Aliens in the Vatican archives or the mistery of Heinrich Ludwig

Aliens in the Vatican archives or the secret of Heinrich Ludwig

In the 1920s, a Soviet architect, a lover of occultism and ancient languages, allegedly gained access to the secret archives of the Vatican and found there incredible information about ancient aliens on Earth...

Heinrich Mavrikievich Ludwig (1893-1973) was a very unusual man with diverse interests, he was a thinker, inventor, engineer-architect, researcher of ancient languages, and a theorist of the Russian avant-garde of the 1920s.

He was born in Poland, but after the revolution, he moved to Moscow and even became a communist. He worked hard and rose to the post of director of the Architectural Institute.

In 1938, because of his unusual views on the world, he was called an anti-Soviet and exiled to the camps and rehabilitated only after the death of Stalin. After that, Ludwig was mainly engaged in teaching and deciphering ancient pictographs.

Heinrich Mavrikievich Ludwig (1893-1973)

Heinrich Mavrikievich Ludwig (1893-1973)

There is a strange legend connected with this unusual person, which has no actual evidence and is nevertheless still very popular in conspiracy circles.
It is said that during the Second World War, Heinrich Ludwig was engaged in the development of military equipment in the camp, and also made architectural drawings of special military bases in swamp conditions. But before his arrest, at some point, he had access abroad, particularly to the Vatican, where he was allowed to work in secret archives.

Let's focus a little on these archives. It is said that the Vatican secret archives (Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum) are located in dungeons that stretch about 53 miles in length and look more like a bizarre maze with shelves. Here you can find a huge number of ancient manuscripts dating back to the 8th century.

The archive was built in 1612 by Pope Paul V, and it is indeed a huge treasure trove of knowledge, where in addition to papal correspondence and state archives, countless historical documents from different countries are stored.
All of them are stored in conditions of careful maintenance of the desired temperature and humidity, and you can enter these archives only through secret passages located in the official Vatican Library. And of course, all these passages are strictly guarded.

Vatican Archives

Not many people are allowed access to these archives, they can let a qualified recognized scientist or a research historian, who will first be thoroughly checked by the Holy See and the process of this verification can be delayed for years. Amateur historians, journalists, students, or any kind of desk researchers will never be allowed there.

But even if you get into these archives, you still won't be able to view everything you want. The choice of documents is also strictly limited, no more than three per visit and only if more than 75 years have passed since the document was published.

Therefore, it seems unlikely that somewhere in the 1920s, a scientist from a communist country was allowed into these secret archives. Not only was he admitted, but he was allowed to study far more documents than was officially allowed. In fact, Heinrich Ludwig was supposedly free to consider almost everything that was in the archives. And he did it.

Having been very interested in occult knowledge all his life, Ludwig at some point came across medieval manuscripts on alchemy, among which he found records of UFOs and ancient aliens. According to Ludwig, these texts told that the inhabitants of other planets visited the Earth thousands of years ago and managed to influence some human civilizations, such as the Egyptian, Mayan, and Ancient Mesopotamia.

Telling us about the Pillar of Fire, about some catastrophe that destroyed an ancient civilization, Henry Mavrikievich showed us pictures of the fortress walls of Babylon, melted by the monstrous temperature to a height of one and a half meters. He thought it was a nuclear explosion. But where could it have come from, other than the incredible Atlantis?

And where did the Sumerians themselves come from?!

This question, perhaps the most important one, interested him immensely…

The history of these people is like a book in which all the first pages are torn out. The speech of the Sumerians was not similar to the dialect of the surrounding tribes. It is not known when and from where they came to Mesopotamia. But already in the middle of the IV millennium BC. e. with them, there was a sudden and incredible transformation. They suddenly learned how to build cities and enclose them with strong walls, lay irrigation channels and create the world's first complex irrigation systems.

They invented the wheel and, having installed it horizontally, turned it into a potter's the wheel. But one of the most amazing achievements was the invention of writing at the turn of the IV — III millennia BC. At first, Sumerian writing was pictographic, i.e. individual objects were depicted in the form of drawings... The oldest texts are written in such a letter date back to about 3200 BC.

Archaeologists unearthed entire libraries-tens of thousands of clay pages, they learned to read again only in the XIX century. Religion gave birth to the first poetry in Sumer – wonderful works about the exploits of the gods, hymns, and stories about heroes. Scientists have made translations of these ancient texts.

Writing helped to develop complex rituals and turned people's beliefs into a system of teachings. The Sumerian kingdom was replaced by the Assyro-Babylonian kingdom. Then this large state was conquered by the Persians

And each time after the next conquest, the religion in Mesopotamia somehow changed. Long before the arrival of Alexander the Great, Babylon fell completely, burying the ancient beliefs with it. But even then, not everything disappeared from memory! Judaism and later Christianity and Islam borrowed from the Sumerians and Babylonians the legends of the Flood, the Babylonian Pandemonium… Much evidence has been gathered that the origins of these religions lie in the beliefs that originated in the plain between the Tigris and Euphrates…

Ludwig, in particular, believed that the images of angels in Christianity also come from the Etruscan culture. Much later, there was scientific evidence that some Proto-Slavic tribes were indeed associated with the Etruscans. Probably, ideas are in the air. After all, he first expressed his hypothesis to us long before the appearance of these new data…

Speaking about the pyramids, he said that people today do not understand their esoteric meaning. He saw them as a kind of energy "machines" that, under certain ritual manipulations, generate an energy-informational exchange with the cosmic mind…

Pope Vatican

None of this was allowed to be removed from the Vatican archives, but Ludwig allegedly had a camera with him and managed to take pictures of some of the documents, and those that he could not photograph tried to visually memorize, and memorize the texts by heart.

Later, he told all this to his students in Soviet Russia, and it is said that this was the main reason that he was arrested and exiled to the camps. Therefore, even after his rehabilitation in 1954, Heinrich Ludwig preferred to keep quiet about the Vatican archives, and only shortly before his death in 1973, he allegedly told about these things to someone who became the source of this legend.

Even now, the personality of Heinrich Ludwig is almost forgotten in history, there is little written about him and there is no Wikipedia article about him. The largest material about him was published in the above-mentioned newspaper "Top Secret" in 2011. Since then, Ludwig has been mentioned only in some blogs and articles of a near-paranormal orientation.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to question him, but the important information that we have received should include the presence of important documents about aliens in the Vatican, and we should think about getting access to them if this topic is really interesting.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Vatican  secret  mistery  aliens  archives  Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum  ancient aliens  Egyptian pyramids  Sumerians  Mesopotamia  Assyro-Babylonian kingdom

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