Aliens - general information

Aliens from classification to abductions

UFO sightings are only one aspect of studying the phenomenon of unidentified flying objects. These objects are managed by someone. Most likely, aliens arrive at flying saucers and other aircraft.

In this section of the website, we will try to organize information about aliens in order to learn the true truth together with you.

The US lieutenant colonel admitted that he had seen aliens and their aircrafts

They were UFOs: a US lieutenant colonel admitted that he had seen aliens and their ships

Lieutenant Colonel of the US Air Force Richard French, who tells about the incident of 1950, admitted that he saw aliens and their ships.

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The Badajoz UFO incident

Mysterious encounter with a green alien in Spain

The incident with a UFO in Badajoz is one of the strangest UFO phenomena that have occurred in the history of Spain, associated with its air force.

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The last unearthly warning - an alien message to people has been found in London

The last unearthly warning - an alien message to people has been found in London

It's worth starting with the fact that news has been coming from America for decades about UFO sightings and finds related to an alien race. There are really so many of these cases

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Strange abduction by Nordic aliens in Acapulco

Strange abduction by Nordic aliens in Acapulco

A resident of Mexico was driving along a mountain road when he was abducted by beautiful blond aliens who looked like Norwegians. They didn't torture him, fed him, allowed him to use the bathroom, told him about their civilization, and then just let him go.

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Contactees who believe they are communicating with aliens

Contacts who believe they are communicating with extraterrestrials

The first mention of contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations appeared in those ancient times, when writing appeared. The first people, who are now commonly called contactees, sincerely believed that they had a chance to meet with...

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Alien footprints in Australia

The footprints of aliens in Australia

Australian Aboriginal myth states that their ancestors came from the stars and had white skin. This belief is shared by many tribes, each with their own variations of the myth.

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Was there an invasion? An African shaman shared information from the distant past

Was there an invasion? An African shaman shared information from the distant past

Credo Mutwa - a famous African Zulu sangoma (folk healer) from South Africa, told about an ancient, mysterious legend passing from generation to generation of his family for many thousands of years, somewhat shedding light on a very ancient past.

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Rh-negative blood is evidence of alien visits

Rh-negative blood is evidence of alien visits

Rh-negative blood, its existence proves the visit of the planet earth by aliens and the possible hybridization of part of its population. Regular studies conducted in recent years have established an absolute difference in the origin of some groups of the population.

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Aliens on a farm in New Zealand

Weird creatures were hiding on the farm

In 1999, an employee on a farm near the small town of Bulls in the center of New Zealand's North Island got up early in the morning and went out at 5:10 a.m. to milk the cows.

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Friendly aliens and alleged UFO interior photography by Roberto Pinotti

Friendly aliens and alleged UFO interior photography by Roberto Pinotti

Presumably, this happened more than 60 years ago, when at least one government official witnessed the aliens and their spaceship, which was visited and photographed by two other people.

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Flying humanoids. What is known about them?

Flying humanoids. What is known about them?

Ancient images give food for thought about people who soared like birds. Could people fly? Maybe it was aliens?

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The abductee stated that he had seen a pandemic and the Third World War

The abductee stated that he had seen a pandemic and the Third World War

An American claims he was shown terrifying visions of the COVID-19 pandemic and World War III when he was allegedly abducted by aliens in one of the most infamous close encounters with UFOs of all time.

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The invasion of the Nordic aliens at the Peni military base in 1971

The invasion of the Nordic aliens at the Peni military base in 1971: bright humanoids and strange UFOs

The penetration of an alien into the camp of a Spanish military base in 1971 is still considered a classified matter in Spain, despite the fact that several people witnessed an alien, and at least 60 people saw a UFO over the base.

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The physicist told about his encounter with aliens

About his encounter with aliens, the physicist said

Prasad, who works in Toronto, Canada, had previously said he was interested in ufology and hinted that he had personally seen unusual things, but this was the first time he spoke in such detail.

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UFO encounter in Canada. The story of Corina Saebels

Looking at a huge UFO hovering over her house, Corina Saebels experienced a

Corina Saebels is one of the most famous victims of the mysterious abduction of our time. He was a victim of kidnapping three times and was sure that one day it would happen to him and it would happen again.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

The Great Panic of 1896-1897. Examination of UFO sightings

The Great Panic of 1896-1897. Examination of UFO sightingsFew people know that sightings of unidentified lights in the sky have been recorded for more than a hundred years.

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