UFO and conspiracy analysis - expert assessment

UFO analysis - examination of UFOs photo and video materials. Expert assessment

Here you can see our analysis of UFO cases and photos with aliens. We conduct the investigation using various scientific methods, all of which help us to determine what exactly is before us in the submitted materials.

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Photos of an alien from Yorkshire. Moor Alien Creature. Analysis

The Alien from Yokrshire. Moor Alien Creature

This photo made a lot of noise at the time and was considered an image of a real alien. But is it so? Let's try to figure it out

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Analysis of UFO photos at Niagara Falls in the early 20th century

MUFON case 104308 debunking

This photo was sent to the MUFON website dated 1910-1930. Obviously, they photographed Niagara Falls, but accidentally photographed a flying saucer... or not?

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Analysis of a well-known photo of a real alien

Analysis of a well-known photo of a real alien of Rama

Was it true that a real representative of an extraterrestrial civilization was captured, or is another fake being slipped to us? Let's try to figure it out.

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An alien civilization took over the Earth on July 29, 1203 BC

An alien civilization took over the Earth on July 29, 1203 BC

Two documented reports from Ancient Egypt describe the plot of a fantasy film, with the difference that it is not fiction.

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Moving lights and strange shadows in images of the Moon's surface

Unveiling the Lunar Anomalies: Unusual Phenomena that Baffle Scientists

Light sources sweeping over the Sea of Tranquility, dark spots crawling over the Gigina furrow, a crimson glow over Timorachis, the Mersen crater periodically hiding in clouds, a glow in the Langren bowl, a scattering of flickering sparks at the bottom of Archimedes and a Kant filled with a shaky fog. Things are really strange on the moon.

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About managing the memory of people abducted by aliens

On the management of the memory of people abducted by extraterrestrials

One of the most widespread phenomena of modern ufology is the phenomenon of abduction of people by some aliens, although it would be wrong to identify them unambiguously as extraterrestrial beings. In fact, we do not know where these aliens come from in our world.

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The impact of UFOs on humans is not a myth

I checked the brains of people who claimed to have encountered UFOs, and found common symptoms there

Dr. Gary Nolan, a professor of pathology at Stanford University, who has published more than 300 scientific articles and owns 40 US patents, has spent the last decade analyzing materials about unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), as UFOs are now increasingly called.

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The European Myth of the FOUNDLING and the Connection to the Modern Phenomenon of UFO Abductions of Babies

The European Myth of the FOUNDLING and the Connection with the Modern Phenomenon of Baby UFO Abductions

The woman was lying in bed. Suddenly the lights went out. Suddenly she heard the door open. She jumped up quickly from the bed and turned on the light. Then she saw a dwarf with a big head, who had already taken her newborn baby...

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Luciano Boccone and his invisible UFOs. An intrigue lasting thirty years...

«Critters» of Boccone

In the early 80s of the twentieth century, the Italian Luciano Boccone installed a special measuring technique on top of a three-hundred-meter hill in the Arentsao area. The equipment recorded the intensity of radioactive radiation,

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Halo - light pillars. Not alien rays

Halo - light pillars.

Those who live in cool regions. Mystical pillars of light rushing into the sky excite the minds of millions. We figure it out together

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

The Black Knight satellite. Myth or truth?

The Black Knight satellite the untold story. Myth or truth?Some enthusiasts claim that the Earth has been receiving signals from an alien satellite orbiting our planet for more than a century. And in 1998, the crew of the shuttle Endeavour, while in orbit, even for the first time in history took high-resolution images of this unearthly satellite. This unexplained object is known to us today as the Black Knight.

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