Where are the underground alien bases on Earth?

Where are the underground alien bases on Earth?

There is a lot of evidence of underground bases in different parts of the planet, most of which are believed to serve the aliens as experimental or military training grounds. Here is a list of 10 such major supposed underground alien bases on Earth.

Underground alien bases in Europe

Porton Down Base in Wiltshire, England, originally commissioned as an official gas mask technology development facility during World War I, is considered one of the most active underground alien bases in the world. The fact that Wiltshire accounts for the maximum proportion of crop circles confirms the great activity of extraterrestrials in this part of the world.

The alien base at Porton Down in Wiltshire

The alien base at Porton Down in Wiltshire

In the fields of Staffordshire in England, a worker found a large iron plate, which turned out to be an oval-shaped hatch with an iron ring attached to it. The plate served as a closed gate to a tunnel that is believed to have connected to an underground alien base. All this is mentioned in a historical documentary book of the XVIII century called "The History of Staffordshire".

Underground Alien base in Staffordshire Tunnel

Underground Alien base in Staffordshire Tunnel

Underground Alien Bases in Canada

One of the iron mines in Newfoundland was closed due to various strange events that occurred in the mine when it was dug deeper than the rest of the mines in the area. According to eyewitnesses, shadows of creatures of unusual shape and structure were seen in the mine, as well as various mysterious things that led people to believe that it serves as an underground base of aliens on Earth.

Underground alien base at Iron Mines in Newfoundland

Underground alien base at Iron Mines in Newfoundland

The Valley of the Headless or Nahanni Valley in Canada is a mysterious place, as the people entering the valley were mostly found dead with their heads cut off. Many such incidents have instilled in the minds of local residents the fear that this area is invaded by a group of hostile aliens who so brutally dealt with those who invaded their territory.

The mysterious Nahanni Valley in Canada

The mysterious Nahanni Valley in Canada

Underground alien bases in Russia

Zhitkur is a military base in the Volga region, where eyewitnesses sometimes observed UFO flights and hovers, and where, allegedly, there is an airfield and underground storage facilities where the bodies of aliens and their super-fantastic ships captured by the Soviet troops are stored. Nearby, behind rows of barbed wire, through which the current is passed, there are about a dozen large hangars on the surface.

1) there is indeed a military unit in Zhitkur;
2) the purpose of the v / h no one knows;
3) the fate of this v / h is being decided. What the last significant statement meant, again, no one could really say.


Underground alien bases in the USA

According to Hopi legends, the caves near the confluence of the Little Colorado and Colorado Rivers used to be the underground homes of ant-men, who were friendly to the locals. After exploring these caves, artifacts of Central American, Egyptian, and Eastern types were discovered, leading people to believe that this area served as a secret underground base for aliens.

Caves in Colorado

According to local folklore, there are many tunnels under Mount Shasta in California that lead to an underground alien base. The fact that California is the state where the maximum number of UFO sightings is observed makes it easy to believe that unidentified aircraft arrive to meet with aliens located in an underground base under Mount Shasta.

Underground base of mount Shasta

Underground base of mount Shasta

Another entrance to the large underground city can be found near Mount Lassen in Tehama County, California. The inhabitants of Manten, a city at the foot of Mount Lassen, have long known about this underground base and consider it an operational center for alien visitors.

The entrance to the cave of mount Lassen

The entrance to the cave of mount Lassen

The most famous underground alien base is the Dulce base in New Mexico. It is believed that this underground base has several lairs, each of which is the site of horrific genetic experiments on humans and other forms of life on Earth. The Dulce base is believed to be home to 18,000 aliens (we didn't check).

Dulce Base in New Mexico, taken from Google Earth

Dulce Base in New Mexico, taken from Google Earth

What is disguised as a secret Air Force research and test site is actually an underground alien base where captive aliens are held and studied after the Roswell UFO disaster in 1947. We are talking about Zone 51, located in the deserts of Southern Nevada, the most discussed and most advertised alien base under the earth. It is believed to study alien spaceships and alien corpses, as well as reverse engineering on alien spaceships.

Underground Alien Base, Area 51

Underground Alien Base, Area 51

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

alien bases  underground  Earth  Staffordshire  England  Wiltshire  Newfoundland  Canada  Russia  USA  Colorado  California  New Mexico  Dulce  Zone 51

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