The abduction of Carlos Mercado and the alien base in Puerto Rico

The abduction of Carlos Mercado and the alien base in Puerto Rico

It was a hot summer night in July 1988 in rural Betances, Puerto Rico. So hot that a man named Carlos Manuel Mercado couldn't sleep. He woke up and moved from the bed where his wife was still sound asleep next to him, and went to sleep on the sofa in another room where it was cooler.  He lay staring at the ceiling, wondering how long the heat would last, until his thoughts were interrupted by a whitish glow that penetrated the room from the outside, seeped through the blinds and illuminated the room.

Then this glow was joined by a strange buzzing sound, followed by a mechanical knock on the window, and this was enough for Mercado to get up from the sofa and go to the window. At the time, he had no idea that this was about to change his life forever:

I got up and opened the window, and there they are - three little men standing there under the window, on the lawn near my house. It shocked me because they were so different, just a little bit like us, but they weren't human. They were little men and ugly, with heads a little bigger than ours and no hair. They had no ears, and their eyes were huge, dark. There were no noses visible on them-only holes. And a small incision for the mouth.

Their faces were flat, their skin was grayish, and their faces and hands were covered with small "warts" or bumps. Do you know what pimples look like? Well, that's how it was. They were ugly and unpleasant. They were from three to four feet tall (a little more than a meter), thin, dressed from head to toe in overalls, like mechanics, grayish-cream color, like a sandy shade.

An alien

Only their heads and hands were not covered with clothes. At first I was scared, but they told me not to be afraid, that they were not going to hurt me, but only wanted to show me something. And they told me that in my head, because they never opened their mouths. When they told me that, my fear left me. I didn't really know why, but I had a feeling they were good and weren't going to hurt me. Then they asked me to go outside, so I opened the door of the house and went out

Here's what he said:

On the lawn near the house, two little men took Mercado by the hands and led him along the road. It was then that he finally saw the source of the bright light - it was a saucer-shaped object with a domed top and a lot of flashing multicolored lights along the edge. He stood on four pillars on the ground. There was a hole in the base of the ship, where a ladder led.

Flying saucer

When the man was brought to her, he felt some hesitation, but even then he felt no fear and climbed inside, again after the insistent request of these creatures. Inside, he saw brightly lit flashing panels and displays, as well as a third humanoid

They explained to me that this other one was their captain and doctor, and that he was going to take care of me now. Then they went off to do other things, and I found it much better next to the captain, because he was more like a human being.

His skin color was the same as theirs-grayish, and his head was even a little bigger than theirs, but his eyes weren't that big. And he had the same nose as humans, but pointed, and the surface of his skin was not like the skin of little people with these terrible "pimples".

He was dressed in a wide white tunic to the neck and with wide sleeves to the wrists. The tunic reached to his feet, and it seemed that he had something white on his feet

Carlos Manuel Mercado:

This captain-doctor telepathically told Mercado that he wanted to show him something, and that he shouldn't be afraid, since they were going to bring him back safe and sound. Then the saucer began to move with great speed, and its entire interior space was reflected with a loud buzz, like thousands of bees. Looking out of one of the side windows, Mercado could see the landscape rushing by quickly and could determine that they were heading for the Sierra Bermeja mountain range, in particular to one mountain called Monte el Cayul.

The ship was rushing towards the gorge and the sheer cliff at dangerously high speed, but as soon as the frightened Mercado thought that they were going to crash right into the mountain, a kind of doorway opened in the rock, and they quickly slipped into it and flew through the tunnel.  The ship flew somewhere deep inside the mountain, and after a while flew into a vast cave where many other alien ships of various shapes and sizes were parked.

When the ship landed on an elevated platform, Mercado saw many of the same humanoid creatures engaged in all kinds of activities. The whole place was a real hive of activity, and the man had the impression that it was a kind of base. The aliens he was with confirmed this, telling him that this place is a repair point for their ships, but also a base for operations to study Earth life. 

Then the captain invited Mercado to get off the ship and go on a tour with him, during which they explained to him the purpose of their base and the mission there.

The tall creature told me to go out with him, and he made me put on a device that looked like large dark glasses so that I could clearly see everything down there. And there everything was very well lit. You couldn't see where the light was coming from, but it was a very bright light, very white. All the walls there were covered with a very shiny silver metal. And there were many, many little people and a lot of activity.

Many of the little men worked on ships, while others seemed to be assembling something, such as cars or electronics. There was a real huge world down there and there were also buildings that looked like military barracks. The tall creature explained to me mentally (because it also did not speak with its mouth) that they had been in this place for a very, very long time and that they did not want to leave there. It said that they wanted me to see all this because they wanted me to tell people (us Earthlings) that they don't have any bad intentions and that they don't want to harm us or defeat us.

Then it said that they want to be able to fully interact with us on a social level, to mix with us, but our authorities don't want that. It insisted that I tell the people outside of all this that they don't want to conquer us or harm us.

Here's what he said:

The aliens also informed him that there were other people to whom the same message was sent, and that there were even some people who decided to stay with them there, at the base in the mountain. It told Mercado that he should go and tell the story and tell people what he learned there that day, and then took him back through the mountain tunnel to drop him off exactly where they picked him up- near his house. Before leaving, the creatures told him that they would come back to him someday, and then left.

Alien sightings

However, although Mercado was instructed to spread his story everywhere, he was initially silent about his experience, and there was another strange encounter that convinced him to finally speak out. In December of the same year, Mercado claimed that he was on the Sierra Bermeja ridge with his friend Wilson Sosa when they noticed a huge brightly lit triangular ship flying through the sky. Even more strange, they claimed that this "triangle" was pursued by two military aircraft. These planes were supposedly flying straight at the ship, until at some point they seemed to disappear inside, and the sound of their howling engines suddenly disappeared and stopped, just like them.

The UFO then flew until it reached a lake called Laguna Cartagena, where it allegedly exploded with an impressive fireball and falling debris, after which two smaller objects seemed to fly away from it. The incident shocked Mercado, it immediately reminded him of his strange encounter with aliens in the same area and after that he decided to tell his story to ufologist Jorge Martin, who was in the area at the time and investigated many other UFO sightings taking place in the same region at that time. That 's what Mercado said to Martin:

Investigation group

From Left To Right: Salavador Freixedo, Carlos Mercado (eyewitness), Magdalena del Amo-Freixedo, Jorge Martin

I'm not looking for publicity. I am telling you this simply because I know that you are a reasonable and serious person and will listen to me. You know, I'm still waiting for them because I like what happened. In my opinion, they are not bad. I felt it. If they wanted to hurt me, they would have done it when they grabbed me. I wish they would come back so I could go with them again.

They're not bad creatures. I'm telling you all this because when this UFO hijacked these two planes, I was very nervous because the planes were bothering him, he was taking them away. This really alarmed me, because I feel that these creatures are good, and it looks like someone wants to take them away from there. There's something going on!

Carlos Manuel Mercado:

Martin didn't seem surprised at all. During this year, he investigated numerous reports of UFO sightings in the mountains of Puerto Rico, made by very reliable witnesses, and got used to the oddities that this place could produce.

It was very often reported that local residents saw ships of various shapes and sizes hovering or circling over Kayul Peak, and the researcher also found other stories about something very strange happening there, in these mountains, as well as signs of the existence of mysterious underground alien bases there, and also a kind of bizarre conspiracy involving a strange an object built there by the government military. Exactly where UFOs were most often observed.

At the top of the peak lying to the right of Cayul Peak (that is, if you look from the side of Cabo Rojo), some structures were erected about seven years ago, which, allegedly, were intended for the Voice of America Radio station. The area around it was declared a restricted access zone, justifying that this was done for general security reasons, and none of the residents of this area were allowed to approach this place. However, as far as we know so far, transmissions from this proposed station have never been broadcast to Puerto Rico. So why was this building built then? If it is not used for the function for which it was supposedly built, what is its true role? Sometimes unknown people came there, eyewitnesses saw it. Who are they and what do these people do? In many cases, residents of Boqueron, Las Palmas, and Betances (all in the municipal district of Cabo Rojo) and Olivares (in the municipality of Lajas) observed large UFOs of various shapes (triangles, disks, cigars, etc.) hanging motionless over the peak of Cayul and over the mountain where the building of the proposed station was built "Voice of America". What are UFOs looking for there so hard?

Here 's what Jorge Martin told:

It is unknown what is happening in this area now, more than 30 years after the Mercado incident and the construction of this strange "radio station". It is also not known what Mercado and Martin think about all this now. The whole story seemed to have accidentally leaked through a thick curtain, and then was safely hidden away again.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Puerto Ricco  Puerto Rico  alien  abduction  alien base  ufo sightings  Carlos Mercado  1988

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