Legends of six-fingered aliens

Legends of six-fingered aliens

Sheaves of light plunged into the lake, and then rose high into the sky - the Indians passed this legend from generation to generation. Traces found in the caves of a remote area of Brazil strangely confirm the legend of six-fingered undersized aliens.

The Indians of the Bororos and Chavantes tribes, living in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, tell legends about small aliens with a height of about 1.2 m. These creatures allegedly had a disproportionately large head and a different number of toes – three, four, or even six.

"They lived in caves and came from the sky," the president of the Ufological Association of the state of Ataide Ferreira da Silva Netto quotes local legends. Other legends tell of a certain pillar of fire that came from heaven. Having taught the Indians some "sciences", the dwarfs again went to their world.

In the municipality of Barra do Garcas (Mato Grosso State) there is a so-called Cave of Little Feet. Clear six-fingered prints are visible on the entire surface of the grotto – on the floor, walls, and ceiling.

Legends of six-fingered aliens

Legends of six-fingered aliens

Of course, these can only be legends, but they very much coincide with the discovered find

the ecologist notes:

According to the Brazilian Ministry of Environmental Protection, no scientific investigation of the traces was carried out. The area is located in a remote mountainous area.

Another legend of the Shawante Indian tribe says that once Encantada Lake, located in the municipality of Nova Shawantina, was the gateway to the dwelling of the gods. According to legend, sheaves of light were immersed in the lake and then flew into space. Indians are still afraid to swim there, believing that some unknown force will take them with them, writes Brazilian Terra.

The anomalous zone with a length of about a kilometer has official borders and is located at an altitude of 600 meters. Numerous evidence and finds in the caves gave rise to its "discodrome", where after some time a "runway for "flying saucers" will be built. So far, there is only a monument in this place that attracts the attention of tourists.

Legends of six-fingered aliens

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO  flying saucer  aliens  legends  Mexico  six-fingered  Brazil

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