans for Trimurti

Ricardo Martins. originally posted to Flickr as Shiva @ Elephanta Caves

It should be noted here that trimurti is rather about the trinity that many peoples of antiquity have, and this is what there is about the unity of the spirit of God and the son. But if we move away from mythology and look at the dry facts, then we see that Vishnu is a being with three heads, and the goddess Taran also has three heads, and Vishnu and Taran are responsible for destruction. From here we conclude that it is still about one deity, with the addition of the flavor of local culture.

Goddess on moose

The plate with the goddess on the moose. VI–VII centuries A.D. Collection of the Cherdyn Museum of Local Lore

The plate with the goddess on the moose. VI–VII centuries A.D. Collection of the Cherdyn Museum of Local Lore

A one-faced goddess with a solar symbol stands surrounded by people clinging to her. Above their heads are moose, suspiciously resembling unicorns (maybe they are). Under the feet of the goddess are also moose, probably sacrificed to her. She was revered as the goddess of fire, but not destructive and bringing death, but peaceful and tamed.

Goddess on spiders

A plate with a goddess on spiders. VII–VIII centuries AD. Collection of the Cherdyn Museum of Local Lore

A plate with a goddess on spiders. VII–VIII centuries AD. Collection of the Cherdyn Museum of Local Lore

This winged goddess was considered the patroness of the family, the intercessor before the supreme creator. The dumbfounded face from above is actually the face of the lord of the heavenly world. On the wings of the goddess are her sons: half-humans, half-birds. People huddle at their feet, crying out for protection. There is a female deity standing on spiders that weave a web in the underworld. On it, as on a bridge, the souls of the dead will be able to cross over a boiling river (the waves of this river are visible under the spiders). In any case, this is how researchers of Permian mythology interpret this composition.


Gods with wings are also easy to find, just remember the Sumerian myths. Thus, we can observe that in ancient cultures there are very strange creatures that the ignorant population called Gods. This is not surprising, for an aborigine, even a demonstration of a lighter or smartphone will cause vivid impressions, and will allow you to become a God in their eyes. It is important for us to understand that the presence of similar deities in different cultures only confirms the existence of these beings. But who are they? Obviously, a highly developed civilization. Aliens? Perhaps, depending on what sense to invest in it, aliens may be from continents hidden from our eyes. We should pay more attention to the mythology of the past, look for coincidences and formulate a pragmatic vision of what they did.

Let's assume that they were not destroyed as a result of mutual hostile actions, but simply left for a while, or monitor our development. What is the probability that they will return? A huge probability! And if you look at what individual gods of the past did, who was sacrificed to them, what they destroyed, then the prospects may be unpleasant for humanity. Therefore, join the study, stop waiting peacefully when it's too late! Study, send us your materials, together we will be able to figure everything out!

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

aliens  gods  ancient  history  Permian  Russia  India  extraterrestrial beings

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