«Critters» of Boccone

Luciano Boccone and his invisible UFOs. An intrigue lasting thirty years... Creature of Boccone

In the early 80s of the twentieth century, the Italian Luciano Boccone installed a special measuring technique on top of a three-hundred-meter hill in the Arentsao area. The equipment recorded the intensity of radioactive radiation, the intensity of the electromagnetic field, and acoustic noise in different ranges. At the same time, photos and films of empty space or clear sky were taken in the visible and infrared ranges. The results of an unusual experiment struck the imagination of even seasoned skeptics.

The video equipment recorded unusual, including humanoid creatures moving in the surrounding space. Like birds, they landed on the ground and took off, accompanied by planes like dolphins, hungover large industrial enterprises. Dr. J. Constable, a colleague of Boccone, suggested calling such creatures "Critters", "that is, creatures. In his opinion, they have ethereal or plasma structures.

«Critters» of Boccone

The devices of the Italian, in the event of forest fires, noted increased activity of radiation and magnetic anomalies. At the same time, large creatures resembling amoebas appeared above the trees engulfed in fire in the infrared images. Smaller ones, moving at a low altitude above the ground, "approached" the cameras at a distance of several meters, and then rose and flew away.

It is interesting to note that the "critters" were easily detected by dogs. They were barking and the operators on duty at the registration equipment managed to turn it on at the right time. Currently, it is impossible to talk about the nature of such objects and classify them. There is too little accumulated material for scientific analysis. However, the fact that they can be captured in photographs is a fact beyond doubt.

Aliens by Boccone

And yet, in most cases, unusual light formations, appearing from nowhere in the photo, can be explained by quite prosaic reasons. Here is a short quote from the author of the sensational pictures.

These ethereal forms of life, these objects - living beings and related phenomena, "invisible but real”, are recorded on film and do not belong to our three-dimensional material reality, typical for the frequency band of the visible spectrum. These are biophysical manifestations of a life form alien to us; these are undoubtedly quasi-human luminous beings, antediluvian biological beings, light and dark, dense and transparent, plasma forms, energy transformations, melting clouds and mists, invisible amorphous masses that have nothing to do with our physical reality.

These are will-o'-the-wisps, these are energetic phenomena, I repeat: invisible, but physical – they were captured on film according to the readings of instruments when they moved at high, low or the lowest altitude or on the ground itself, at short distances from us, when they glided with incredible speed down a hill or in the sky over a city, when they landed or took off, when they swayed over large fires, turned into glowing plasma creatures, followed airliners like dolphins or hung at low altitude over large industrial complexes, over sea or air ports of cities

Boccone writes::

It would seem that everything is wonderful. Everything is logical. You can forgive Signor Luciano a lot, it is not by the malice that he is mistaken. 

However, it is now worth taking a sober and calm look, finally, at the main thing. On the evidence, that is, on those photographs with which a group of Italian researchers confirms the correctness of their conclusions. And here... here we encounter another oddity. In the text of the book, there is not a word about ... in general, about the main thing: about the examination of photographs, that is, about checking and searching for possible explanations of what is depicted on them. Agree: any honest ufologist who has received irrefutable, in his opinion, images of unknown objects - especially those that confirm his ideas about the phenomenon, is simply obliged to conduct a) an independent examination; b) tell about the results of such in his book. This is the only correct approach.

So, Luciano Boccone doesn't say a word about the expertise. Neither do those who may have seen the publication itself say a word about it. 

However, it is not necessary to look soberly and calmly, finally, at the main thing. On the evidence, that is, on these photographs, with the help of which a group of Italian researchers confirms the correctness of their conclusions. And here... here we encounter another oddity. There is not a word about this in the text of the book... in general, about the main thing: about the examination of photographs, that is, about checking and searching for possible explanations of what is depicted on them. Agree: any honest ufologist who has received irrefutable, in his opinion, images of unknown objects - especially those that confirm his ideas about the phenomenon, is simply obliged to conduct a) an independent examination; b) tell about the results of such in his book. This is the only correct approach.

So, Luciano Boccone didn't say a word about the examination. Also, those who may have seen the publication itself do not say a word about it.

UFO bu Boccone

Let's, dear readers, become the third group openly and calmly discussing at least some of the pictures in which you and I are offered to see that "hidden reality" of UFOs, which many perceive as justification or confirmation of their own hypotheses about their nature. I allowed myself to choose images completely arbitrarily, without being guided by any preferences.

Anyone who knows at least a little about photography will say: "The lens must be wiped, then dust particles and hairs will not get on the surface of the lenses from the outside or inside, creating annoying interference in a beautiful photo." Here, however, the photos are not very beautiful, the workers did not strive for beauty. But, quite right, it is necessary to wipe, and carefully. And the film needs to be washed from solvent and fixer stains.

critters by Boccone

So, small dark spots of irregular shape turn out to be nothing more than the fruits of dust particles falling on the film or lens during exposure.

UFO sightings

There are "gifts" from air bubbles, damaged emulsion ... even from static electricity, the discharges of which occur when rewinding the film in the camera.

clumps of orgone

Light spots of round, oval, or polyhedral shape are also represented as "clumps of orgone" or "ethereal formations".

You will probably agree with me: if at least some of the images presented as "invisible UFOs" in a publication that you considered authoritative turn out to be a fake or the result of an error, it will also be difficult to trust the rest, won't it?

The conclusions from all this are extremely simple: ufology, like the East, Italian)is a delicate matter. Trust, but check, and even not seven, but seventy-seven times measure before cutting. Do not undertake to refer to the authority of a famous researcher at least a hundred times, if you are not familiar with his works – in a good translation (he was , or better – in the original. If you use the term, don't make up fables about it yourself and don't use other people's fables, but find out what and from where. Look for information, not on popular sites, one-on-one copying each other's incomprehensible texts by whom. Otherwise, the "kitters" will come out instead of the critters, the initiators will become followers, and the UFO phenomenon will remain outside normal research.

About author:

Ufologist, PhD, blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon

Serg Toporkov

Ufologist, Ph.D., blogger, I go on my own expeditions for UFOs. I use scientific methods to investigate the UAP phenomenon. Write to me

Related tags:

Luciano Boccone  UFOs  invisible  aliens  critters  creatures

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