UFO and conspiracy analysis - expert assessment

UFO analysis - examination of UFOs photo and video materials. Expert assessment

Here you can see our analysis of UFO cases and photos with aliens. We conduct the investigation using various scientific methods, all of which help us to determine what exactly is before us in the submitted materials.

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UFO tariff

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The Anatomy of the Gray Alien Roswell Hoax and gentleman from Tennessee

Is Roswell's alien a fake? Is the gentleman from Tennessee fake too?

In this article, we will try to figure out where the truth is and where the lie is.

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UFOs in lunar images. Photo from the archive

UFO on the moon

We found an interesting image that caught our attention while digging through the archives of ufologists' photographs.

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UFOs and aliens in the works of historians of the ancient world

UFOs and aliens in the works of historians of the ancient world

There are many historical documents describing the appearance of UFOs during classical antiquity (IV century BC — II century AD). Of course, some of these messages can be explained by natural or cosmic phenomena, but not all. there are confirmed reports describing the appearance of UFOs and it can be concluded that the UFO phenomenon has not changed much in two millennia.

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ELECTROBALLS - Is this the explanation for UFOs and the paranormal?

ELECTROBALLS - Is this the explanation for UFOs and the paranormal?

It is known that the unclassified Project Condign, made by the MoD of UK to study UFOs, reported that they were real and surely they were a strange plasma phenomenon linked to ball lightning. Also said that the soviets and the chinese thought the same too.

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UFO theories

UFOs: theories and hypotheses - review

Numerous theories exist to explain the UFO phenomenon. Although this list is not comprehensive, it highlights the thirty most vigorously debated hypotheses.

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UFOs, alien stalkers and strangeness in Florida

Gulf Breeze UFO case

In the UFO field, there have long been certain personalities around whom UFOs swirl in large numbers. For some reason, these people have managed to draw attention to themselves. At the same time, they leave us without the ability to come up with correct answers.

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UFO movement map in France

Map of UFO movements in France

In 1958, the book Mysterious Celestial Objects was published by Frenchman Aimé Michel, a ufologist who set out to make cartographic projections of alien visits to Earth.

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Analysis of UFO cases in South Africa

Analysis of UFO cases in South Africa

Africa has been in the rearguard of UFO life, only gradually opening up to the curious gaze of scientists over the past 20 years.

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Green ray over Mauna Kea. A UFO sightings?

Green ray over Mauna Kea

In rare cases, photographing a sunset over an open area, you can witness an unusual phenomenon — a green ray that appears in the sky for just a few seconds.

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Analysis of UFO cases in Ireland

Ireland UFO Cases Analysis

This country has been associated with myths and legends about small mythical creatures since ancient times. In some rural areas, these beliefs persist today, and reports of encounters with local folklore characters are known in the 20th century.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article

1 episode of the UFO expedition in Russia. Real UFO videos 2023. A documentary.

1 episode of our expedition to the regions of Russia in search of UFOs. Year of release 2023This is the 1st episode of our UFO hunt. Filmed real footage of flying saucers, blinking UFOs. All frames are unique!

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