A highly developed underwater civilization builds their cities on the bottom of the seas and oceans

A highly developed race of waterfowl humanoids builds their cities on the bottom of the seas and oceans

In the autumn of 1902, the British ship Fort Salisbury collided with an unidentified underwater object (USO), the supernatural appearance of which left an indelible impression in the minds of eyewitnesses of this unexpected meeting.

This event occurred in the Gulf of Guinea near the equatorial part of the west coast of Africa. The crew, led by second mate Arthur Reimer, noticed a dark rectangular silhouette on the starboard side of the vessel, which was initially mistaken for a deep-sea vehicle. The length of the unidentified object reached two hundred meters. At its opposite ends, red lights were burning, which towered above the water surface.

When reducing the distance with the mysterious underwater vessel, its external features began to differ. It seemed that the deep-sea apparatus combined the features of a machine and a biological organism. Thanks to the use of optical instruments, the second mate was able to see the rotation of the screws located at the bottom of the weird object. Its rectangular body writhed like a snake. It was covered with mirror scales reflecting the red light of the surface lights. Soon the lights went out, and he sank into the deep waters of the Gulf of Guinea.

the Gulf of Guinea

At the same time, at a distance of a mile from the ship Fort Salisbury, another unidentified object was moving, the exact shape of which the team could not determine. He was on the left side of the British ship for about two minutes, after which he disappeared from sight.

None of the eyewitnesses of this meeting could understand what exactly he observed off the African coast. After the arrival of the British ship in the port of Lome, this incident was supplemented by several other oddities that had not been noticed before. During the inspection of the ship's hull, dozens of melted traces were found in its lower part, resembling human palms in their shape. Can there be a rational explanation for all of the above?

In the history of navigation, you can find many cases of this kind. They formed the basis of myths about intelligent anthropomorphic creatures living at the bottom of the seas and oceans.

Legends about mermaids and humanoid amphibians (you can read about mermaids and UFOs here) are found in the folklore of many peoples of the globe. In ancient Japan, fantastic tales were composed about a race of waterfowl creatures whose appearance was similar to humans. They spent most of their lives in the water and only occasionally got out on land. Brief legends are silent about the level of intelligence of people from this amphibious race.

mermaids and humanoid amphibians

The ancient Sumerians left behind much more detailed mythological plots telling about a wise and developed underwater civilization, whose representatives once played the role of senior mentors of mankind. The upper part of the torso of these creatures was anthropomorphic, but the lower limbs were replaced by a tail. The Sumerians called these creatures Oans. Thanks to their instructions, the Sumerians learned construction, agriculture, and writing. Subsequently, people and residents of the deep sea stopped communicating forever.

Sumerians, Oan god

Can these legends be based on real events? Perhaps a highly developed race of waterfowl humanoids builds their cities on the bottom of the seas and oceans?

Suppose that the water element is the habitat of intelligent anthropomorphic amphibians. What level of development has their civilization reached? There is an opinion that unidentified flying objects are not spaceships of ET aliens. They are created by the inhabitants of the oceans, whose technologies are several centuries ahead of ours.

Waterfowl humanoids hide from sunlight in oceanic caves and huge underground lakes. Their cities are fueled by the energy contained in the core of our planet. They avoid communication with people and protect the nature of the deep-sea world from uninvited land visitors.

Only a few of them dare to leave the halls of their underwater kingdom and rise to the surface of the ocean. People who have experienced a supernatural encounter with these creatures describe their appearance in different ways. Some eyewitnesses say that waterfowl humanoids resemble mermaids, while others claim that they look like anthropomorphic reptiles with four limbs and webbed fingers. Sometimes representatives of an underwater civilization are described as zoomorphic creatures with green fur, an elongated neck, and a monkey face.

We should also not forget that a huge number of officially confirmed military UFOs were found near the water and under the water. Which means there is someone there after all. And it's stupid to deny it!

No matter how these creatures actually look, their wonderful world will always be closed and incomprehensible to us. The great amphibian civilization will continue its invisible existence away from humanity, staying in harmony with the living nature of the underwater kingdom.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Waterfowl humanoids  underwater civilization  USO  1902  aliens  mermaids  anthropomorphic amphibians  unidentified flying objects  UFOs

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