What are the mysteries of Easter Island?

What information is yet to be uncovered about Easter Island?

The uniqueness of Easter Island is manifested in an ambiguous opinion about it. That is, on the one hand, people know everything about this place, on the other, nothing at the same time. Its mysterious statues, formed of stone, are still silent witnesses of an ancient and unknown culture. But who and how could create these monumental sculptures from the rocks?

A little information on geography. Easter Island is located in the south-eastern part of the Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Tahiti. The local natives dubbed it-Rapanui or Rapa Nui. Easter Island is the most remote island on the globe. The distance to the nearby piece of land in the west is two thousand ninety-two kilometers, and in the east - two thousand nine hundred and seventy-one kilometers. It is formed in the form of a triangle, on each edge of which there are extinct volcanoes.

What secrets does Easter Island hide?

The area of the island is about one hundred and sixty square kilometers. Easter Island is recognized as the highest point above ocean level. It is located on a huge hill, which was called the East Pacific Upland because of this, Thor Heyerdahl wrote that the nearest land that the locals see is the Moon.

Easter Island secrets

The capital of the island, as well as its only city, is the city of Anga Roa. The island has its own flag and its own coat of arms.

What secrets does Easter Island hide?

Easter Island secrets

Interestingly, Easter Island has/had several names: Waihu, Mata-ki-te-Ragi, San Carlos Island, Rapanui, Teapi, Tekaouhangoaru, Te Pito-o-te-henua, Hititeairagi, Easter Island.

Some legends claim that Easter Island was once a component of one large country (many consider it a surviving part of Atlantis). This looks quite plausible since today at Easter Island a lot of evidence has been found to confirm these legends: there are roads leading directly into the ocean on the island, a large number of underground tunnels have been dug, originating in local caves and paving the way in an unknown direction, as well as other equally significant information and amazing finds.

Interesting data about underwater research of the ocean floor near Easter Island is given by the Australian Howard Tirloren, who arrived here with Cousteau. He said that when they arrived here in 1978, they studied the bottom around the island in sufficient detail. Anyone who went down in a bathyscaphe will confirm that the mountains underwater, even at a small depth, have a rather unusual appearance: some of them even had holes made that resembled connectors for windows. And once Jacques-Yves Cousteau found an unfamiliar deep-sea depression in the vicinity, where he dived for three more days after that. When he returned, he wanted to explore this depression even more scrupulously.

Easter Island secrets

Cousteau did not manage to see anything in full, but according to him, silhouettes of walls can be seen at the bottom, forming something like a section of a large city. However, because of the people serving in the political police of DEAN, which was supervised by Pinochet himself, nothing happened. According to Tirloren, they were forced to sign documents on non-disclosure of information, and also demanded to stop research, so all work was stopped. But what is unusual about this depression? Why the Chilean state security is so afraid of scientists remains a mystery. After the Pinochet regime, this issue was raised again, but to no avail. Thus, this fact does not exclude the assumption that a significant part of Easter Island sank during some kind of disaster.

In 1973-1977, several American oceanologists conducted a study of oceanic depressions near the island. Easter Island, namely near the Sala y Gomez Ridge. As a result, they discovered sixty-five underwater peaks and agreed with the hypothesis of the existence of an unknown archipelago that was located in this area tens of thousands of years ago, and then sank into the water. But all subsequent studies were frozen for no good reason at the request of the Chilean government. "The island of riddles" still does not give an opportunity to solve its mystery.

Rapa Nui

The obtained geophysical data state that the coast of Southeast Asia is slowly sinking into the ocean. Maybe this subsidence once happened faster and at one moment, like Atlantis, it plunged into the depths of the ocean, including Pacifida with its huge population and original culture, traces of which are still found on Easter Island? And various tablets with inscriptions and monuments of art are nothing but preserved evidence of an ancient disappeared civilization? After all, according to the testimony of the first resident of Easter Island - Ayrault, wooden planks or sticks containing some hieroglyphs and symbols are placed in all the buildings. Basically, these are images of unknown animals that the natives continue to draw with stones to this day. Each image has its own designation; but due to the fact that they produce such products in very rare cases, this suggests that these hieroglyphs are only remnants of ancient writing. That is, the natives are only trying to follow long-standing customs, without trying to find any meaning in them.

Macmillan Brown in his research even tried to find out the approximate date of the death of Pacifida. In his opinion, this phenomenon could have occurred in the interval between 1687, when the English sailor Davis examined a large ledge in the area of Easter Island, and 1722 when Admiral Roggeveen found nothing in this place except for a small island. The cataclysm was evidenced not only by the unexpectedly stopped work in the quarries on Rano-Raraku. In many areas of Easter Island, spacious roads are paved, which end in the ocean. Does this mean that these paths end deep underwater? Maybe it is quite possible to find new evidence of a lost culture on the seabed?

Easter Island mystery

There is one thing that completely destroys this hypothesis, and this is a question of chronology. At what point did the land in the Pacific Ocean begin to sink? Three hundred years ago, or three thousand, or maybe even three hundred thousand? Or is this figure in the millions? Geological and geophysical data indicate that the deepening of the land and the collapse of the Pacifida happened just in the ancient period. The fauna and flora of such islands as Galapagos, New Zealand, Fiji, were formed from the mainland, but many centuries ago they were part of one huge continent. This led to the discovery of fossils that have long disappeared and are no longer found anywhere on the globe. Similarly, at one point, the Australian continent broke away from Asia. The sinking of the land at the location of Easter Island has not occurred since that ancient period.

Geological and oceanographic studies conducted by Chubb near Easter confirmed the fact that it did not drop by a millimeter, and at the time when the monuments were erected, the coastline was as stable as it is today. This argument was repeated by the Swedish expedition, which established the geological stability of the island, which lasts for at least a million years.

Easter Island secrets

Studying the question of the origin of the island itself, the author has the impression that many scientists do not set out to understand or reveal the truth, but pursue the goal of defending their point of view, proving what is beneficial to them. Or, moving in an absolutely impartial search, they encounter postulates that are currently imposed on society as official, but at the slightest check, they crack at the seams. This forces us to expand our research from a direct path to the thorny straight lines of the official wilds. It is not difficult to pay attention to the fact that most researchers evaluate the available artifacts only from the point of view of the dominance of matter over spirituality, and in no other way.

While studying the topic, several questions arose. Why don't scientists sound the alarm and try to convey obvious things to the public when faced with unexplained archaeological artifacts and corresponding incomprehensible behavior from authorities who openly prohibit research? Why don't they create hypotheses that include all findings and facts, rather than just the convenient or understandable ones? How can you make theories more appealing to the public? Are people uninterested in learning about their planet's past or simply too busy with daily life? Who was responsible for constructing the multi-ton statues on a small island in the middle of the ocean, placing them around the perimeter facing the sea, and adorning them with intricate patterns?

What was it about their writing that when the first Europeans who visited the island saw it, they hurriedly began to eradicate it from the local population, so much so that after forty years almost none of the Rapanui people could not only write but also read the household tablets that belonged to them? One can argue that it was by chance and in general, this XVIII-th century was a very long time ago, well, but why are there no excavations and research at the state level now? Why is it that if you now approach the statue behind the fence, a person will face prison? And why has UNESCO banned the excavation and exploration of the underground part of the statues? Another interesting fact is that almost all modern researchers of the original culture of Easter Island claim that it is impossible to find out its true meaning or decipher the writing, and all that is read is ordinary everyday texts.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Easter Island  Rapanui  Rapa Nui  mysterious  mystery  secrets  conspiracy

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