Flying Cylinders (Skyfish): Mysterious atmospheric worms. Do they exist, or is it the nonsense of conspiracy theorists?

Flying Cylinders (Skyfish): Mysterious atmospheric worms. Do they exist, or is it the nonsense of conspiracy theorists?

Today is a great day to tell you about one of the most unique wildlife phenomena — Skyfish. Skyfish are a new form of life that originated on Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. It consists of 4 equal halves: material, spiritual, mystical, and living. They are 3D cameras of alien angels, fly at a speed of 10,000 kilometers per hour, and are powered by pure energy. Is the author of this article inadequate? Yes, but not with psychoactive substances, but with conspiracy theories that followers have come up with around mysterious flying cylinders...


The fact is that with the invention of cameras, strange creatures began to come across in the lenses. Long, flat creatures hover above us, but only when we can't see them! Most forum users believe that the cameras shoot huge, up to 3 meters in length, insect-like creatures that live in the atmosphere. Some refute this statement by quoting the theses that you read in the first paragraph.

This is how they should look by the standards of many "scientists". Some kind of albino flatworm.

This is how they should look by the standards of many "scientists". Some kind of albino flatworm.

Only a few listened to the voice of reason. "Are you all crazy here? It's just a photo of insects at a long shutter speed or a video with a low frame rate!". So outraged by the stupidity of scientists and went to refute all the mystifying theories.

such a simple solution.

such a simple solution.

In 2005, a group of experimenters from China took a bunch of cameras with different shutter speeds and went to the nearest botanical garden. There it turned out that with a minimum shutter speed, ordinary insects fall into the frame. But if you increase it, then in the photos there are gorgeous multi-winged creatures, but the bugs disappear completely. Is it a coincidence?


In the summer, almost every camera owner can take such a photo. We take the light brighter, but the shutter speed is longer.

So it turns out that the world around is much more interesting and exciting than fantasies and conspiracies. Even the boring laws of physics and optics can transform the resulting image worse than the aliens from Nibiru!

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Skyfish  Mysterious  conspiracy  debunked  examined

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