UFO and conspiracy analysis - expert assessment

UFO analysis - examination of UFOs photo and video materials. Expert assessment

Here you can see our analysis of UFO cases and photos with aliens. We conduct the investigation using various scientific methods, all of which help us to determine what exactly is before us in the submitted materials.

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UFO tariff

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Skyfish - Mysterious atmospheric worms. Do they exist, or is it the nonsense of conspiracy theorists?

Flying Cylinders (Skyfish): Mysterious atmospheric worms. Do they exist, or is it the nonsense of conspiracy theorists?

Today is a great day to tell you about one of the most unique wildlife phenomena — Skyfish. Skyfish are a new form of life that originated on Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. It consists of 4 equal halves: material, spiritual, mystical, and living. They are 3D cameras of alien angels, fly at a speed of 10,000 kilometers per hour, and are powered by pure energy. Is the author of this article inadequate?

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The ability of UFOs to become invisible

The ability of UFOs to become invisible

One of the unusual properties of UFOs is their ability to disappear, becoming invisible to the human eye, and also suddenly appear. There are a number of cases when clearly visible objects in the eyes of eyewitnesses suddenly disappeared or faded in one place and suddenly appeared in another

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Kecksburg incident - military experiments or UFOs?

Kecksburg UFO incident

Strange events that occurred in the small American town of Kecksburg in the state of Pennsylvania back in 1965, have not yet received any convincing explanation.

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Lubbock Lights - from the history of UFOs

Lubbock Lights - from the history of UFOs

World ufology calls the Lubbock Lights a series of UFO sightings in the states of New Mexico and Texas, reported in September and August 1951.

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McMinnville UFO incident

McMinnville UFO incident

This UFO incident occurred near the Trent couple's farm in McMinnville, Oregon, in 1950. Soon, the photos that they managed to make were published in their articles by LIFE magazine and the entire national press of the United States.

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UFO over the Yakutia in 2021 - Analysis

UFO over Yakutia 2021 - analytics

On March 12, in the sky over Yakutia, local residents watched as an unidentified space object entered the dense layers of the earth's atmosphere, engulfed in flames.

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UFOs and a broken windmill

UFO sightings and a malfunctioning windmill.

In 2009, The Sun, a British tabloid, published a sensational story that garnered global attention.

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Details of alien abductions based on about 100 analyzed cases

Details of alien abductions based on about 100 analyzed cases

The attempt of typology and classification of the parts of kidnapping by aliens

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The Great Panic of 1896-1897. Examination of UFO sightings

The Great Panic of 1896-1897. Examination of UFO sightings

Few people know that sightings of unidentified lights in the sky have been recorded for more than a hundred years. Then, at the end of the nineteenth century, in a certain area for several months, there was a whole series of observations of something completely inexplicable. It all started with the appearance of a mysterious glowing object in November 1896...

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Billy Meier: a Contactee or a Scam?

Billy Meier: a Contactee or a Scam?

In the 1970s and 1980s, ufologists hotly debated the case of a certain Swiss citizen, Billy Meyer, who claimed that he regularly comes into contact with aliens visiting Earth in UFOs. He was prepared to provide hundreds of proofs to prove his claim.

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Random UFO or conspiracy article


ON THE ISSUE OF MATERIAL TRACKS FROM UFOsThis article explores the chemical composition of materials allegedly found at UFO crash sites or landing zones.

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