The study of extraterrestrial origin: can humans be the result of alien hybridization

Untangling alien connections: a study of the hypothesis of human hybridization by alien beings

According to one of the popular versions, it was aliens who created man. And indeed, man is a very strange creature, very different from other mammals and living beings in general, following instincts, not intelligence.

According to this theory, aliens came to earth a long time ago and launched an experiment. They synthesized a person from several opposite components, which raises certain questions when studying the genome of modern researchers. That is, if a person is synthesized artificially, then he is essentially a synthetic. And it will not become one sometime in the future - but it already is right now. And man is a synthetic, and that is different from animals.

The most difficult thing was to give a person reason, spirit and free will, the opportunity to create, invent. Moreover, within the framework of a given experimental program. All the problems of human intelligence have also been implanted into our minds for a specific purpose, as the passages in the maze are placed in front of a laboratory mouse, which must find a way out.

Alien abduction

Note that man is extremely imperfect and poorly adapted to life on earth. By the way, this is one of the reasons why we are seen as beings with alien genes. It turns out that we are from somewhere else — either from Mars, or from Phaeton, or, for example, from a hypothetical Nebiru...

Judge for yourself, a person is the only T.S. "animal" that walks vertically on two legs (there are even four—armed, and there are no more bipeds). It is very difficult for a person, unlike animals, to give birth — is it not a consequence of the extraterrestrial nature of some of our genes, human hybridity. And it doesn't look like monkeys (our supposed ancestors) ever evolve into humans, they're fine as it is... Only man has learned to speak. We have an unusually long gestation of the fetus, the achievement of puberty. In general, man is poorly adapted to life on Earth – weak, slow, without skin and fur, without claws and fangs, and at first there were few of us at all... And only reason has made us masters on the planet...

But our mind is also very strange. We still have animal instincts, and it is unclear where the evil came from — we are the only ones on the planet who can intentionally act to the detriment of themselves and their entire species. No living creature on the planet kills its own kind en masse, unlike humans... And after all, there may well be a situation when a person completely destroys himself. Are these not traces of a destructive program originally embedded in us, designed to protect the aliens conducting the experiment?.. Otherwise, the experiment would lose its meaning and become dangerous for the experimenters themselves.

But, apparently, it took a long time to launch even this program. According to Greek myths, before our iteration of humanity appeared, as many as three generations of people had to be rejected, too, by a self—destruction program embedded in them.

According to legends, there were others before our humanity. For example, they were stone giant trolls. But they were clumsy, stupid and cold-hearted. The aliens decided to destroy them, although, according to legends, some of them managed to hide in the mountains and merge with the stones, like chameleons hiding in the foliage.

Those ancient people (Neanderthals?) something did not fit the aliens. Obviously, they already wanted to create a person with all the necessary qualities (as friends or servants?) immediately, without any previous stages. In the end, our alien geneticists realized that it would not be possible to get humanity ready-made just like that, it had to go through some stages of development, and the direct intervention of an alien civilization in our development was also assumed. Aliens as "gods" began to teach people knowledge, a system of ethics, introduced the first taboos (prohibitions). And so they created acceptable conditions for their experiment. And after thousands and thousands of years, humanity has finally found its true form.

The aliens were initially interested in interacting with their younger brothers in mind. To such an extent that hybrids (demigods) began to appear. The Bible also tells about this — about the connections between angels and people, which caused the wrath of God. Some superhumans began to appear. Perhaps the so—called "blue blood" of the aristocracy is the legacy of aliens... And, in fact, how can this blood be "blue"? There is clearly something alien here. These people, the "aristocrats", have become a significant competition for the aliens themselves. Especially at first. The experiment began to get out of control and the aliens themselves involuntarily began to become part of it.

Then it was decided to send a cataclysm and destroy the civilization of blue-blooded half-people, the civilization of hybrids. And leave only a pitiful handful of their descendants, whose blue blood began to mix more and more with human blood, and unable to resist a higher power.

Since then, the aliens have stopped interacting closely with humans. Direct contact was practically excluded in order to avoid the mistakes of the past. But they didn't stop watching. Therefore, we sometimes see mysterious UFOs, with the pilots of which, as a rule, you just can't enter into a dialogue. And if this happens, it is very mysterious, confusing and not always plausible. Like aliens themselves, they deliberately introduce an aura of mystery, absurdity and contradictions, so that a person does not understand what they are and remains confused. This is also part of the program.

But the bluebloods could not be exterminated at all. Some aristocrats were able to survive after the flood. Maybe megalithic structures were created for them?..

Not all alien geneticists and architects liked it, and they continued to look for a way to "gently" etch that aristocracy. And, as we can see, over time they succeeded. The enlightened bourgeoisie has squeezed out the monarchy almost everywhere. This process could have been provoked. Yes, it happened over a fairly long period of time, but aliens are never in a hurry, and time flows differently for them than for us.

There has always, however, been an intercessor of people. Even the most fallen. This is none other than Prometheus, he is in the Slavic tradition Veles, he is also a Finist. He once gave people such knowledge that other alien gods simply did not give. And he, as the god of power, patronized the aristocracy, the nobility of his kind in all ages, until it began to degenerate. This was the reason for the fall of the monarchy. And then the reverence of Prometheus was picked up by revolutionaries... Apparently, all this was inevitable.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

aliens  hybrids  man  creatures  experiments

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