Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

The last alien base. How aliens were hidden all over the world

The last alien base. How aliens were hidden all over the world

Who lies in African mass graves, in Tibet and Egypt, and why the Swedish expedition is still silent about the results of the genetic examination of the dead bodies of aliens found in Rwanda.

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Alien Capsules

Alien Capsules

Believe it or not, check it out, but space guests have already made contact with humanity more than once, and they have repeatedly visited our Earth...

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Legends of six-fingered aliens

Legends of six-fingered aliens

Sheaves of light plunged into the lake, and then rose high into the sky - the Indians passed this legend from generation to generation. Traces found in the caves of a remote area of Brazil strangely confirm the legend of six-fingered undersized aliens.

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Alien remains found in Mexico

Alien remains found in Mexico

In the area of the town of Onavas in the state of Sonora in western Mexico, archaeologists have discovered an unusual burial, In particular, strange deformations of the skull were found in the found remains, which may indicate the extraterrestrial origin of their owners.

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Nordic aliens and a provincial housewife

Nordic aliens and a provincial housewife

It happened on November 16, 1957, at a country house on Fentham Road, Aston, Birmingham. Twenty-seven-year-old Cynthia Appleton, who had two daughters aged three and one, experienced what we consider today as a temporary failure

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George King - contactee with aliens by mental channel

George King - a person communicating with aliens

His first contact was with an alien from Venus named Aetherius. An unusual and interesting case of almost close contact with aliens.

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Daniel Fry claimed to have taken a ride on a UFO

Daniel Fry and his close encounter with aliens. The white sands incident

George Adamski was probably the first of the contactees who developed their commercial potential to the limit. However, Daniel Fry had made contact with the aliens even earlier, two or three years before.

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Dolores Barrios is an alien from Venus?

Dolores Barrios is an alien from Venus?

There are several pieces of evidence of potentially possible aliens from Venus in the world, one of them is Dolores Barrios. Who is she?

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Retired NASA employee says he saw an alien inside the shuttle flying in space

Retired NASA employee says he saw an alien inside the shuttle flying in space

Clark C. McClelland claims that he witnessed a meeting of NASA astronauts with an alien 2.7 meters tall.

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A mysterious UFO in France in 1981. Trans-en-Provence case

A mysterious UFO in France in 1981. Trans-en-Provence case

The mysterious case of an unidentified flying object in France has been haunting ufologists for decades. In 1981, a resident of a French town witnessed a strange car moving in the air, the origin of which still remains a mystery. This event has also been called one of the most famous UFO cases in France.

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Underground alien bases on Earth. Phil Schneider testifies

Underground alien bases on Earth. Phil Schneider testifies

Did aliens visit our planet in ancient times? if so, is there any evidence of this? Or maybe they are here now, and did not go anywhere at all? Or do they not exist at all, and these are all the fruits of the violent imagination of some people?

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Interview with an alien. Part 2

In this second part of the interview, the alien is asked further questions.

And we continue the story of a visitor to our site about a conversation with aliens. You can read the first part before

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A meeting with a UFO in 1972 ended in a shootout with aliens

A meeting with a UFO in 1972 ended in a shootout with aliens

The UFO incident occurred at the McCord Air Force Base, which is located in Pierce County, Washington. This indescribable case was uncovered by a former agent of the AFOSI (Office of Special Investigations of the US Air Force) By Robert Collins in 2001.

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Interview with an alien. Part 1

Unearthly Encounter: Part 1 of Interviewing an Alien

This report on contact with extraterrestrials was sent to us by a visitor to our site. The reason why the author wanted to send this material is that there is a need to bring to the public very important information, information that is hidden by the governments of countries and specialized services.

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Information about contacts with extraterrestrials in Ancient Mesopotamia

The Sumerians were friends with aliens from other planets.

Some scientists suggest that the development of the Sumerian civilization was greatly influenced by extraterrestrials. In defense of this theory, they cite the results of their research, during which they studied drawings and ancient texts written on clay tablets.

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Reptiloids in India - naga raceToday we will talk about reptilians. Why they are credited with an extraterrestrial origin? Can they not be descendants of an ancient race that existed on our earth long before the appearance of mankind?

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