Kelly Cahill. Aliens abduction

The story of the Australian Kelly Cahill abducted by aliens

On August 8, 1993, Kelly Cahill, a 27-year-old housewife and mother of three children, was driving in the early evening with her husband in a car to attend a party of old friends in the suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria (Australia). At about 19.00 they drove past the quiet foothills of the Dandenong Ridge, the road went through deserted wastelands and there were very few other cars on it.

It was a very ordinary quiet evening, Kelly's husband was driving their car, and Kelly herself was looking out the window, watching the evening horizon. Suddenly Kelly saw a "ring of orange lights" standing on the ground near the road. As they drove past it, Kelly told her husband that it looked like a UFO had landed. Then he laughed and said that it was probably just a helicopter. 

Then they came to friends, spent a few hours there, and then drove back home along the same road. It was already quite dark, so the "orange circle of lights" was now particularly clearly visible, and now he was not standing on the ground, but hovering low in the sky. He was hovering right over the road where Kelly's car was driving.

Kelly Cahill abducted by aliens

It was something rounded with glass and windows, with lighting from below. We drove closer and closer to it, but the object did not make any noise. And then even my husband said that I was right and that it was something strange.

Then I said, "I swear, I saw people in the windows," after which the object swerved sharply to the left and flew away as fast as it could. In a second, he was gone. We continued driving, but after about a kilometer we saw a very bright light ahead.

I asked my husband "What are you going to do?" and he said "I'll try to go further" and that was the last thing I remember. My body was filled with adrenaline. my heart was beating, and then it was like we woke up in the same car. "What happened?", I asked my husband, he said, "I don't know. Maybe we took a wrong turn."

Both Kelly and her husband felt very unusual as if they had missed some time, but they did not understand what had happened. They only noted that for some reason there was a strong smell of vomit in their car, although they did not see any traces of vomiting. They both felt that something had obviously happened to them, something was wrong with them, but they continued to drive along the road as if everything was fine. And then they saw on the side of the road a very tall dark figure, not very similar to a human. 

It was only when they both arrived home that they realized that their journey back from friends took them exactly an hour longer than necessary. And what happened to them at that hour, none of them remembered. And when Kelly went to bed and took off her clothes, she saw a weird triangle-shaped mark under her navel, it was a scar mark. She had never had anything like this before.

she saw a weird triangle-shaped

She felt unwell, she had headaches, nausea, abdominal pain, and severe muscle fatigue. These symptoms did not go away the next day and lasted for a whole week. Kelly's husband didn't have anything like that. A week later, Kelly suddenly began menstruating (much earlier than the usual schedule) and it turned out to be unusually painful. Kelly's whole body ached and she could barely walk from the sharp pain in her stomach. Her husband took her to the hospital, where she was found to have an infection in the uterus.

When Kelly was in the hospital, the memory of that lost time began to come back to her in fits and starts. It was like bright flashes from the subconscious, which gradually formed into a general picture. Kelly recalled that when she and her husband saw a bright light in the car, they stopped, and then saw indistinct moving silhouettes on the road. They were moving towards them in this light. Later, when Kelly recovered and they were driving along the same road again, she was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of absolute fear and from that moment she began to remember almost everything that happened to her in parts.

She remembered that after a bright light, she and her husband saw a huge object that was standing in a field next to the road. The object was 50 meters long or more. They got out of the car to get a better look at this object, after which Kelly saw that there was another car on the road, from which three people got out. This implies that there were more abductees at that moment and that the aliens were taking not only Kelly and her husband. Kelly saw in front of her a tall, thin black figure with glowing red eyes. The creature was approaching her and Kelly became very scared. She started shouting to her husband to save her, and then for some reason shouted "They have no Soul! They have no soul!". Then there were several red-eyed humanoids at once and they all came closer and closer to Kelly and her husband.


Kelly remembers that at some point she turned to those three people on the road and shouted at them, "They're evil! They want to kill you!" She began to have a strong hysteria from fear. The next thing that happened, she seemed to be thrown back and she fell to the ground, it was difficult for her to breathe and she went blind. She saw only darkness.

The red-eyed creatures began to send telepathic messages to her brain that they would not harm her. However, Kelly felt with every fiber of her soul that these creatures were evil. Then her anger at them overcame her fear and she started shouting at them to leave. She threatened them, cursed them. A few weeks later, Kelly began to have frightening and very real dreams about how a black red-eyed alien appears in her bedroom and pulls her legs off the bed.

Her body was paralyzed from the waist down and she felt that she was flying through the air towards the humanoid. And then she woke up every time. The strange thing was that Kelly's husband didn't remember anything, but Kelly was remembering more and more details of her abduction every day. At some point, Kelly decided to contact ufologists and she called Billy Charlker's group from the Sydney UFO Research Center. This group launched a large-scale investigation of the case and in a short time, they managed to find several witnesses who were driving along the same road that evening and saw bright lights and unusual lights. They also managed to find the three people who were in the other car. Mysterious triangular scars were also found on their bodies, but they did not remember anything about what had happened.

Kelly Cahill abducted by aliens

Then the whole story leaked to the press and Kelly Cahill became one of the most popular media personalities in Australia for a while. She was invited to a TV show, on the radio, interviewed. In 1997, she published a book called "Encounter: The True Story". And over all these years, she continued to recall the details of the events of that night in parts. Kelly said that at some point the aliens told her that they were planning an invasion of Earth, and then, after the abduction, she was once chased by a strange black unmarked helicopter.  Although her words seemed absolutely fantastic to many, it was hard not to believe her.

Kelly did not suffer from any mental disorders, she did not have depression, excessive fantasy, and all her neighbors and friends called her an honest and sincere woman. Besides, all these strange triangular scars on her body and the bodies of other people could not be just a coincidence. Something really unusual happened to them that night.

The case of Kelly Cahill became one of the most famous Australian cases of alien abduction, although there were a lot of questions about it. Kelly never remembered exactly what the aliens did to her after the abduction, and her story mostly revolved around the moment when she and her husband saw bright lights and "fuzzy figures."  This leads many skeptics to point out that this whole story is just a figment of her imagination due to some kind of mental trauma or simply alcohol (they were returning from a party that night).

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

aliens  abduction  Kelly Cahill  UFO  1993  Australia

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