UFO and conspiracy analysis - expert assessment

UFO analysis - examination of UFOs photo and video materials. Expert assessment

Here you can see our analysis of UFO cases and photos with aliens. We conduct the investigation using various scientific methods, all of which help us to determine what exactly is before us in the submitted materials.

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Analysis of UFO cases in Mexico

Analysis of UFO Cases in Mexico: Evidence and Implications

Ufology in Mexico has come full circle and returned to its origins. Mexico was the location of the first known photograph of a strange object in the sky over 100 years ago. Following a period of incredible UFO activity in South America, Mexico experienced a relative calm until 1991.

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Analysis of UFO cases in Brazil

Analysis of UFO cases in Brazil

If you want to see aliens, go to Brazil. There are more unusual contacts per capita here than in any other country in the world, and the number of kidnappings is second only to the United States.

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Analysis of UFO cases in Argentina

Analysis of UFO cases in Argentina

In Argentina, as in most Latin American countries, the tabloid press is flourishing, painting UFO activity in bright colors. In terms of the number of observations, Argentina is second only to all South American countries

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Analysis of the UFO Cases in Canada

Canadian UFO Case Analysis

UFO activity in Canada is not so high compared to the colossal number of contacts on the territory of its southern neighbor - the United States, Canada has already developed its own ufo traditions and an impressive number of sightings have been registered.

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Analysis of UFO cases in Australia

Analysis of UFO cases in Australia

UFOs in Australia are often observed and thoroughly investigated. This country plays one of the main roles in the ufo world. Although there is a strong belief among the population in the so-called...

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Analysis of UFO cases in Spain

Analysis of UFO cases in Spain

From a ufo point of view, Spain can be considered quite a typical country, especially by European standards. Here are supporters of the reality of UFOs, skeptics, and cautious researchers who carefully analyze each case and try to find an explanation for it.

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Analysis of a UFO photo. An interesting approach

UFO photo Analysis

A fairly detailed approach in the analysis. Can you tell if there's a UFO in front of us?

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Who discovered pre-Hispanic alien figures in Mexico?

Who discovered pre-Hispanic alien figures in Mexico?

Users of some foreign social networks have begun to distribute photos of alleged alien figures, which, allegedly, were found during the laying of a new railway line that will pass through the territory of the ancient disappeared Maya civilization, in the state of Quintana Roo

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Costa Rica UFO sighting in 2007. Tarbaca UFO case

Costa Rica UFO sighting in 2007. Tarbaca UFO case

This is one of the most incredible UFO footage that was filmed by an eyewitness. There are not so many such videos

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The clearest UFO photo in 40 years. The whole truth about this photo

The clearest UFO photo in 40 years. The whole truth about this photo

Incredible UFO photos in Poland have caused controversy. The finale of the investigation was unexpected

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

She met with aliens with Miriam Delicado

She met with aliens with Miriam DelicadoI don't want to talk to you. Really, I would not like to. I would like to put on a mask and not be here. But I am here because I feel and know with my heart, with my mind, with my whole being that we are on a path that is truly frightening...

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