What planets do aliens live on?

What planets do aliens live on?

Relatively close to our planet (let's not forget that the count goes to tens or even hundreds of light-years), astronomers have identified planets that are quite suitable in their physical parameters and composition (data are sketchy) for the life of other stellar races. Perhaps in the distant future, to some of the planets listed below, the first stellar expeditions will be sent to establish the fact of the presence of intelligent life and, accordingly, contacts.

Kepler-22 b

Kepler-22 b

The mini-neptune-type exoplanet kepler 22b orbits a sun-like star with a period of 290 days and a surface temperature of 22 degrees celsius. almost 2.5 times larger than the earth in size, it is 36 times smaller in mass. there is a very high probability of the presence of water and atmosphere, and therefore of aquatic life forms. The composition of the planet's core is not clear. discovered in the constellation cygnus in the kepler 22 star system in 2011, a distance of 587.1 light-years.

HD 85512С b

HD 85512С b

If life forms can develop in hot steam, and this is the case on Earth, then one of the best candidates for the emergence and development of life, along with the exoplanet Gliese 581C d, is the exoplanet HD 85512 b, orbiting an unnamed orange dwarf in the constellation of Sails at a distance of 36.2 light-years from Earth. With a mass of more than 3.5 times the Earth's, and a temperature in the upper atmosphere of about 25°C, it is constantly covered with clouds and on it, as on Venus, there is a greenhouse effect and water, most likely, boiled away, being in a hot gaseous state. It was opened in 2011.

Gliese 581C d

Gliese 581C d

The fifth exoplanet, located in the triple star system Gliese, which itself is located in the constellation Libra at a distance of 20.3 light-years from Earth, has been a fierce debate for 12 years. Some think it the best candidate for the existence of life, including reasonable, someone believes that it generally is not and the fixation is either a technical malfunction or a "game" crown red dwarf Gliese 581С, and some even argue that this dwarf has long been an unknown civilization takes the radio signals.

gliese 581c s

gliese 581c s

In the same star system, before the discovery of the fifth planet, the second was considered the most promising, which, in comparison with the Earth, received at least 90% of the energy from its dwarf, most likely had a mountainous surface and atmosphere. Just like the fifth planet, it was turned to its sun with only one side, it is about 4 times more massive than our planet, but the near-surface temperature on the night and day sides is -46°C and +100°C. It was opened in 2007.

Gliese 581C g

Gliese 581C g

If the second planet is in the so-called "cold" zone, and the fifth is in the "hot" zone, then Gliese 581C g the sixth planet is located right in the center of the "comfort" zone, which is why conditions on it should theoretically be better, but ... it is still the third in the ranking. It also faces its dwarf with the opposite side, so the temperature on the "night" side is -34°C, and on the day side- + 71°C, it orbits the sun in 37 days and is at least 3 times more massive than the Earth. It was opened in 2010.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

alien planet  panets  Gliese 581C g  exoplanet  Kepler-22 b  HD 85512С b

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What planets do aliens live on?

What planets do aliens live on?Relatively close to our planet (let's not forget that the count goes to tens or even hundreds of light-years), astronomers have identified planets that are quite suitable in their physical parameters and composition (data are sketchy) for the life of other stellar races. Perhaps in the distant future, to some of the planets listed below, the first stellar expeditions will be sent to establish the fact of the presence of intelligent life and, accordingly, contacts.

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