Weird creatures were hiding on the farm

New Zealand aliens on a farm

In 1999, an employee of a farm located near the small town of Bulls in the center of the North Island, New Zealand, got up early in the morning and at 05.10 went to take the cows out for morning milking. It was still very dark. Before going to the cows, the woman entered the barn to start a small tractor and heard extraneous sounds in the barn. She thought that some wild animal, perhaps a possum, had got into the barn.

Aliens in New Zealand

Usually, she was not afraid of such incidents, but in this case, she remembers that her hair "stood on end" and she immediately "didn't like" something about it.

About 15 minutes later I went to take the cows out. For some reason, I felt a great sense of relief that I was not alone, but with cows. As I led them down the path, the tractor's left headlight, the only one that was working, illuminated some kind of creature lying on a wooden hay rack that was next to the fence.

Says the worker.:

The woman noticed that the creature looked very black in the light of the headlights. And the closer she got to the haystack and the better the light illuminated it, the thicker the creature's blackness seemed. She noticed that its body was almost absorbing the light, as there was no visible glow. The shape of the creature seemed rough, not smooth. The witness immediately felt that it was definitely not a dog, not a cat, and not an opossum.

Eyes that I will never forget. They were huge and round, like large English teacups, and reflected a bright, almost light green color. The size of the eyes was not proportional to the entire size of the creature, whose length was about 3 feet (90 cm). They looked too big for his head. We looked at each other as I drove by, sitting on a tractor. The figure didn't move, just looked, thank God...

Says the worker.:

The woman was driving a tractor behind a herd of cows and really did not want to approach this creature. She comforted herself with the fact that the cows continued to move at a brisk pace and did not show panic. However, she thought it was still very unusual that none of the cows stopped to sniff and find out if this "animal" was a potential danger, as they would have done with a farm dog or cat, but they were not scared and did not run away. She wondered if it might not be the first time cows had seen this creature.

There was nothing I could do. I continued to lead the herd down the trail, just as dawn was breaking. Above me, the sky was black, but closer to the horizon it turned dark gray. As we approached the next paddock, I noticed something in the middle of it. I could make out a solid black cylindrical object. It was taller than it was wide, but in the dark I could not clearly see the top or bottom of the object. It was to the right of the tractor where the headlights were not working.

She said:

The woman was amazed to see such an object in the pen. Her immediate thought was that it must be something that came from the sky, some kind of transportation, but she explained that she had never believed that transportation could have such a shape.

Then I noticed movement around this object. I could distinguish flexible, "gliding" figures - tall and thin. When they moved, their spines curved in and out, whereas the human spine is more straight and rigid. Because their shape was soft and blurred, when they stopped moving they became even blurrier and seemed to blend into the surrounding background. The one closest to me seemed to be doing just that - merging with a barely perceptible movement. I counted 5 or 6 of them in that place. They didn't seem to be moving in a hurry and looked very black against the gray shades of dawn.

She said:

The woman could not make out the details of the body of these creatures - heads, limbs, or facial features - in the semi-darkness.


Again, the cows did not panic at the sight of these strange creatures. The woman was aware of the high strangeness of what was happening, but at that moment she did not feel fear. She was a very practical and down-to-earth person.

I have a job! You do your job, and I'll do mine!

She was thinking:

She had no desire to rush into a predicament with an uncertain outcome, given that she was alone. However, she admits that if the cows had reacted differently to the presence of these figures, she would have been very scared. She continued to lead the cows on the farm to the safe line of pines. Returning to the pen later, she found nothing unusual there. Ufologists from the New Zealand society Ufocus NZ asked the witness if she thought that what she saw in the hay pole could be one of the mysterious sightings of the "big cat" that appear from time to time in New Zealand (as well as in England). She was adamant that it was not a cat, but rather an unknown "creature", however, very different from the "figures" in the neighboring pen.

I never spoke to the elderly farm owner or his wife (a religious woman) about this incident for fear of losing my job at the time. In the same way, to this day, I have never told anyone else about it for fear of ridicule. However, I brought close family members to the place where the event took place. They seemed interested, but careless, as I had been in the past before I experienced it myself. I still live in the same area, but on a different farm. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to "refresh" my experience.


About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

aliens  New Zealand  1999  farm  creatures  encounter

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