Credible UFO Reports Ignored, Canadian Government Declassified Documents Show

Reliable UFO reports are ignored, Declassified Canadian government documents show

Unlike the United States, reports of unidentified flying objects are practically not accepted in Canada, according to the published documents. 

Just after 12 a.m. on September 20, 2016, a Royal Canadian Air Force (RAAF) squadron in Ontario received a call from Vancouver air traffic controllers about "vital intelligence surveillance." Approximately 20 minutes earlier, the pilot of Air Canada Express, who was flying to the city, reported "3 red lights 3,000 feet above him and a decrease in speed" at an altitude of 25,000 feet over a deserted section of the rugged northern coast of British Columbia.

According to the released documents, RCAF checked the radar data but found nothing near the aircraft. Within an hour, the reports were faxed to the Transport Department of the Canadian Cabinet and to the classified Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Department of the Air Force in Winnipeg. No follow-up action seems to have followed.

I don't dispute that they saw an unusual light, and itmay be of unusual origin, or maybe not - who knows? However, all I know is that I am not impressed with the level of investigation

said aviation specialist and former RCAF fighter pilot John "Jack" Williams:

Thanks to the Canadian Access to Information Act, several files of "daily logs" from the Canadian Air Defense Sector (CADS), responsible for identifying and monitoring air traffic on the approach to North America within the framework of NORAD, a joint Canadian-American defense group, were posted. The entries in the digital journal, which at one time were classified as "secret", carefully describe the daily work of CADS and confirm that, although the Canadian Air Force documents UFO sightings, they usually do little with the reports.

Declassified Canadian government documents show

You have confirmation that they know about these things; at the same time, you have confirmation that nothing is happening.These guys are getting paid, one way or another.

said Williams, who spent thirty-six years in the Canadian forces:

The "CADS" center is the 21st RCAF Aerospace Control and Warning Squadron, which is located at CFB North Bay Army Base in northeastern Ontario. Air traffic controllers of the private company Nav Canada warn the 21st squadron when professional pilots notice UFOs over the state. The base staff even had their own UFO sightings in 2007 and 1952.

In many cases, declassified CADS logs are so edited that it is unrealistic to understand whether they reacted to them and how. For example, on the night of April 15, 2016, CADS was notified about a WestJet flight near Toronto, which "said that a very catchy light passed over them" when "there was no other transport in the area." In the logbook, all the lines that follow what is clearly called the "message about unidentified flying objects" are painted over in white.

From time to time, the logs reveal more detailed information about reports of unidentified flying objects contained in the Canadian Government's online aviation accident database. For example, in a public report dated November 7, 2018, it is reported that a Cargojet flight from Cincinnati to Calgary "observed bright lights" high over Saskatchewan, and such an entry in the CADS magazine describes "bright shining lights" that "maneuvered and moved quickly."

The daily logs also show how quickly the Canadian Air Force can be alerted to pilot sightings. For example, on December 18, 2016, Edmonton air traffic controllers notified CADS within minutes after a Qatar Airways flight to Los Angeles reported a "UFO" in broad daylight over western Alberta.

In one case, the magazines even demonstrate how Air Force funds can be used to investigate unknown phenomena.

On the morning of November 21, 2018, CADS detected an unknown radar target approaching North America from Greenland. Canadian CF-18 fighters were soon launched from CFB Bagotville base in Quebec to find an "unknown trail", but nothing was found. In a published report posted the next day, "false data" was caused by equipment problems at the NORAD radar installation on the North Atlantic coast of Canada.

Williams, who has flown over 13,000 hours on military and civilian aircraft, thinks NORAD's extensive radar coverage makes this explanation "possible, but very questionable."

For one radar station to make an incorrect trace is very unlikely; the radar just doesn't work like that. In fact, you never have only the 1st source of radar data.

he said:

In an appeal to Motherboard, a representative of the Red Army Air Force and Canadian NORAD agreed that the Red Army Air Force planes were launched that day to investigate what was later recognized as a "false alarm."

"This can happen due to a number of circumstances, from climatic conditions to packs of birds, and there is nothing unusual about this," they said. "It is important to keep in mind that unknown traces on the radar are exactly that: unknown."

Later that day, CADS received a report of unidentified flying objects from Edmonton air traffic controllers about "3 red lights in the sky hovering approximately at the height of a mobile communications tower" near High Prairie, Alberta. This time, CADS responded as usual by notifying NORAD's Canadian headquarters in Winnipeg and Transport Canada, the federal Department of Transportation.

"Information about unknown objects can occasionally be taken into account, since, as the name implies, they are unidentified," a representative of the Ministry of Transport of Canada said. "These reports are monitored for risks inherent in aviation security, but they are usually outside the scope of Transport Canada's mandate."

The representative of the Ministry of Defense also said earlier that although the Canadian military "usually does not investigate cases of observation of unknown or unexplainable phenomena outside the context of investigating credible threats, potential threats or potential disaster in the case of search and rescue operations," they shared information from the messages "with our employees from NORAD in the United States."

UFO research efforts, which are funded from the state budget, have existed in the United States almost continuously since 2007. In June, representatives of American intelligence even released an interesting report on recent military observations, including objects that, as it turns out, "sharply maneuvered or moved at considerable speed without visible means of propulsion." In the Senate and the US Department of Defense, clearly competing efforts are also being made to create new UFO research bodies.

Meanwhile, in Canada, reliable reports of unidentified flying objects are practically "brushed aside," says Williams, who also worked for the Canadian Ministry of Transport for thirteen years as a flight safety officer.

I mean, someone is throwing them away. It doesn't bother anyone. I don't see any proven facts that there is any in-depth study of this kind of materials, which means that no one attaches any importance to them

Williams says.:

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

UFO sightings  Canada  NORAD  CADS  UFO  reports

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