Artifacts of the Yana people confirmation of paleocontact

Artifacts of the Yana people confirmation of paleocontact

British explorer Therodan Stray organized an expedition to the abandoned Mayan cities at the beginning of the 20th century. The guide who led them through the jungle suddenly fell ill and passed away. The travelers left without a guide had to find their own way. Every day they walked around the neighborhood in search of a further way forward. And one day we came across the walls of an ancient temple.

a fragment of a bas - relief

The researchers set up a camp under the walls of the temple, deciding to investigate it thoroughly. Taking torches, they headed inside the temple. Finding a spacious hall decorated with bas-reliefs, seeing which, Stray immediately noted for himself their great similarity to the Egyptian ones. And he spent a lot of time on expeditions in Africa.

Then they found two huge pedestals on which some bizarre geometric elements were located. At first, they were mistaken for statues. But later they realized that these were some kind of mechanisms. They were made of some unknown metal, while everything else around was made of stone. Next to them, as if abandoned in a hurry, tools were lying around. Which, on closer inspection, turned out to be parts of mechanisms.

Researchers have devoted a lot of time to understanding how these unusual objects work, but they have not been able to. They only assumed that it was something resembling an engine. But an even more interesting discovery awaited them further. They found a passage littered with a huge stones. Having spent a lot of effort to push it away, they came across an obstacle of several similar stones. Having made their way with pickaxes, the travelers found themselves in a corridor with very unusual acoustics.

part of the mechanism

part of the mechanism

He led them to the burial chamber. And then a real miracle was waiting for them. In the burial sarcophagi, they found the remains of unusual creatures. The "main" creature was in the center, its remains were wrapped in silk cloths. The head was larger than a human, with huge eye sockets and a small mouth, such that it could hardly speak. Similar smaller creatures were located nearby. Also around the perimeter, there were tiny sarcophagi with the remains of embryos or babies, already more similar in appearance to human ones.

a hybrid of a human and a humanoid

Suffice it to say that we have all come up with an outlandish hypothesis. The stone images hint that one of their sacred astrological stars fell to earth, and those who lived in the star were taken away from it, given food and shelter. They were sick and injured, and while they were recovering, people used their construction skills to drag large pieces of the star to their temple.

Our guides call these people Yana - a breakaway group of Mayans who found a home in these mountains, separated from those who built communities in Nakba and Chiwala. The "star" is a foreign structure made of metal, it was built here in sections, large sections of light alloy. As soon as the inhabitants of the "star" came to their senses, they began a thorough reconstruction of the object inside the temple, and yet at some point, this task was abandoned, perhaps because of the collapse from above or the resignation of its owners that this was impossible.

Other assumptions were formulated, Patrick suggested that the huge devices that we took for art were a kind of advanced internal combustion engine that had been dismantled in the hope of using it for some other purpose. This, too, was eventually abandoned. David has identified various images of these characters that they are in a state of sadness, surrounded by their fans as if they accept their fate, will stay here forever, and have reconciled with their surroundings.

They mingled with those who worshipped them, even tried to unite with them, but the fruits of this ill-fated task were now buried in the main hall. Perhaps the climate was cruel to their fragile bodies, or an unknown disease struck them, but soon they succumbed to the world they fell into, the younger died first, and the elder crawled into a room that may have helped him survive, and eventually died.

Here 's what Stray himself writes about this place:

Junior 's Skull

Junior 's Skull

Yana mistook these life-giving devices for graves and buried those who died earlier there, decorating each tomb in its own way, each sarcophagus was sealed with intricate and beautiful stones depicting those who lay inside. Some chose to seal themselves in a tomb next to the bodies of their gods and died in ecstasy.

Patrick is not sure how we will present this discovery to the scientific community, I feel that what we have discovered here is a unique event of its kind. And it can undermine our reputation. I dare say that many will completely reject this, and these non-scientific minds will make outlandish claims that these entities may have really influenced our human culture. We decided to gather as much evidence as possible and return to Boston, where I will once again try to contact Mr. Merrilyn, who I believe will be able to offer assistance in this case.

Here 's what Stray himself writes about this place:

Upon returning to Boston, Stray, as planned, sent the collected artifacts to his friend Merlin, whom he considered a specialist in humanoids. The artifacts remained in Merrilyn's collection. Now they can be seen in his museum in England. The article uses photos of Alex CF 2014 from the website of the Merrilyn Cryptid Museum.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

paleocontact  aliens  Yana  artifacts  tomb  creature

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