Alien battle in the sky over Nuremberg in 1561: eyewitness accounts and opinions of scientists

Alien battle in the sky over Nuremberg in 1561: eyewitness accounts and opinions of scientists

Throughout our history, many people have claimed to have seen strange things in the sky. Much of what was described as nothing more than natural phenomena or astronomical events, such as meteor showers or comets, clouds of unusual shapes that were mistaken for flying saucers. But what happened in the dawn sky over Nuremberg in medieval Germany still baffles scientists, even four hundred years later.

It happened in the early morning of April 14, 1561, somewhere between four and five o'clock. The sky sparkled with hundreds of bright lights from which rays of light radiated in different directions. Panic began to grow among the townspeople, frightened people ran out into the streets. Eyewitnesses described the lights in the sky as a war between celestial bodies of various shapes. People claimed to have seen spears, cylinders, pillars, crosses, and plates flying in the pre-dawn skies.

Witnesses said that this heavenly battle lasted about an hour. Unidentified flying objects has emerged from the huge cylinders. After the "battle", several "saucers" fell to the ground, and the giant cylinders disappeared.

An image of the extraordinary celestial battle at Nuremberg in 1561.

An image of the extraordinary celestial battle at Nuremberg in 1561.

A lengthy account of this event was made in a newspaper of the time, by Hans Wolf Glaser, who published this article in 1573.

On the morning of April 14, 1561, at dawn, between 4 and 5 o'clock, a terrible phenomenon occurred in the sun. Then this phenomenon was noticed in Nuremberg by many men and women. First, two blood-red semicircular arcs appeared in the center of the sun, like the moon in its last quarter. And from all sides of him came a bloody light. Nearby were blood-red balls of various sizes, there were a lot of them. Between these balls were crosses and stripes of a blood-red color.

These strips were similar to the reed grass. All these strange figures were fighting among themselves. The spheres also flew back and forth and fiercely fought for at least an hour. And when the conflict inside and near the sun became extremely intense, they seemed to be so tired that they just fell from the sun to the ground, as if they were all burned up. They emitted clouds of black smoke. After all this, something like a black spear appeared, very long and thick.

He wrote the following verbatim

Description of the sky battle by Hans Glaser.

Description of the sky battle by Hans Glaser.

It pointed east with its blunt end and west with its sharp point. What such signs would mean, God only knows. Although we have seen so many different signs in heaven that almighty God sends us to lead us to repentance, we are unfortunately so ungrateful that we despise such high signs and wonders of God. Or we talk about them with derision and discard them. God has sent us a terrible punishment for our ingratitude. After all, a God-fearing person will never reject these signs. He will take this to heart as a warning from a merciful Heavenly Father, correct his life, and earnestly ask God to turn away His anger. God will avert the punishment we deserve so that we can live here temporarily and then in heaven as his children

He wrote the following verbatim

An engraving by Hans Glaser.

An engraving by Hans Glaser.

For centuries, historians have tried to interpret what actually happened. What is true in Glazer's description, and what is fiction. What lies on the surface is an undeniable religious subtext, especially noticeable in the final lines.

It explicitly states that this phenomenon is actually God's call to repentance. This led many scientists to believe that Hans Glaser had heavily embellished a real rare astronomical phenomenon and used it as a form of religious propaganda.

Bearded grapes on an engraving by Hans Glaser

Bearded grapes on an engraving by Hans Glaser

But here's what's interesting: The Nuremberg event was not unique. Five years later, a similar thing happened in the sky over the Swiss city of Basel. A pamphlet published in 1566 describes the almost identical Nuremberg observations of eyewitnesses.

The sun eagle, portrayed by Hans Glaser.

The sun eagle, portrayed by Hans Glaser.

Trying to understand the mysteries of the incidents, scientists first studied the biography of Hans Glaser and what he still wrote. It turned out that Hans was a publisher of a very dubious reputation. Many of his engravings, as it turned out, belonged to other authors working in Nuremberg. In 1558, Glaser even received a warning from the city council for illegal activities. Subsequently, he was even banned from publishing.

Blood rain in Dinkelsbuhl on 26 May 1554, Hans Glaser.

Blood rain in Dinkelsbuhl on 26 May 1554, Hans Glaser.

Glaser loved sensational stories and had a penchant for exaggeration. Many of his engravings mention very strange atmospheric phenomena, such as blood rain or bearded grapes. However, there is some truth in his reports. All that he described, quite intelligible scientific explanations are. The blood rain has been documented since Homer's Iliad.

Raindrops sometimes appear blood-red due to the presence of dust particles or algae spores, as was the case in India in 2015. Bearded grapes are a phenomenon that causes mold to feed due to constantly wet conditions during harvest.

The celestial phenomenon of 1566 over Basel.

The celestial phenomenon of 1566 over Basel.

Of course, it is unfair to single out Hans Glaser as a sensation. Many medieval images describe incredible celestial events that are interpreted as a sign of God. Many of these events are completely natural atmospheric phenomena. But this does not at all negate their Divine origin.

Scientists unequivocally attribute the extraordinary celestial battle in the sky over Nuremberg in 1561 to the fact that these are rare weather phenomena. These include meteor showers, circular horizontal arcs, solar columns, and halos.

Making a final conclusion, we can say with the confidence only one thing: the event in Nuremberg in 1561 was not a battle of an alien spaceship, but a series of unusual weather phenomena.

Hans Glaser gave them a religious tone and made a sensation out of it. At the same time, do not forget that his version has all the rights to existing. After all, each of us would do well to think about the fact that God can really patiently call for repentance, although not always the ways will be as bright as the battle in the sky of Nuremberg.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

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Alien battle  Nuremberg  1561  eyewitness  battle  saucers  giant cylinders  Hans Wolf Glaser  The spheres  aliens  UFOs  unidentified flying objects  ancient aircrafts

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