UFO and conspiracy analysis - expert assessment

UFO analysis - examination of UFOs photo and video materials. Expert assessment

Here you can see our analysis of UFO cases and photos with aliens. We conduct the investigation using various scientific methods, all of which help us to determine what exactly is before us in the submitted materials.

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Reliable UFO reports are ignored, Declassified Canadian government documents show

Credible UFO Reports Ignored, Canadian Government Declassified Documents Show

Unlike the United States, reports of unidentified flying objects are practically not accepted in Canada, according to the published documents.

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Doughnut UFO over Switzerland

UFO donut over Switzerland. Experts can't explain? Really?

An unidentified flying object in the shape of a doughnut captured over Switzerland has caused confusion among experts.

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UFOs are against the laws of physics. Time

UFOs against the laws of physics. Time

It will be about the alleged ability of extraterrestrial ships to affect space and time. In ufology, many cases of such exposure have already been registered.

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I was abducted by aliens. Scientists acquitted flying saucer witnesses

I was abducted by aliens. Scientists acquitted flying saucer witnesses

36 percent believe in aliens. At the same time, a quarter believes that they periodically visit the Earth, but hide from people. And although no obvious traces of aliens were found, there is an opinion that at least some of the stories are true. How to search for rational explanations of the supernatural

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Top 7 phenomena that are often mistaken for UFOs.

Top 7 phenomena often confused with UFOs

It doesn't take much to convince people that they have seen a UFO. An unusual cloud or an exceptionally bright planet will do the trick. Here are the top 7 phenomena that lead to space hoaxes.

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UFOs filmed by American services over Puerto Rico airport in 2013

UFOs were filmed by American services over the airport in Puerto Rico in 2013

An unidentified flying object flew directly in front of the runway at Rafael Hernandez Airport in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, causing the delay of several commercial flights. The incident was promptly addressed and measures were taken to ensure the safety of all passengers and crew.

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Debunking Skinny Bob

Unraveling the Mystery: Debunking the Skinny Bob Alien Footage

It's hard to find anyone interested in the grey alien phenomenon who hasn't seen the Skinny Bob video. However, the debate about the veracity of this footage still excites the minds of mankind.

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Puerto Maldonado UFO incident

UFO at the Peruvian customs in Puerto Maldonado, 1952

Another UFO photo that requires careful consideration and our analysis.

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UFO sightings in Argentina in the sixties of the twentieth century

UFO sightings in Argentina - analysis

The picture presented in the article is not widely known on the Internet, but this does not detract from its importance for us as researchers. Besides, he has a backstory.

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Ufologist accidentally discovered a hangar for a Tic Tac UFO

Ufologist accidentally discovered a hangar for a Tic Tac UFO

I see that white UFOs Still sit on the top of the Earth in the Arctic Sea, where no one goes. Do these things land there and recharge? Is this something like a charging station for these aircraft?

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

UFO over the Yakutia in 2021 - Analysis

UFO over Yakutia 2021 - analyticsOn March 12, in the sky over Yakutia, local residents watched as an unidentified space object entered the dense layers of the earth's atmosphere, engulfed in flames.

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