UFO and conspiracy analysis - expert assessment

UFO analysis - examination of UFOs photo and video materials. Expert assessment

Here you can see our analysis of UFO cases and photos with aliens. We conduct the investigation using various scientific methods, all of which help us to determine what exactly is before us in the submitted materials.

If you are in doubt about any video or photo, you can send it to us. The most interesting cases will be considered in one of the following collections.

UFO tariff

Discover the secrets of UFOs with free photo and video analysis! Upload your material and get an expert evaluation from our specialists. We are sure that our unique research will not leave you indifferent. The only condition is to subscribe to our boosty channel and solve the UFO mystery with us!

UFO sightings 2020 video analysis

UFO sightings 2020 video analysis

The analysis of UFO sightings in this video will not only allow you to determine the authenticity of the video but also leave the video for your own analysis. A very useful video from any position of the researcher. Join the number of those who can not be deceived by fake UFO videos

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5 ufo sightings and our analysis of UFO cases - UFO spotted

Unveiling the Mystery: Exploring Intriguing UFO Cases!

The video contains interesting UFO cases that will help you distinguish foil balloons from UFOs, planes from UFOs, and many other explanations

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UFO sightings on the ISS and several other interesting cases

UFO sightings on the ISS and several other interesting UFO cases

In this video, we will analyze UFOs captured on the ISS, as well as other UFO cases. appeared in the sky. Thanks to such videos, you will be able to independently determine what exactly you are observing, a UFO or some atmospheric phenomenon

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Checking UFO video from Earth orbit to UFO near the helicopter

Checking UFO video from Earth orbit to UFO near the helicopter

In this analysis, we expose UFO videos that have become popular on the internet. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to distinguish truth from lies. That is why good skills are needed in UFO sightings.

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Real UFO videos and fakes - analysis of sensational videos

Discovery of the Invisible: Rare footage of various forms of UFOs

Watch the videos of exciting UFO sightings, including cigar-shaped, ring-shaped and spherical UFOs with amazing maneuvers and unusual behavior. Witness rare footage showing incredible phenomena that defy traditional explanation.

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Inspection of flying saucers in July 2020

Inspection of flying saucers in July 2020

This collection analyzes 4 cases of video evidence of flying saucers around the world. This is an interesting analysis, as saucers have recently been appearing less and less in the vast expanses of our vast planet. If you do not agree with our position, you can challenge it in the comments of the video. Well, we wish you a pleasant viewing. And if you like the material, don't forget to share it.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

The sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) has been confirmed by a military test pilot.

A professional test pilot confirmed the existence of a UFOPilots from the USSR and the United States have long confirmed UFO sightings. Interesting and short interview.

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